
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 34: Sage of Six Path, Hagoromo.

A/N: Hei guys. Another hectic day with many activities. It delayed my second chapter for the day. So, let me apologise for that. Here's the promised second chapter.


After the end of the Chuunin Competition, all the top sixteen was transported back to where they signed in. After that, they come back to their own villages.


In Konoha.

Ah, Izumi. You are back." said some neighbouring aunty. "Congrate for being no three in the New Chuunin Fighter Rank."

"Thank you Kanako-san."

"So, hows the competition?"

"It pretty tiring, but it was some experience that I would not forget for the rest of my life." said Izumi with a bit of longing on her eyes.

"Good for you. So, did you find anyone interesting there? Is there anyone as interesting as Uchiha Itachi?" teased Kanako.

"Kanako-san, stop that." refuted Izumi, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Well...I did found someone..." she murmured.

"Did you say something?"

"Ah, nothing. well, I will be going Kanako-san. See ya!" she then run away toward her house.

"What's wrong with her?" Kanako got confused.

Izumi who is already far away, stopped running and walked toward her house. While she was on her way, she could hear some neighbour chit chatting about some gossip.

"Its been so peaceful lately. I haven't seen the demon brother for quite sometime now."

"Do you mean the Uzumaki twin? I thought they are going train in the Ninja Academy."

"You didn't know? Let me tell you then. Those twin escaped the village. Maybe they are no longer going to come back here in Konoha."

Izumi heard the gossip, and frowned. These villager are still calling the twin Uzumaki as 'demon brother'. To her, this much surely is one of the reason Uzumaki brother left the village. The higher up on Konoha really is corrupt, for letting such gossip to be still talked around in the village. Thinking like thisade Izumi feel really sad. 'Should I also left Konoha?'


On certain hideout in Amegakure.

The scream of hachibi:s jinchuuriki can be heard as his bijuu is getting extracted from his body. For some reason, the Akatsuki is hastening the extracting process of every single bijuu. After some time, Killer Bee stopped screaming. The final piece of hachibi's chakra was finally extracted from his body. His body then dropped to the ground, lifelessly.

"Finally, we are left with one more bijuu to extract." said Jin.

"I'm getting tired of these non-stop bijuu extracting." Hidan.

"We don't have a choice. The shinobi from those village are already sniffing us around. It look like they already know our hide out is here in Amegakure." Tendo Pain.

"Ah, actually I just checked over there in the land of River. Our hideout ocer there have been destroyed by Iwa's and Suna's shinoby." Zetsu.

"This is strange. Someone must have leaked out the location of our hideout." Kakuzu.

"Let's stop discussing this for now. We need to finish the last extraction as soon as possible. Take your rest for half a day. Then, we will begin the final extraction." said Tendo. The Akatsuki nodded and dispersed to restore their lost chakra.


Inside a camp East of Amegakure.

"How's the progress of searching for Akatsuki?" asked Raikage.

"Sir, we have found a lead toward that organisation. We suspect that they have an underground place to hide, fifty miles from here. We are still trying to conform it for now." said an Aburame ninja from Konoha.

"Let's not wait any longer. Let's just go and attack that place." said Raikage.

"Hold on Raikage. We need to confirm that location first." Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen, I don't have time for that. I need to save my brother." said Raikage. He then moved away and commanded the coalition army toward the said location "Let's move."

The coalition army just followed as they already appointed Raikage as their commander in this attack. The shinoby from Konoha looked at Hiruzen to see whether they should follow Raikage or not. Seeing this, Hiruzen sighed and signalled for them to just follow the command. These Konoha nin then followed the moving army.

While the coalition army is moving toward the Akatsuki's hideout, Zokuto and friend just got back to their village, Tonika Village.

"Hei Yagura-san."

"Oh Zokuto. It's good that you are back already. There is something big happening in here in shinoby world."

"I know. My clone has already dispersed, so I got his memory up until the Meeting of the Highest Order." said Zokuto. "Have they organised a search for the Akatsuki's organisation?"

"Yes. The Kages agreed to make a coalition army for the moment. They already send a team toward the land of River, led by the third Tsuchikage, Onoki and assisted by the fourth Kazekage, Rasa. They also send a team toward Amegakure, with Raikage as the Commander, and Fifth Mizukage and Hiruzen as the Second-in Command person."

'They are moving really fast.' thought Zokuto. 'Hey system, I thought we stayed in that space of yours for only a couple of days. How come there is so many even already happened here in the shinobi world?'

[Host. There is a time difference between that place and the shinobi world. One day in that place is equal to three days here on the outside.]

'What!? Why didn't you tell me before?' grumbled Zokuto.

[Host never asked.]

'Sigh. Whatever. Next time tell me beforehand if there is any other case like this.'

[Request affirmed.]

Zokuto then pondered for a bit. He then made his mind.

"Guys, I need to go somewhere else. So, I will be going now. See ya." with that, Zokuto flashed away from the group sight.

"Where is he going to?" asked Naruto.

"Not sure. Yagura-san, do you know where is Zokuto heading to?" asked Neji.

"He might be going to land of River, or to Amegakure." said Yagura.

"Is he going to involve himself in the fight over there?" asked Kimimaro.

"That, I'm not sure."


Not too far from Tonika Village, Zokuto stopped in his track.

"Where should I go first? Land of River or Amegakure?" murmured Zokuto, trying to make his choice.

"I think, you should head to Amegakure." said Yin Kurama.

"Why do you say so?"

"I have this bad feeling that some kind of power originated from ten tails is about to be awakened there." Kurama.

"How do you know that?"

"I'm originally a fragment of that beast. So, I can feel it if that origin is about to be reawakened. I think that the Akatsuki group might already on the verge of success on awakening the Jyuubi."

"Then, that really is a bad news." said Zokuto worriedly. 'System, how is the progress of creating the chakra body of ten tails? Has it completed yet?'

[Host, the creation of ten tails chakra body is already complete. The size: 20% of the original size of a real ten tails bijuu.]

'That is already good enough. Give me the Jyuubi's chakra body.'

A big ball of liquid-like chakra body appeared in front of Zokuto. The moment it comes out, all of Zokuto's bijuu flinched. They felt intimidated by this ball of chakra body.

"Zokuto-kun, what is this thing?" asked Saya, hiding behind Zokuto.

"Guys, remember last time that I borrowed some of your chakra body? This is the fusion of those chakra body." said Zokuto.

"Then, this is..."

"This is Jyuubi. To be exact, this is a chakra body of ten tails. It has no soul. So, I want to put one of your guys soul into it, to turn you into a Jyuubi level bijuu." said Zokuto. "So, who is going to be the first to turn into Jyuubi."

All the bijuus expression turned serious. They want to have that kind of power. However, they are still hesitant to change their body. In the end, two of them made a choice first.

"Zokuto, let me be the first to change into Jyuubi. I already changed body once, and changing for the second time doesn't make any difference to me." said Isobu.

"No. Let me be the one to change this time." said Kurama. "I need this power to contend this little uneasiness from my body, when I feel the awakening Jyuubi over there in Amegakure."

"Kurama, you sure about this?"


Zokuto looked at the other bijuu. All of them just nodded, agreeing to let Kurama be the first to become Jyuubi. Zokuto then activated his Mangekyou ability. He took out Kurama's soul and grant it on the Jyuubi chakra body. The moment Kurama become the soul of the bijuu chakra body, it started to shape itself into Kurama's fox form. A minutes later, the transformation is completed, and Kurama new body is still a fox form, but now with a total of ten tails. After that, his new body slowly gathered chakra from the surrounding in attempt to restore the rest 80% of its missing chakra body.

"So, this is the feeling of becoming a Jyuubi level bijuu." said Kurama. "Now, I don't feel that suppression feeling anymore."

"Oi Kurama, don't just ponder on your new power. Your previous chakra body is still here. You should try to absorb it to increase the progress of restoring the Jyuubi's body to it full potential." told Zokuto, pointing at the lifeless chakra body of Kurama.

Hearing this, Kurama reached out his hand to touch his previous body, and absorbed it. It took him only a couple of minutes to absorbs his whole body.

"Try checking, how much did you restore Jyuubi's chakra body."

"I feel like I gained around 10-20% chakra body from my previous body." said Kurama.

"40% huh. That should be enough." said Zokuto. "Let me use your power then. With that, I should be able to enter the Six Path Sage Mode."

Kurama nodded and entered Zokuto's body. In that instant, Zokuto suddenly got cloaked by the Jyuubi power, and entered the state of Sage of Six Path!

His cloaked body shined with blue light, and a horn grew out at the midde of his forehead. Ten Truth-Seeking Balls also appeared and floated at his back.

"This power is truly over the top. Having the power of the Sage of Six Path, I'm starting to wonder, whether I am dreaming or not." said Zokuto looking at his palm.

"You are not dreaming. You really are holding the power of the Sage of Six Path in your body."

Hearing this, Zokuto turned slowly and saw Hagoromo is floating not too far from him.

"Sage of Six Path, Hagoromo."