
Pyromaniac (WSA Special)

A lost queen of an ancient kingdom. Will Nali be able to save the lost souls in time before Hell freezes over? Literally.

AlishbaM · Fantasie
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59 Chs


Náli had been feeling dizzy since the drug she had been given yesterday. It happened most of the time so she figured it would get better soon.

But soon after the dizziness, she had an ear-splitting headache that rattled through her skull. It was so bad that she couldn't even place her head on the cushion.

She couldn't figure out if it was because of the drugs, or her strange powers because her eyes kept flashing orange every now and then.

There were also weird flashes in her mind. She couldn't tell exactly what they were about because she was too busy trying to lessen the pain in her head.

But I kept seeing unknown faces and hearing laughter. At first, I had thought it was Alicia coming to taunt me again.

But when I looked around, the room was empty. The voices and the images were all in my head, and I had no idea where they had come from.

As a result, I kept twisting around all night long. I would wake up every now and then and take a walk around the room, or stare at the moon depending on whatever I was in the mood for.

I was surprised that one of the guardians didn't come to scold me for staying awake all night considering there was a camera in the corner of the room and they could see everything clearly.

I did consider setting it on fire simply because I was bored and also because I was hoping that maybe it would help settle my headache.

But thought better of it because I really didn't wanna deal with the guardians so late. My anger was rising for as long as the headache kept rattling my skull, and I would've gladly set anyone who annoyed me even the slightest bit on fire.

My eyes were wide and there were huge, purple eyebags when my guardian came to get me in the morning.

I knew it wouldn't work but I still asked, 'Do you have a pill that makes sleep go away?'

She looked at me for a minute then turned away, saying nothing. I sighed, as expected. The guardians never really talk to you unless it was to order us around.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I groaned in protest, my mind feeling dizzy again.

But, the dizziness made the headache go away. I blinked in surprise, wondering if it was some new drug they were testing. That would also explain why the guardians hadn't shown up at night.

I was dragged into one of the labs with the MRI machine and told to lie down on the bed.

I tried not to move but it was difficult in my current condition. Once or twice, the guardian scolded me. But I only rolled my eyes in annoyance and murmured an okay.

We stayed in the room for a much longer time than usual because of my 'unwillingness to cooperate'- as my guardian put it.

While it was all fun and games to annoy my guardian, even though I wasn't doing it on purpose. It resulted in me being sent to the electrotherapy room.

It was to teach me a lesson. But I always liked getting electrocuted because it flared up my power to immense levels. Although, I don't think it's normal to actually like getting electric shocks, hence the 'punishment' part.