
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Chapter 35: Sage of Six Path, Obito!

"Sage of Six Path, Hagoromo."

"You seems to know me well, little Uzumaki." said Hagoromo, showing a look of surprise.

"I know a bit about you." said Zokuto with a smile. "Why are you here, 'ancestor'?"

"Ancestor huh. Well, I've been looking over the shinobi for as long as I could remember. Out of all of my descendant, you, little Uzumaki, you are somehow becoming something that out of my expectation." said Hagoromo. "I don't know what is that golden screen is, but it seems to be in favor to you a little to much compared to the other people in this world. Do you perhaps have a connection to it?"

Zokuto was shocked when Hagoromo put a guessing that is almost the truth about Zokuto and the Ranking and Reward System. However, on the outside, he did not show his emotion and surprise. "Who knows. Maybe I was born favored by heaven?" said Zokuto. Well, being favored is literally the truth here.

"I don't know if you are hiding anything, my little descendant. However, I still need to as you, for what reason are you going so far to obtain the power of Sage of Six Path?"

"There are many reason. Achievement, freedom, immortality; those are certainly some reason that I have thought of. Are you satisfied with my answer?"

"Little descendant, although having great power is something is fantastic on its own, this might corrode you to do something that is unfavorable toward your surrounding. You might not know this, but that is what happened to my mother." advised Hagoromo.

"So, that's why you sealed her in the moon? Are you going to seal me too?"

"You know a little too much, little descendant. Well, even if I want to seal you, it is not possible. You probably already know that I am just a soul. I have no power to stop you."

"But you can grant your power to your two son right? Or more specifically to their reincarnation, right?"

This time, Hagoromo did not answer. He looked deeply at Zokuto. "Little descendant, are you a reincarnation of someone from my era?"

"Sorry, you are wrong."

"Then, may I know who are you? Are you an Otsustsuki?"

"You are wrong again." said Zokuto, shaking his head. "It's true that I am a reincarnator. However, I'm not from this world. I came from Earth."

"Earth?" a glimpse of interest flashed in Hagoromo's eyes. " Little one, If I may ask, where is this place called Earth? Also, how did you end up here?"

"Earth is...a planet, I'm not sure where the direction of that place is. I died there, and reincarnated here." said Zokuto, honestly.

"I see. Then, how do you know about many thing related to us, your 'ancestors'? If I can be bold, only those in my era has the knowledge about me, especially my name."

"Well, you might not believe this, but I know this world creator. He is living on Earth." said Zokuto.

"What!?" This time, Hagoromo are really shocked. "You mean you once lived in the world of God? And that world is called Earth?"

"Er...In a way, you could say that." replied Zokuto, feeling weird with the situation.

"So, you are one of the deity over there huh." Hagoromo nodded in understanding. "Then, Deity-san, if you know the past story of our world, do you perhaps know the future?" asked Hagoromo.

"You don't need to call me deity. I'm not a deity."

"Alright, Deity-san."

"Uh...whatever then." sighed Zokuto. 'Forgive me God, but I didn't acknowledge myself as a deity. He is the one calling me so.' prayed Zokuto. "I do know the future event. However, that future has already changed the moment I reincarnated in this world.

Naruto should not have a twin brother. Also, the Akatsuki should not be capturing those bijuus, and awakening the Jyuubi this early. The biggest changes is that there should be no such golden screen in this world." revealed Zokuto.

"Is that true?" asked Hagoromo in surprise.

"Yes. The Jyuubi should be awakened nine years from now, and at that time, the coalition of the shinobi can be said to be ready to face that beast. Right now however, I doubt that the coalition shinobi are ready to face it." stated Zokuto.

"I see. That so unfortunate." said Hagoromo. "Deity-san, you are heading towards the Akatsuki's direction, right?Are you perhaps going to stop the Jyuubi's awakening?"

"I indeed want to go there. But, I'm not sure whether the Jyuubi is not awakened yet." said Zokuto.

"In that case, let me give you a little hand Deity-san. As you have said before, I can grant my ability to my child. However, I also can grant my ability to others if I wish to." explained Hagoromo.

"I don't need that." refused Zokuto. "It's not like I want to brag, but I am capable enough to contend against the ten tailed beast. Besides, you may nees to grant this ability to those two reincarnated son of yours. Who knows, there might be some other enemy in the future. They might need that ability to fight such enemy." explained Zokuto.

"Do you mean that in the future, there are still enemy that as powerful as the Jyuubi?" asked Hagoromo.

"In the original future, there would be an otherworldly enemy." nodded Zokuto.

"I see. In that case, I can only agree to your advise." nodded Hagoromo. "I wish you luck on your fight."

After that, Hagoromo disappeared into thin air.

"That guy just come and go as he wishes." murmured Zokuto. "Oh well. It's time to go meet the Akatsuki."

Zokuto then used two of his fastest technique to travel.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu!" "Fifth Gate: Open!"


In Amegakure, Akatsuki's hideout.

The last substitute bijuu, Kinkaku has been used by the Akatsuki to replace Kyuubi. The moment the bijuu chakra was extracted and fused into the Gedo Mazo, the last eye in the head of the big statue opened.


The Jyuubi who just awakened roared loudly. Withbjust this roar, the ground that hid the Akatsuki's hideout was blasted out, and sent flying outside in the whole surrounding. After that roar, the Jyuubi grow out of the hole of the Akatsuki's hideout. It enlarged it's size into several hundreds of meters.

"What terrifying monster is that?"

"That ugly thing makes my body shiver in fear!"

"Why did such a monster appear here? Is it gonna attack our village?"

"This is bad. That thing is looking toward our village."

The people in the Amegakure is now terrified by the existance of the beast here. They who have never seen such an enormous being felt weak on their knees. Suddenly, the Jyuubi looked towards their direction. It was as if searching for something. It then looked at the nearby Akatsuki members.

Without saying anything, the big guy grew several hand and attacked the Akatsuki members.

"Hei leader, are you sure that this thing can be controlled?" Jin.

"It should be. Let me control it." said Tendo. Tenshi (Konan) beside him frowned and felt some worry for Nagato.

Tendo (Nagato's Deva Path Pain) then activated the jutsu that was inherited from the Rinnegan to control the Jyuubi. However, he stopped midway. After that, he collapsed on the ground. On the surrounding area where the other Pains are located, they also collapsed on the ground.


Inside a small cave near the Amegakure, Nagato's immobile body was hiding in it. However, in this moment, a blade was stabbed through his heart from the back through his chest.

"Tobi! What is..hurk...the meaning of...hurk...this?"

"Your task is already over." said Tobi (Obito). He then slashes his other sword and cut Nagato's head. "Let me continue from here on."

After that, he gouged out Nagato's eyes. After that, placed the left Rinnegan eye into his left empty eye socket. With that done, he then felt the knowledge of the rinnegan got transfered into his mind, including the knowledge of the jutsu to control the ten tailed bijuu.


On the Jyuubi's side. It started to attack randomly. It especially attacked those member of Akatsuki, as it felt that they have very high chakra energy in their body. It want to have their chakra. Thus, the terrible monster tried to capture them.

"Leader!? What happen to him? It's not time to take a nap on the ground." shouted Hidan.

"I think he just collapsed from some kind of attack." said Kisame.

Hearing this, Konan face changed. She then disappeared into a burst of paper.

"Hei Tenshi, where are you going? ...she disappeared." said Kakuzu.

Suddenly, a swirl in the air near the big head of Jyuubi appeared. A spacd opened from the swirl, and Tobi came out of it. Seeing this, the Jyuubi roared and wanted to attack Tobi.

"Be obedient!

With that command, Tobi who is Obito activated the technique to controll the Jyuubi, making the Jyuubi a bit docile. After that, Obito absorbed the ten tailed beast into his body. Seeing this, the Akatsuki members looked at Obito in surprise. This guy always cover his other eyes. However, this time Obito no longer cover his left eye, and showed that he have the Rinnegan eye.

A moment later, the whole gargantuan beast got absorbed into Obito's body.

Sage of Six Path, Obito!

Obito gained a Sage of Six Path form. This form is the same as the one in the original Naruto story. He got two horn, four protruding thorn on his shoulders, a Six Path Chakra cloak, and six Truth Seeking-Ball floating behind him. His power also multiplied many many times of his original power.

He then looked at those Akatsuki members with an indifferent eyes.

"You guys are no longer needed. Let me sacrifice you to the Jyuubi."