

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

Blood Bath

Hordes of Monsters had purged around from corners and from underneath them. Jason creates a different sword this time as they both prepare for the incoming horde. Trey and Jason begin their competition, as Trey's the first to make his move. Several large groups of monsters come to partake the invasion, but Trey decimates most of the monsters with unconcentrated explosions of energy.

"Now It's my turn!" Jason yells as he charges at the monsters, slashing one another and having their blood spilt unto him. "Funny that you think you can do better! Im in the lead!" Trey yells at Jason.

"Less talk, more blood!" Jason yells back at Trey as he continues his hack and slash against the monsters. Puddles of blood are left all over the place as the boys continue their competition for the best, the score being 14 - 10. Khila is left watching from afar as her eyes are traumatized with the site of death. "Hmph! FINE!" Trey shouts as he brings in more destruction upon the invading monsters, sending more explosions of rage.

"Hey! Hey! Can't harm me when in your range idiot!" Jason yells at Trey as he manages to stab two monsters at the same time. he then slices a monster's head off who attempted to pounce him from behind.

"How about you shut the hell up and get out of my way! You told me 'less blood, more talk', you bozo!" - Trey barks at Jason as he continues his desolation against the monsters, including reducing some monsters to nothing by firing his explosion at point blank. The score now ranged from 37 - 42, as more monsters poured into the boys' sight from around different corners rushing to attack. As their animosity to each other rises, they couldn't shut up, more continue to appear to the warzone they have made along with their competition, continuing their score.

"All I hear is you talking while Im doing a lot more dirty work than you! And I wonder why!" Trey roars at Jason as hes getting aggravated by Jason's endless conversation with him

"I can say the same to you, so shut the hell up and before I stuff your ego down your throat!" Jason talks back to Trey as he mocks him.

"Listen here, ASSHOLE! Unless I sow your lips shut, I will rip your lungs out and I WILL USE YOU AS BODY-SHIELD SO THESE MONSTERS CAN TEAR YOU UP THEIR DAMN SELVES!" Trey threatened. "Try me, bastard! I can stab you anytime now!" Jason barks back at him. Trey gets fed up and dashes at Jason, bashing his head against his, as they push their foreheads against each other as they growl loudly.

"Really!? Look around you! I don't see how you're doing any better, so maybe I SHOULD kill you! YOURE BEING DEAD WEIGHT RIGHT NOW!" Trey shouts at Jason as energy pops in minor sparks all around him.

"Cut the act! If you're so strong, then why're you so angry!?" Jason continues to mock Trey

"OOOOH, YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET IT!" Trey roars as the sparking later transforms into an aura of inferno. They scream the top of their lungs against each other before they were interrupted by Khila, as the monsters gather significantly in number and power.

"Not to be rude, but we have MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO! All of this temper tantrum is pointless!" Khila shouts at them, breaking them away.

"HRRRRRRGH! Whatever! I'm gonna end this competition by blowing them all away!" - Trey tells Jason, still enraged at him as he sends a barrage of firey explosions, sending a whole lot of the beasts launched in the air. Jason thought smart and ran up a building, also launching himself into the air. He held onto his weapon tight, building up kinetic energy inside. "WATCH THIS!!" Jason screamed as he swung his sword, letting out a humongous slash of energy, decimating all the monsters in the air and buildings in its way. Trey and Khila were amazed by the amount of power that was just released, Red Shades in the way were also amazed while jumping out of the way. The slash of energy hit the ground and blew up, causing a crater. The explosion was so big even Frisk could see it from afar. "What the hell was that?" Frisk asked herself. Frisk and the other SOUL soldiers had defeated the massive monster and were now heading to different parts of the district to finish off the little ones. Jason, on the other hand, was able to cause a large amount of monsters to be decapitated, diced, and slashed fatally. Jason was catching up to Trey's death count, but because of Trey being so easily mad, his rage blinded him from seeing that as he was just focused on putting his anger onto the rest of the remaining monsters.

*I'm either that repulsive to him, or is he that ill-tempered? Jason asks himself in his head. He started spinning, slashing away the monsters who attempted to surround him, and continued as his sword is heavily stained in blood

"CMON, JUST WHEN WLL YOU STOP SHOWING YOUR FACES, YOU BLOODY BEASTS!" Trey roaring loudly at the monsters as he was getting tired for rapidly bombing the monsters. "DIE ALREADY! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Trey screamed in a rampage. The monsters had begun to clear out as their numbers greatly decreased. "OI TREY! LOOKS LIKE THIS COMPETITION IS ALMOST OVER!" Jason yelled in excitement as he believed he was winning.

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE WINNING!" Trey yelled back. "KHILA WHAT'S THE SCORE?!" He asked. "Hmmm the score is 89 - 83" Khila stated. The boys had came back down and back to her as they stood with Jason's clothes ripped and both him and Trey, drenched in blood. "Whatttttt?!!!!" Jason yelled in shock. "THAT'S RIGHT YOU LOST" Trey laughed.

Frisk had landed on the ground beside the huge crater, and walked towards them. "You guys alright? What happened here? Who's that kid?" Frisk asked.

"Those are a lot of questions Frisk.. Just lemme catch my breath first" Jason stated as he leaned on the side of the wall and fell to the ground.

"You missed a lot Frisk…" Khila stated.

"What the…?" Frisk said again confused.