
Random Kick-offs

Hell_Fire_ · Teenager
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4 Chs

Acts Of Kindness

It was a gloomy night, it had been raining cats and dogs since evening. The 75 year old grandma next door, as usual, went towards the big tree to feed the litter of pups she had found abandoned. That's when it happened. Kha-chaak. You could hear the creepy cracking sound in the dead quiet evening. She had slipped on a banana peel and broke a bone. I ran out to help her and called the ambulance. She had fainted but to my relief she was breathing. The ambulance came, she had no family in the city and so, I decided to go with her to the hospital. She had a few broken ribs and a hairline fracture on her left foot. Doctors thought I was her grandson and told me she was under meds and would wake by the next day's morning. It was sad to know no one would be here to help this kind old lady and so, I took it upon myself to accompany her during her stay there at the hospital.

-- The Next Day--

Dazed. That's how I found her when I came back from getting breakfast.

Sam: Good Morning grandma! How are you feeling now?

Shocked, the grandma looked towards the door. I don't think she expected to see anyone at her ward's door.

Grandma: Ah! Sam what are you doing here?

Sam: I came here for you! Don't you worry, I'll take care of you!

I could see her expression of disbelief and joy that subtly flashed over her wrinkly face.

Sam: I'll open the curtains for you grandma. Are you okay with sunlight?

Grandma: Ah, thank you good child. That would be wonderful.

Sam: The doctor said you can't eat solid food so I got you porridge. Would you like to eat it now?

Grandma: ah yes yes. Come eat with your grandma okay?

Sam: Mm I will.

I pulled over the bed tray and set up the food.

Sam: Here, it must be hard to move, let me help you.

Grandma: You are such a good child. Don't worry grandma can handle it. Be a good child and finish your food.

After eating.

Sam: Rest up! I will clean up and then call the nurse.

Grandma: Don't you have classes to attend son?

Sam: Don't worry grandma, I will attend them later. Here, do you want me to move your bed's back lower?

Grandma: Yes please. Just a bit lower.

Sam: Do you want me to turn up room temperature?

Grandma: No no, it's nice like this.

I could see how my company was bringing joy to this kind old lady. It brought me joy that I could do something to help her. I rang up the nurse.

Nurse: I see you are awake now. Are you feeling any discomfort?

Grandma: No I am not feeling unwell right now.

Nurse: The painkiller dose would wear off around noon, so you need to take these medicines at that time with a cup of water. If you want to eat, you need to eat 30 minutes after the medication and not before.

Sam: Thankyou Nurse R. I have noted it down. I'll make sure that grandma takes her medicine on time.

Nurse: Hmm. Good. Press the help button if something happens.

Sam: I will. Thank you.

Sam: Grandma, would you like a head massage? Mom says I am quite good at those.

Grandma: Ah no no I am fine.

Sam: Alright. Then shall I play your favourite music?

Grandma: Won't my old generation music bore you?

Sam: What are you thinking grandma? It's nothing like that. In that case I shall play it for you. Do you want the light line blanket or the heavier flower blanket?

Grandma: Oh, the line blanket works.

Sam: Okay. Here you go.

I saw Grandma close her eyes and lean back her head as she relaxed. I took out my laptop and started working on my lecture notes at the small table in the corner of the ward room. Hours passed. A low volume alarm started ringing on my phone. It was time for Grandma to take her meds. Or the pain of the broken bones would come visit to torture her. But alas, she seems so peaceful and relaxed while sleeping. I almost don't want to wake her up. But I would have to.

Sam: Grandma, it's time to wake up! You need to take your medicine.

She slowly woke up. Eyes confused as she began to remember why and where she was.

Grandma: Ah, why are you still here Sam?

Sam: Eh! Where else I would be? I told you I'll take care of you. Be careful, let me adjust your bed's back. Here, take your medicines. The effect of painkillers must be ending.

Grandma: Ah, thank you Sam. Your family must be blessed to have you as their son.

Sam: Haha, thank you grandma. Now talk later and eat your meds first.

She took the glass of water and the meds I gave her obediently.

Grandma: Ugh, it was so bitter.

Sam (muffled laughter): I know. Here, have a sweet. The nurse warned me that the meds might be too bitter so I already got something sweet for you.

Her eyes lit up as a kid's does for sweets. It was cute. We spent the evening talking about her plants, my studies, and our neighbourhood among other random things. Nightfall came and she tried to get me home to sleep. But ah! How could I leave here all alone? I said nothing and walked out the ward. 10 mins later, I opened the ward's door with my blanket and small mattress. She was shocked. With a smirk I said...

Sam: What? Did grandma think I'd leave her here all alone?

She looked at me and I could tell. She was proud of me. She was more proud of me than she was of her own children and grandkids. Those who had left her on her own in her old house.

-- The End--

Andddddddddddddddddddddddd that's a wrap baby! Good Job y'all! Granny, get out of the bed. Sam, you shouldn't have flirted with the nurse actress behind the scenes. Alright, see ya all at the wrap up party of our movie - "Acts of Kindness".

Soo I hope those who read it ended up laughing like me. Have a wonderful day. Stay away from banana peels and don't flirt with nurses. See ya next time.

Maybe. Maybe not.


Signing Out!


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