
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Chapter 22: End of First Round. Rank of First Round.

- Count-down time: 0D:9H:15M:09S. Total participant: 144 people.

More and more participant were eliminated. This however made the still left participant to feel a little relieved. At least, this is a good thing for them. The lesser the participant, the lesser their competitors.

While everyone is busy collecting Gold Light, Zokuto is busy catching beasts. With his seemingly limitless inventory space, he was able to contain so many catched beasts. Also, whether it was a glitch of the system or not, his clone also can store many catched beasts.

"Let see, we got 6 bijuu level beast of dinosaur type, 15 that half a bijuu level, and 28 of various size animal-like beast." Zokuto counted his gain. He then looked at the sky, and saw that the number of participant has already reduced more than half. "Are there too many weak genins that participated in the competition?"

If the other genin heard him, they will surely said to him - Your are f#@king too powerful to be just a genin!

"Well, let's just continue catching the beast, while searching for the Gold Light."

Ark! Ark!

"Oh, Chiro. You are hungry?" Saya.

Ark! Ark!

"Zokuto-kun, he is hungry. Do you have anything to eat."

"Well, I only got some food pill. Just take it for now. If you want, I will buy him something delicious later, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Zokuto-kun. You are the best." Saya then gave the food pill to the fox cub, Chiro.


While Zokuto was looking around for Gold Light, he saw a fox cub getting attacked by some hounds. Saya who was sleeping comfortably on Zokuto's shoulder was awakened by the cub cry. Looking at the cub, she instinctively felt sympathy for that cub and jumped down from Zokuto's shoulder to chase away those hounds. However, those hound aggressively attacked her. She got mad and turned into her bijuu form and decimated these hounds.

After that she checked the little cub. The condition of the cub however was so critical that it was already dying from those wound caused by the now dead hounds.

"Zokuto-kun, I cannot stand seeing him like this. Can you heal him, please?" Saya pleaded.

"You sure you want to save him?"

"Yes. Can you do it?"

"Then, what will you do when he is healed?"

"We bring him out?"

"I don't know if we can bring him out of here. Also, my inventory cannot store any living being."

"Then what do we do? I don't want to left him here. Some other beast might kill him for real."

"I have an idea. Let's turn him into my bijuu. With that he can stay in my body, and I can bring himbout of here."

"You mean to use your mangekyou ability to steal his soul, and transfer it on a bijuu chakra body?"

"That's right. As for bijuu chakra body, let's take it from your body."

"Ah Zokuto-kun. Don't say 'your body' so vulgarly. You sound like a pervert."

"..." Zokuto is speechless.

After that Zokuto 'stole' the cub soul and 'grant' it on the chakra body he got from Saya. With that, he transformed a fox cub into a bijuu cub. The bijuu chakra body turned and shaped into the fox cub form. The cub then opened it's eye.

Ark! Ark!

The fox cub barked. It approached Saya while wagging it's tail and rubbed it's head to Saya's hand. Seeing that the cub was saved, Saya felt relieved and happy. She then took the cub as her little family, and named him Chiro.

*End of flashback*

"Let's go now Saya, Chiro. The time is almost up." He then moved toward the center of the floating land, with Saya and the bijuu cub, Chiro in tow.


-End of first round of Chuunin Competition. Total participant: 72 people.

After that announcement, every participant that still left got transported back onto the floating platform far above the floating land.

When Zokuto got transported back, he first looked at his right shoulder. When he saw Saya is still hugging little Chiro, he sighed in relief.

"We are back here." said Zokuto A (clone A).

"Yup. The time is up." Zokuto B.

"So, how many did you guys get?" asked Zokuto E. The other clone tensed up.

"Let's the main body be the judge." Zokuto D.

All clones nodded.

"What are you guys talking about? Are not you guys going to disperse? Do you want my help to release you guys?" asked Zokuto.

"No, no. Please hold the idea of releasing us. We made a little bet before, that whoever get the least Gold Light is considered lost and will get punished. So, for the sake of fairness let us have you as the judge for this."

"...ookay. Go on then. Put out your Gold Light collection." Zokuto just go with his clones' request.

The result are:

Zokuto A: 66 GL (Gold Light)

Zokuto B: 67GL

Zokuto C: 70 GL

Zokuto D: 64 GL

Zokuto E: 65 GL

"Ah!" Zokuto D run away as soon as he know the result. "Get him." Said Zokuto A. All the clones except Zokuto C chased after Zokuto D. "Help main body! They want to sepmmm.." Zokuto D did not manage to finish his word as Zokuto A managed to put his hand on his mouth. The other two also jumped and caught Zokuto D. The three of them then brought him away at the corner of the platform to make him undergo the 'S' ritual.

"They really are bad." said Zokuto C.

"They are." said Zokuto, smiling at his clones' antic. On the other hand, all the other participant who saw this felt weird about Zokuto. 'Did he developed several personality after he got so many bijuus?' is the thought that came out of their mind. Their contemplative thought however was gone when they saw another announcement displayed on the golden screen.

- Further elimination is necessary: Anyone who have less then five Gold Light will get eliminated.

"Ah!" "Wha!?" "No!!"

Several cry of surprise and unwillingness was heard after the golden screen made the announcement for further elimination. Those who cried out are those who did not manage to get five Gold Light. There are also the one who thought of staying safe and just hid after getting one Gold Light. This caused them to get included in the elimination. In the end, the golden screen is a golden screen with no emotion or sympathy. It just eliminated those who did not met the quote of five Gold Light.

- Total participant left: 48 people. The rank of participant for the first round will be announced now.

#No 48: Deidara - 6 GL (Gold Light)

#No47: Uchiha Natsu - 7 GL.

"I got last place? This is all because of you?" said Deidara to Natsu who is standing not too far from him.

"Hahaha. Just admit it. You are weaker than me." laughed Natsu.

"What are you happy for? You are only at no. 47."

"Better than being last."

"You! I will remember this."

Deidara want to fight with Natsu, but remember that he might break the rule of the golden screen, and end up getting eliminated. He walked away toward the corner of the platform and sat down there.

The golden screen continued to announce the other participants rank.

#No 40: Himura Kubo - 15 GL

Kubo felt a bit disappointed when he saw his rank. However, he know how hard it was to get that many Gold Light. Just finding and collecting that much has already stretched his effort to the limit.

#No 30: Hakuju Kara - 25 GL

#No 29: Kabuki Mirin - 26 GL

#No 28: Yozora Jun - 27 GL

"Oh. These guys are not bad. They managed to stay in the ranking." said Zokuto. He got happy for them. As his first generation student, he was really hoping for them to get in the ranking list.


#No 10: Kamizuru Kurotsuchi - 50 GL

"Just no. 10?" Kurotsuchi was feeling depressed. She thought that her 50 Gold Light can surely guarantee her position in the top five. Alas, there are still some who have collected more Gold Light.

#No 9: Chojuro - 51 GL

Kurotsuchi looked at Chojuro who coincidentally looked at her too. Chojuro smiled at her shyly. Seeing this, Kurotsuchi felt a bit awkward. 'How did I lost to such a seeminglt weak boy?' thought Kurotsuchi. She then avoided Chojuro's stare, and focussed her attention toward the goldem screen.

#No 8: Uzumaki Naruto - 53 GL

#Tied at No 8: Sabaku Gaara - 53 GL

"Huh? This time I got eight place. Also, I got tied to Gaara? That make him as powerful as me." said Naruto.

"That just mean, Gaara is smarter than you, Naruto." stated Yin Kurama.

"Do you mean I am stupid?"

"Ah, so you know it after all."

"Damn you Kurama. Don't just open your mouth and berate me." refuted Naruto. The two then proceeded to refute and rebuke each other.

#Rank 7: Sabaku Kroku - 56 GL

#Rank 6: Kaguya Kimimaro - 57 GL

"Oh, here is our result." said Kimimaro.

"Oi Kimimaro, how did you suddenly get more Gold Light than me?" asked Kroku in confusion. He thought he got the same amount of Gold Light to Kimimaro.

"Well, just a moment ago, you got transported her first beforee right? That time a Gold Light suddenly dropped from the sky and I catched it. That's why I got extra one." said Kimimaro.

"There is such case?" said Kroku in disbelief.

#No 5: Uchiha Izumi - 58 GL

#No 4: Hyuuga Neji - 59 GL

#No 3: Hyuuga Hinata - 60 GL

#No 2: Yuki Haku - 62 GL

#No 1: Uzumaki Zokuto - 419 GL