

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Bar Fight

Down on the main floor, the party starts to hear stomping. They see two tieflings dancing in an encirclement of people who were cheering them on, when Karma takes the creative liberty to pull out their special longhorn and start to play it as they dance. The crowd starts calling Karma's name as they play their longhorn and dancing around the other tiefling showing off using their footwork. As they play, Aktlass suddenly pulls out his pan flute and matches Karma's tune. Vajor Joins the crowd stomping away, and Sarale asks one of the musicians nearby for their yarting and starts playing as well.

The bard tiefling was soon getting overwhelmed as the party plays along to Karma's whim until the final climax, where Lendral wanders off to the bar and starts kicking and pounding the counter to the rhythm despite his bound hands making the room quiet for a hot second before Karma joins him with Aktlass and Sarale following after. Once the number was over, the entire floor was shouting for an encore. Karma wins with flying colors thanks to their party.

The Bard wasn't happy about losing to someone they were trying to court.


"I can't believe I lost to a foreign gladiator of all types of people."


"I am an entertainer as well as a fighter, my fair lady. I just happen to have musical friends with me."

The crowd starts laughing and cheering for more. Unbeknownst to everyone around, Aktlass felt a bit of joy from the cheering since he was a part of it. Sarale smiles, handing the musician his instrument back before approaching Aktlass and Vajor.


"I'm going to get us some horses. I'll be back shortly."


"I'll save you a seat and order you some food."


"sounds good."

Once she leaves, Vajor takes a seat and waves a barmaid over to order. Lendral sits at the bar and orders his own meal. Aktlass goes to Karma who was chatting up a storm with the Tiefling, who didn't seem to like how the conversation was going with Karma's constant rejection. Vajor approaches from behind Aktlass and crosses his arms. Aktlass ignores the other Tiefling and gives Karma a nuzzle-hug.


"Your scales tickle, big guy."


"you should have said you were taken. Now you just look like a begging lass."


"Nobody said I wasn't or was. whether I am or not is nunya business anyway, since you never introduced yourself before asking for a good time."


"from tha looks o' it ya were tha one begging. Me friend 'ere simply turned ya down."

Lendral snickers as he takes a swig of his mead.


"nobody- uh..."

The Tiefling finally sees Vajor towering over everyone while Aktlass was simply uninterested.


"ah... your- gonna sink your boys on me now? that doesn't seem too fair now does it?"


"I didn't do anything. I just thought we were having some fun."


"make you boys back off then. there's no need to be so guarded, baby girl."


"I'm not even a girl, hun. I don't know why you're pulling all these assumptions out your ass, but I'm seriously not interested and I don't know you. I don't really care even if you're famous... or infamous."

Karma starts scratching at Aktlass' chin and he rumbles in his throat as his scales rise. his eyes shut to hide them as they roll.

Vajor's chuckles and cracks his neck, while rolling his shoulders.


"maybe ya should be tha one ta back off. Ma friend 'ere doesn't want ya company."


"I mean, I'm all for the company and everything, but I'm not into extra hungry egg doners that don't know what language their speaking."

The Bard grabs Karma by the back of the neck. They suddenly feel something dig into their hand; they quickly pull away as Aktlass wraps his claws around Karma's shoulder and pulls them closer to him. The Tiefling quickly steps back once Aktlass finally looks them in the eyes and flicks his tongue with a soft hiss. Karma smirks at them cockily.


"What's wrong? You look like you're about to get eaten alive, man."



The bard whips at Karma as soon as they feel guarded. Karma gets yanked out of the way by Aktlass letting him take the hit instead, leaving a red sting on his arm. Vajor balls his fist and swings twisting with the blow to put his weight behind it. He was expecting to connect with the bard and instead finds a red skinned hobgoblin in his way. His fist struck it across its jaw and caused its head to whip sideways from the blow. It spits out several teeth and glares up at Vajor, who just smirks, his ears rising up, and his tail swishing behind him.

The hobgoblin spins its quarter staff swiping at Vajor's legs trying to swipe them out from under him. It fails and Vajor who just looks down at the blow and looks back up.


"really ya think 'at's gonna do somethin'?"

The hobgoblin snorts and brings his quarterstaff around again to strike Vajor across the face. Vajor catches the staff and wretches it away from him with one powerful tug causing the hobgoblin to stumble and catch itself before hitting the ground. the Bard starts shouting at the hobgoblin as if they were a puppet.


"Ah dammit! how could you let them take your staff you useless fool!!"

The bard casts Gust of Wind and a heavy air breaks through the front door and makes a mess out of the room. chairs were flying, some of the patrons were sent to the walls while others hid behind pillars, tables, and counters. Lendral, who was holding on to the bar counter, moves his drink out the way and takes a sip of it as a gnome gets sent over the bar, then sets the mug back down as he watches the fight with the others.

Aktlass and Vajor hold their ground as if it were only a heavy breeze while Karma does their best to hold onto Aktlass so they don't fly off. Karma mutters Witch Bolt and points their finger out from Aktlass's side to send a current of lightning across the room and strikes the Bards arm, forcing them to drop their whip and screams in agony. they couldn't feel their arm anymore as it was now completely charred and bleeding.

Aktlass takes the chance to rush past the hobgoblin, swipes his claws at their shoulder and knocks them into a nearby pillar as he makes his way to the Bard and tackles them with a heavy bite into their damaged shoulder. The bard cries out in pain as they both fall to the ground, Aktlass locking his Jaw on their shoulder, securing them to the ground as they struggle to push him off.

The tabaxi hunter rushes at Vajor, slashing at him with her claws and slicing through his suit. Red scratches forming on Vajor's chest as blood starts to flow, staining his shirt. She swings again and Vajor blocks the cat grabbing at his hand as he darts out of the way and sinks low to the ground with a hiss. Vajor's frowns looking down at his chest and torn clothes.


"ah, come on now. 'At was a good suit too."

He looks up from his chest and sighs as he spins the quarterstaff.


"Guess I gotta retrain this pussy-cat!"

He charges at the tabaxi and slams the wooden rod across her shoulder with one hand, shattering the quarterstaff as wood splinters and flies across the room. She reels back, dazed, as Vajor swings with his fist connecting with the cat's jaw, knocking it on the ground. He goes to stomp on the tabaxi's stomach when a devastating bolt slams into his side, knocking him off balance and sending him tumbling onto his ass.


"oomph, oi! Tha Fuck!"

The crowd cheers and some shout at Vajor.







The bartender shouts over the crowd as he hands Lendral a few coins that get added to a stack that was next to Lendral's elbow. Vajor chuckles and looks around, rising to his feet and dusting himself off. The hobgoblins gaze turning to Aktlass as it prepares to shoot another bolt. The bolt rang true and hit its target with a resounding whoosh.

Aktlass's jaw sinks deeper into the bard's shoulder, making the bones crunch as he hisses harshly in his throat. the bard screams a gagged sound before passing out and losing all control of their body. The tabaxi suddenly starts to blink and shakes their head as if they just woke up with a bad hangover and the hobgoblin stumbles forward and holds their head then cringes at the pain in their arm, looking at it to see the blood.

The hobgoblin looks around for a moment confused and nervous, when Karma rushes to his side first and starts healing him with 'Healing Hand'.


"Guys!! guys! hold your reins! I think we're done!"

Vajor looks at Karma then at the tabaxi.


"looks like it."

He offers the tabaxi a hand to help her stand and she takes it with a shudder.




"Don' mention it lassie."

Sarale walks into the bar and looks around wide eyed, taking in the scene. Lendral sits at the bar drinking from a mug with a stack of coins next to him. Vajor helps steady the tabaxi. Karma is currently healing a hobgoblin who's bleeding from claw-like slashes across his arm and draining from his slit lips. Aktlass still on the ground his sharp fangs sank deeply into a tieflings charred shoulder


"I leave you guys alone for ten minutes and you guys start a bar fight, really?" She punches the bridge of her nose, "at least tell me you won."

The barkeep, a dwarf with a big burly beard laughs.




"Oi! Watch it!"

Sarale turns bright red and walks up to Vajor and the Tabaxi as Vajor glares through his glasses at the barkeep. Sarale huffs as she brings her hands up to the tabaxi's face.


"You okay?"


"I feel like I got hit by a freight train, so no."

Vajor scratches his head and grins sheepishly.


"sorry 'bout 'at, lassie. Sometimes I forget me own strength."

Sarale just chuckles and raises her hands to the tabaxi's head, she flinches in response.


"It's okay. I'm just going to heal you."

The tabaxi nods and closes her eyes as a radiant golden light surrounds Sarale's hands before dimming.




"Yeah, thanks. Name's Sapphire Song by the way."

Sarale smiles as she raises her hands up to Vajor's chest. The same radiant light from before emitting from them.


"Sarale Filyn. So what exactly happened?"

Karma waltzes to Sarale with the hobgoblin scratches his head from the headache following them to meet with Sapphire and take her hand.


"So, about that… You know that dance off that happened?"




"Well, the bard was trying to make a pass at me for a good while when I noticed they were trying to use magic on me. I tried to turn her down gently but she just insisted that we hang out so we made a bet to see who can get the best reaction out of the crowd as entertainers of our own courses. So we had a dance off and of course, thanks to you guys I won with flying colors. Thanks for that by the way."


"Don't mention it, but that doesn't explain why the bar looks like a stampede went through it… (looks at Aktlass) Or why it looks like Aktlass is trying to do his best anaconda impression."

Aktlass finally rips his fangs from the bard's shoulders and starts spitting the blood out.


"putoo! Bleh... bitch blood."


"yeah, I'm getting to it. so the bard got upset as soon as you left and attacked me and then these two showed up, sorry to you two by the way."


"it was unavoidable..."


"right? so we fight and she makes this blast of air come through the bar. We finally got that fucker put in his place, though. (points to bard) So yeah, we had no choice but to kick some ass cuz the bard was being a bitch."

Lendral shouts from the bar.


"you forgot the part where Vajor got sent on his ass by a hobgoblin."


"Agerg Reign."


"a pleasure. Again we're sorry."


"I honestly can't blame you after dealing with Vixen."


"That bitch..."

Sapphire hisses as her tail bristles when she looks at the bard.

SARALE:(to Vajor)

"are you alright?"


"Aye, much bet'er now 'at yer 'ere."

Sarale takes a deep breath through her nose and turns red as she turns and approaches the bard, Vixen. Vajor chuckles and follows her, seeing her kneel and start healing Vixen.


"What 're ya doin', dove?"


"I can't just let them die. Whether they started it or not. The local authorities can have her when I'm done."

The barkeeper smirks as he eyes Vajor.


"aye brains an' beau'y. Yer a lucky man."

Vajor just grins at him and nods. Lendral snorts, earning a glare from Sarale as she finishes her task and stands. He smirks and sticks his tongue out childishly. She huffs.


"how much do we owe for the damages?"

The barkeep chuckles at her and holds up a large sack of coins and shakes it.


"Hah! I got enough from the bet to renovate this place, Lass. Don't worry about it."

Sarale nods, turning to the party, then sighs looking haggard from her lack of sleep. The dark circles under her eyes telling stories of her rough night keeping alarms at bay.


"I acquired our horses. Luckily they had some big enough to accommodate Vajor and Aktlass."


"yer not goin' anywhere till ya get some rest, dove. An' I owe our 'obgoblin friend a new quar'erstaff."

She looks from Vajor to the hobgoblin and to the broken weapon on the floor. She rubs her face tiredly.


"fine. Can you make it in four hours?"


"no an' yer sleepin', not meditatin'."


"Vajor, I…"


"I said wha' I said. Now go," he grins, "or do I 'ave to carry ya up an' 'old ya down till yer exhaustion runs out?"

Sarale's head drops and she turns on her heels pointing toward the stairs as she scampers away.


"got it, I'm going."

He chuckles watching her leave and tilting his head as he stares at her ass. Once she's around the corner of the stairs he walks back to Agerg.


"Come on. I'll fix ya up a new quar'er staff. Jus' gotta get sum material's first."

The hobgoblin looks up at Sapphire and she smiles at him reassuringly.


"I'll be fine, Agerg." She caresses his cheek gently."


"Go get yourself a new weapon. I'll just be here helping clean up. It's the least we can do considering what Vixen did." She looks over at the bard and glares at her pupils turning to slits as her tail swishes in annoyance.

The hobgoblin nods and lets go of her hand to follow Vajor.


"I'll hurry back."

Sapphire nods with a smile and starts picking up broken bits of wood and righting furniture. Aktlass steps next to Karma watching her. Karma looks at him and pulls on his arm.


"Well come on, we gotta help too."

Aktlass and Karma help with the clean up as soon as Everyone else separates. Lendral pockets the gold he won and helps with the clean up.