
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Filme
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Winter and Helsing Mansion

It's almost winter break and Wanda and I are going to go home to the island. I have been having reoccurring dreams and visions of a vampire locked away. I know he's important but I've just looked him up and using my magic found him. I plan on visiting him with lots of blood bags.

I looked up where he was and it in the Helsing Mansion in England. Leaders of the Helsing organization of the Queen and Protestant England were the old man died of old age and his daughter but they died under very suspicious circumstances.

I found some problems with my life. I was stopped by a non-magical cop when I was smoking a blunt and was stopped. He was being a sick and he ran me through and when I didn't show up, he tried to arrest me which ended up with me having a dead body to deal with. I just banished it but then went into his thing to run me through.

I ran my stuff through everything I could think of until I got it to work. I have a warrant and a thing that says to evacuate everybody including yourself if you meet him. Apparently I am both a mutant and Non-American. So that's messed up even though I consider myself American with all my guns and willingness to defend myself and my friends.

I also made a wizard video phone with my own holographic technology. I have them out to my friends and showed it in a school final for our tech and magic along with putting and patent on it for me.

The agent that's following me at school gave me a contract that MACUSA wants to sign for. I did the contract but ran it over with my goblin friends. I made it so that they had to give both American citizenship for both Wanda and I along with getting me and Wanda a clean slate. I wonder what's going to happened to the guy who was to process that.

I also signed a deal with them that they can produce and use it however they care but I get a 5% royalties on anything and everything made with it. I also got 1% royalties to the goblin nation as a whole which means their king to use for the betterment of their people. I also get pure 100% ownership of it as both inventor and seller even though I just give the device and have someone else build it. I can do it on my own but I don't have the time with my studies and everything.

I did have to make personal ones for the president and his cabinet members though. I made the presidents 24 carrot gold embroidered on black platinum-titanium alloy and made the holographics colorable. The cabinet members I just made them good embroidery of their positions on platinum with all of them have their own personal closed circuit for all of them as well as still being able to contact others. I think cause I did that they made it so it's the position's personal phone instead of everyone's personal. The president wanted a personal as well so I did the same as the cabinet members but with his name in gold.

I also started work on my secret project which I have labeled as such. It's a world wide defense system with satellites and ground based turrets and defense stations. I also plan to uses them to go and mine asteroids and set up based on Mars, the moon, asteroids, and other celestial bodies. Even plans to terraform Mars in the future.

I'm going to start three companies in the future as subsidies of the main one. I'm going to call it Nirvana Incorporated that'll be run by me as the majority shareholder at 70%, goblins that will be about 25% as they will go along with my craziness and 5% to the public that will have high returns to the investors that everyone will want shares, even just one.

Then I'm going to have Nirvana Aerospace, Construction, and Technologies; Valhalla Defense; and Nirvana Pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceuticals, I already have stuff I want to release along with getting drugs legalized so that we can have control over them instead of having the drug war that is still going on it many countries. The Valhalla defense will be my own personal army that I own 100%. The other one will be my building and everything and supply my other stuff with everything. Their will also be other branches and they will all help each other, me, and humanity in that order.

I get the news of most countries that produce in English along with their counter paper and even though the English really only have the prophet I still get it. Over Halloween, at Hogwarts their was a troll in the dungeon and apparently some kids got killed. They didn't put names but their were 3 Gryffindor and 2 Slytherins that got killed. Later that night I felt sad and relived as most everyone from my time at Hogwarts turned on me in the end except for Severus, Minerva, and Luna. The lovely lovely Luna Lovegood. Thank god I just got really really drunk and high and passed out on our bed at like 8:00.

I also made a friend group with Wanda, the Addams, and some others. We are the weird kids. We are all very powerful and top of our things that we focus on but everyone has like one think that they focus on. Their is 8 in our group along with a non-magical that Wednesday brought in. I personally think she likes him and so does Wanda but they won't admit that to each other. I also noticed that he had lung cancer that's just starting out and I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything yet.

We had final the last week in the subjects where we didn't have projects. I really pissed off most of my teachers as I was smoking a blunt during most of their tests. The teachers I liked I didn't and just quietly smoke and ate while applying all of the charms so they don't affect other people.

With winter break coming I got everyone I know and like Yule and Christmas presents. For the Wednesday I got her rare potion ingredients including some basilisk venom, blood, and the skin she sheds. I also got her a book on new and improved torture methods. I got Pugsley the anarchist's cookbook. I got Wanda a ruby dagger and some clothes that I know she wanted. I got the others books on things their interested in. I haven't given them their gifts yet as I'm going to at the party and I'll send the gift to others by magi-mail or owl if their not at the party.

I got the goblin king several high class magical and mundane liquors and got the goblin nation a subsidy on food so they can have their regular goblins try break and stuff like it. It's actually like a got an expanded trunk and stole food from assholes and huge food storage areas that people barely check so they won't notice it missing until next year.

I also got invited to many many Christmas balls, parties, and raves. Raves are the only thing that I'm even thinking about going but their was also a lot from England as well. Also, the daily profit for all its worth, even as little as it is, is trying to crucify me as the new dark lord or something like that. I plan to go in and have a discussion with them as I am still the majority shareholder of the prophet with all the family's I am lord and heir of.

We have a portkey to the island and that's what we did to go home. I stayed their a day before I went to London, England. I broke into the castle and meet the Queen. She understandable freaked out I shot her with a tranquilizer. Then when she was out I dug through her mind about the Helsing Organization. She want to shut it down as wizards have been doing their jobs for them. I just left a note to her and left but not before both magical and muggle came in and tried to save the Queen.

He teleported to the Helsing mansion outside the gates. Their were some guards at front gate, armed and armored but with no helmets. I shot them both in the head and then got myself armed and armored but with both magical and muggles stuff. Then I went on a one person rampage through out it all.

I butchered everyone and everything. Once I found the uncle which was the boss I went through his mind for anything on Alucard. I found that he knows theirs a monster in the basements, that's it. I plan on finding the monster and releasing it. I take him down to their and I find a female vampire, white hair and malnourished, in chains along with a skeleton of a girl and a man beside her as if she's protecting the skeletons.

"Hello Alucard, or do you prefer Dracula?"

"Alucard fine buttmunch."

"Oh nice comeback, do you know what happened up their, do you know the year?"

"Oh time for you to get a watch."

"Well, I have a 2 gifts for you. First one is right here." I accioed the man bound to me. I gave him to Alucard while also freeing Alucard.

I watch her as she eats him and gets all of the memories and gets better almost instantly. She looks beautiful but who's thinking that.

"If you want I can bury the bodies together of them?" I said while pointing at the skeletons.

"I'll buy them. They deserve to be with the old man after all. So what are you, white hair messiah?"

"I'm not a messiah of any kind, I'm just going to defend the earth from forces that want to destroy it, use it, or control it. I want your help. To make a world where stuff like that doesn't happen or those that do it get caught and punished."


"Your not the only one that was abused, used, and then forgotten." I showed off my body without the glamor. "Your not the only one that wants revenge upon the world but decided to help it. Your not the only one who the wants to make sure that no more monsters exist and then off themselves."

"Wow, what wonderful speech, and good try recruiting me though I would like to remind you that I am a vampire and don't like the light."

"I have a solution to that." I give her the amulet with a moonstone so that she can go out in the day.

"So what are you my master?"

"Let's go for a walk." Both she and I smiled our own deranged smile and nodded at each other.

"Let's go for a walk." I give her some guns and let her go on a rampage. I'm going to have to make some personal to her. I transfigured her clothes so they were pure white and protective along with a hat. We left the dungeon and started a massacre. I went full obsurus as well and she went semi full out and went t massacre as well. After we were done, their was nothing left excpt blood and gore. Blood on the walls and on us with body part dotting the floor. Their was even a hand that a reanimated like the Addams's it. I then kicked it.

I have two more stops after this that I plan to bring Alucard with me even if both her and I are covered in both blood and gore. She was licking the blood off of her face. "Hey, I have to more stops to make before we can head to my home. Would you like to come with me or should I just send you back. And we'll be going to populated areas so we can scare the shit out of people."


"Lets go." I grab her shoulder and we apperate into back entrance into Knockturn alley. I lead us and with me I still look like a 12 year old followed by a beautiful girl that looks in her twenties and both are covered in blood and internal organs. I lead us to Borgin and Burkes. I head into the corner and grab the vanishing cabinet.

"You know that doesn't lead anywhere right?"

"Is this the only one in store?"


"Alright, does it look like I care, biiiiiitch." The guy in front of me was a terrified Mr. Burkes.

"Sorry sir, that'll be 200 Galleons."

I looked at him with my 'kind' smile and said, "50"

He was terrified, "I'm s-sorry sir, 100 is the lowest I can go and still make money off of it."

"Fine." I gave him the galleons along with one that was laced with barfing and diarrhea charms and potions. I didn't touch them just levitated them to him. He was terrified and touched them without even checking them for anything. I shrunk it and we left.

"Hey Alucard, when we get to where we going murder them all and then we'll have to quickly escape."

"Alrighty buddy. Wanna get some pussy after this."

"Dude, I'm literally 11 right now."

"Body age? We could do soul stuff."

"I'm probably the only one that knows that you have teeth down their and still do it and not got severely injured."

We then went to the daily prophet. We went into diagon alley and everyone was looking and staring at us. We went down the alley passing store and got to the building. I went to in and locked the door. Then the games begone. She was humming and singing as she ate and killed people.

Their was a beetle hiding and I stomped on it. It had a magical signal and I still did it.

By the time aurors broke the door down the people out side saw and threw up. The aurors saw that their was a message in blood and entrails on the wall.

/This is punishment for spreading lies. All those that spread lies in the future will meet the same fate/