
Random Kick-offs

Hell_Fire_ · Teen
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4 Chs

Dear Diary

Dear diary,

I have an unreasonable mother. I may have told you a bit before, but here's what happened. I think my mom holds a grudge against me.

You have to know that I don't even remember this happening but my mom never ceases to tell this to anyone.

It all happened when I was 3 and half years old and my kindergarten taught us all how to make sandwiches. Bread, butter and pre-cut cucumbers.

I think the baby me already knew the future and decided to tell dad when he came home…

Toddler Fire: Papa, papa! Today baby fire learned how to make sandwiches! Now we can leave mom and go live on our own!

Dad: Ahahahaha! (Bursts out laughing and says) Look behind you.


There was my mom, gobsmacked. She couldn't decide to cry or laugh. I mean, I looked pretty cute when I was young, you know? Well, I'm still cute.

Every time my mom mentions this childhood tale of mine.. I really don't know what to say. I mean, dear diary, you know I love my dad wayyyyy more. Well, not just you but everyone who knows me knows it.

So, I think although my mom laughs it off, I still feel she kinda holds a grudge, you know?

Otherwise why would she eat all my chocolates growing up?!

My poor chocolates!!

You know it was to the point that all relatives who came home to visit were like:

Relatives: Ah! So nice to see you Baby Fire's mom! Here, baby fire, look we got you a chocolate!

Baby Fire (super cute child): Thankyou, Uncle and Aunt!!

And then, baby fire obediently passed over her chocolates to her mom..

Mom: Ah, there was no need to bring chocolates! Take a seat, I will brings snacks.

Baby Fire's mommy goes to kitchen…

Relatives (whispering): shh! Come here cute baby Fire!

Baby Fire (obedient): Yes Aunty?

Relatives: Here, here's a chocolate for you! I know your mom likes to sneakily eat your chocolates! I got one just for you! Keep it a secret!

See? Aish my cuteness had them all charmed. Butttttt, you see along with me being cute, I was also very obedient and well, innocent. Goody shoes me couldn't keep it from mommy. I told her after they left.


My chocolates… I'm telling you dear diary, I know that my mom still held what I said as a toddler in mind. So petty.

About a few months ago, Baby Fire became an adult, aka the super cool and awesome Hell Fire!

And so, I moved into university dorms.

I will not admit I intentionally accepted a university 4 hours away from home and not the 1 hour away one.

What? A Fire gotta explore dorm life! Staying up all night… eating what you want, when you want… no house chores…

Ahem. I do miss my dad though.

Dear diary, do you know how my mom was so unreasonable?

Hell Fire (me): Hello mum! How you doing?

Mom: Hmm. I'm okay, what did you need?

Helly: …

Flips a table. T_T

Me: I just.. called you coz I missed you? (Um, me myself am kinda doubtful. Tbh I was just bored.. Ahem.)

Mom: That's all you called me for? Okay bye bye then.

And she cuts the call.

She's holding a grudge isn't she?! *Flips table*

I don't call her for 2-3 days. And she doesn't call me either. Don't you miss your kid mom?! Alright, I'll call you then, coz I see you don't miss me at all.

Calling mum…

Mom: What do you want?

Helly: I was just calling…

Mom: Heh, how many days has it been since last call? 3-4 days? Why did you even call now?

Helly: …

Helly: Eh?! If I call you and have nothing to tell you, you say, that's all you called for? If I don't call you, you get angry I didn't call?! What is this Fire to do?!

Mom: Is that how it is now? Don't call me back. *Cuts call*

Helly: …

Flipping tables. Soooo unreasonable!!! Dear Diary, please tell me what to do? Do you have a time machine? I want to go tell baby me to not say anything to dad about leaving mom and moving away just the two of us. I mean, that never happened anyway, so maybe if I stop cute baby me to say it, maybe mom would not have this grudge?? Maybe… maybe she'll be less unreasonable?


Dear Diary, please let me know if any of your diary friends knows someone who told them bout a time machine that may secretly exist somewhere. I'm in a dire need of it.

It's really late, I don't want to miss lunch time.

Signing out,


Aish, this lord is on the way home and I already dread all the work mom is gonna make me do.


See you later if I’m alive.


Hell_Fire_creators' thoughts