

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

Sarale and Karma

The next morning before sunrise, the intruder wakes to the sound of a blade grinding against a whetstone. He looks around with foggy eyes and can make out the two hulking figures in the room. Aktlass on the bed and Vajor on the ground at the foot of the bed sharpening a hand ax.


"marnin' sunshine, we 'ave a few questions fer ya."

Aktlass turns around and looks over his shoulder with a lazy glare. The assassin shivers as he looks at the men, his scales raise on end and he looks around the room for any way to retreat.


"Aye, 'at'll be o' no use to ya. I recommend ya answer my friends' questions. If not.."

Vajor looks down and swipes the whetstone down the ax's glimmering edge, then looks up once more.


"well ya get tha picture doncha?"

the assassin looks at them in fear, shivering as if he was stuck in a block of ice. shuttering hisses escaping his chattering jaw. Vajor looks back at Aktlass.


"e's all yers Aktlass."


Sarale yawns and flexes her shoulders. She looks as if she hasn't slept a wink as she dons her armor and looks over at Karma.


"Wake up already. Or do you wanna miss breakfast?"

Karma snorts and growls as their face twists into a grimace before they flutter their eyes open to look at Sarale sitting over them completely haggard. They sit up, bound in a blanket looking like a horned caterpillar and yawns like a cat as they sway on the bed.



[translation](good morning)


"Good morning. Get dressed okay? We should go find the guys and grab some food."

She starts unfurling Karma from the covers.


"We really need to do something about your sleepwalking."




"You sleepwalk… (Stares at Karma) are you telling me you didn't know?"

Karma looks at Sarale for a moment as they get freed.


"Uh~... (*Snaps fingers*) oh yeah. I do do that. Aktlass had to stop me a few times from nearly slapping you with my dick. It's like a drunken habit that never ended with the drinking, you know?"

SARALE:*taken aback*

"... from slapping me with what?"


"... you should thank Aktlass when we see him. I'm guessing he told you to tie me up that way, right?"


"yeah… and I still didn't get any sleep. Can we go back to what you said before? Did you say you almost slapped me with your dick?"


"... I'm sorry... I got the habit from my time on a pirate ship. being stuck in tightly packed closed quarters I ended up having a lot of urges that forced me to move around if I wasn't stuck in something."

SARALE:(deep breath in & out)"you know what, I need to have a talk with Aktlass. I'm not mad at you Karma. I'm disappointed in him. He's had many opportunities to tell me and he hasn't. Why? I need to know why."

The more SARALE talks, the more angry she becomes as she stands and moves towards the door. Karma rushes out the bed and grabs Sarale's hand and looks at her with a sad and nervously expression.


"wait! wait! Sara! Please don't be mad at him! He promised me he wouldn't tell you cuz I felt so ashamed of it! I'm sorry! It's my fault! I swear!!"

Sarale stares at Karma. Her anger deflated and she blinked back tears.


"why? Why would you want to keep that from me? Don't you think I deserved to know? I wouldn't have been mad. I probably would have laughed. You can't control what you do in your sleep. Why would you want to keep that from me? Just why? Don't you trust me?"


"I do! Of course I do! it's just... n-not really something I'm too fond of sharing, y'know? (tail sweeping) It's just not something I like sharing after all, and there's a lot of other things I don't want to share that corresponds to my sleepwalking... a lot of things I don't really like, despite me laughing it off... I've even caught myself multiple times with Aktlass for those terrible habits, yet he still forgives me for them... but I can't forgive myself for them... So he's been helping me restrain them. Because I don't want to put you through it too. You're my big sister after all. I'd feel terrible about it."

Sarale touches Karma's cheek gently.


"I trust you, Karma. I know you would never hurt me on purpose and I hope you know I would… (breathes back tears) would never hurt you. I know I can be a bit much sometimes, but I truly do love you. You're my best friend, my soul sibling. You don't have to hide from me. (hug) I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry. I know I need to work on that more. I'm really not mad at you, I swear it on Mielikki, I'm not mad. I just wish someone would have told me, but I understand why you didn't."

Karma sniffles in Sarale's grasp and hugs her back shivering as they hold back their tears in fear and relief. Sarale pulls away and smiles at Karma sadly, wiping the tears from Karma's eyes.


"I would wade through the River Styx to find you. You're mine. Always and forever."

Karma smiles back reassuredly and thinks for a long moment.


"... um~. while I'm on the subject of honesty I should tell you something..." (inhale) "you told me one drunken night you can see spirits! like I know you don't really say these things cuz you don't really have a nice past... not like any of us do to be fair."


"I know."


"... oh… You do?"


"Yeah, (pause) since we're being honest with each other I have something I need to share as well. It may be a little upsetting, but please try to understand. Can you promise me that?"


"... well yeah... hell, I can even promise to keep it a secret for you. I'm really good at that if nothing else."

SARALE:(Deep breath)

"The reason I don't like being touched is, well, it's because when someone touches my skin or when I touch someone else's skin I see things, I feel things. Their emotions and their past. I've seen everything. I've felt everything. I know what you've been through, I know what Aktlass has been through, and even Lendral. It's why I could never be angry with you, Karma. You've been through so much and you didn't deserve any of it. You're amazing and strong and I admire you so much. You're so brave, never forget that. I'll always have your back."

Sarale holds Karma tight and presses a gentle kiss to their cheek.


"no matter what happens I'm with you."

Karma finally calms down and sighs as they pull back and clear away their tears.


"... you say you can feel our past and emotions, what was Vajor's like when he touched you the other morning? That was like the second time he touched you, right? Since we first met him at his smithy."


"That's the thing. I didn't feel anything."


"... wait really? why?? How????"


"I don't know how or why. I just know that it was quiet and calm and I thought something was wrong with me the first time, but in the clearing.. I realized it's just him. Something about him just blocks that part of me. It was terrifying and liberating. I'd always wondered what it was like to feel normal, to be normal." (chuckles) "Vajor's life before we met him is a complete mystery to me."


"WHA?! No~ no no no no. That's not possible, could it? No. Right?"


"sister, honey. believe me. If there's one thing I got from my homeland, it's that fate has its way of finding that one special 'something' or 'someone' to be our safe haven away from our struggles. that peace we all wish for... I think I found mine in Aktlass. I'm not sure. I don't even think he cares really. but I still find comfort in him regardless. no questions, no doubts... not even those night terrors I get from the past can get through the walls he built for me when he hold me to sleep. Vajor may be that thing for you."

Sarale just stares at Karma slack jawed, a mixture of emotions flashing across her face.


"I.. I just don't think I deserve that."I mean. Why? Why would he even want a rejected drow? Not even my own father wanted me. Why would someone like him want someone like me?"


"... woman you're drop dead gorgeous! the fuck are you talking about?! he's even been saying so himself the ENTIRE TRIP!!"


"He has? I mean I know he's been flirty, but I thought it was just his personality. He's friendly, it's his job to make people feel comfortable. You know?"


"... bitch, I aughta slap yo' ass."


"Like I did to Aktlass? Also I'd like to see you try. I'm faster than I look, don't let the heavy armor fool you."


"it's an expression, but seriously. literally every fucking body knows you like the big fuzzball. he even knows. even gave me that look asking should I go for it when we first met. And he's 'friendly?'"


"I-I-I I just… just why? Nobody has ever.. why? And yes I'll admit it I do like him. He's *sigh* He's beautiful, and smart, and funny and nice. Why me? When he could have anyone else. Why me?"


"So are you!! are freaking kidding me right now!?"


"yeah no. I'm moody and cursed."

Karma suddenly sent their palm into Sarale's head with an echoing pop, hitting her right on her temple.




"I warned yo ass."

Karma goes for a slap again. Sarale knocks their hand away easily and stares at Karma laughing in disbelief.


"stop trying to hit me. I don't understand why you did it in the first place."


"stop contradicting me, cuz you are beautiful. There's a difference between being flirty and being business savvy. And I know for a fact you understand that better than me. stop doubting it. accept the love and attention. you accepted my after one drink together. stop being a pessimist to yourself. that hurtful to him and you both."


"I… I just don't understand is all. I'm not trying to be hurtful towards anybody, least of all him. It's just, he could have anybody he wanted… why would he want me?"


"And what's so wrong with wanting you? if that were the case, you and I would have never become soul-siblings... give him a chance. Get to know him a bit. It's so adorable how you're able to show so much more emotion around him. and he has been nothing but accepting of you for it. Will you? Please?"

Sarale chews her lip as she considers Karma's words.


"I'll think about it. I can't promise, but I'll try to do better. I'm just not used to being accepted. You've seen and heard how people react to me and they don't even know me. Can I tell you something? Without you freaking out?"

Karma leans to one side and folds their arms over their chest.


"... fine. what's up?"

SARALE: (deep sigh)

"The first time my father tried to kill me I was five. He told me I'm cursed. I.. I have a.. fucking hell this is harder than I thought it would be."

Sarale scrubs the back of her neck.


"I'm just gonna come out and say it. I was meant to be the vessel of a goddess. The ceremony failed and the demon became trapped in a way. And I became its vessel. So~ yeah. I'm kinda a monster. He tried to kill me several more times after that, but my mother always found a way to stop him. The demon was never able to be removed. The cult he led or leads.. I don't even know if he's still alive, but they wanted the demon to take over. I was supposed to die and it was supposed to inhabit my body. Ever since I left the underdark I've spent the majority of my life trying to keep that part of my life a secret. Trying to keep the monster at bay. Training helps, helping others makes me feel better, staying busy helps too. I just kinda try to keep my mind off it ya know? Very few people know about this. Sardan and the high priestess know, but nobody other than my father and his cultist. They made me like this."


"But you didn't make yourself this way. And that's why you shouldn't down yourself. Because they are not you."


"No, but I can't change what I am. I've tried. That's why I don't see being with Vajor as an option. He deserves better than.. well me."


"... no one ever told you that you didn't deserve to be loved, hun." (takes Sarale's arms holding her sleeves.) "And if that demon you have in you tries to manifest... you can bet we will be there for you to prove you deserve to be loved and cherished. just like you love and cherish us. dark past or not." (pats her shoulders and opens the door.) "Come on. let's go get-..."

Vajor's eyes widen as the door opens, the flush across his nose apparent as he looks from Karma to stare at Sarale.


"uhh~ hi."

His eyes grow more misty the longer he watches her. SArale goes pale.


"Hi. Did.. did you sleep well?"


"I-I mean.. well enough considering what happened."


"well that's good… I mean.. What happened? Did Lendral do something? I knew he should have roomed with me."


"NO! No.. 'e was actually… surprisingly 'elpful." (Shrugs) "an' 'at's prolly somethin' Aktlass should explain."

Karma steps in front of Sarale and folds their arms, completely ignoring their conversation.

KARMA:(to Vajor)

"You heard everything, didn't you?"

He grows quiet and looks down, shifting his weight from foot to foot before nodding.


"yeah… I 'eard enough."


"good to know. Let's go get food and then you two can talk about life together. how's that sound?"

Karma walks past Vajor and heads downstairs.




"they're right ya know. It ain't yer fault, dove. Nobody in there right mind could blame you. An' if ya'll let me, I'd like ta take ya out sumtime. Even if is jus' ta go fer a walk alone."


"... o-okay."


"yer serious?"

SARALE:(smiles bashfully)

"y-yeah. I'd like that."


"Why are we shouting for Karma and what did they do this time?"(yawn)

Aktlass says with a gentle yawn as he makes his way down the hall with Lendral.

Vajor and Sarale both look in his direction in surprise.

Sarale tries to school her expression and scratches her head.


"Oh nothing, just Karma being Karma."

Vajor nods in agreement.

Lendral studies Sarale's expression and tilts his head.

LENDRAL: "something happened. You alright?"

Sarale's voice rises slightly in pitch.


"no.. nothing happened. Why would you say that?"

Lendral narrows his eyes suspiciously and starts walking again.


"if you say so."

Sarale sighs, her shoulders drooping and goes to step out of the room past Vajor, who steps back to give her space.

VAJOR:(bashful smirk)

"so, dove, ya think I'm beau'iful?".


"I-I-I mm~."


"Well I think ya are too, so we're even. Come on, we oughta' meet the others downstairs."

She nods, her head hanging in embarrassment as she follows him down the stairs.