
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Filme
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: First Week of School

On the Sunday our apartment went to go do stuff. Their is horseback riding, pools, lake, woods, theaters for both cinema and plays, and so so much more. Ocy came out when we walked around the school on the tour. Their is at least fifteen times more classes and options for both classes and school than Hogwarts. We were touring around for the morning when Wanda and I with Ocy when to shooting range.

I got a 50 cal and set up melons and fruits around a mile away. Then I started shooting. Wanda was doing the veggies down range. We had a contest which I won. Apparently the team for competition shooting was their was he said try and do the tryouts. They would make great additions to the team.

They also have a golf course and me having played once and wasting my money on the clubs decided to play. I got a 58 on a 9 holes we played and Wanda got a 68 and 2 broken clubs that she fixed. Then we went to one of the restaurants on campus and are just burgers and fries. On our way back my and here we smoking when their were some bullies in our path.

We just ignored them but when we went to pass, one of them stopped us. "Ah beautiful girl, wanna share?" It was the oldest with really worn out not fitting well clothes and he smells bad.

Wanda looks pissed and I plan to castrate them for what they said. I said no and let them throw the first punch. Then I started beating them up. I wore my combat boots and I transfigured the steel toe into a small razor coming out the top. To start it off I kicked the lead bully where the sun don't shine and moved onto the others.

When they were all on the ground beaten and broken I sent my magic to break their privates. It will never be able to get it up again along with making them sterile so they can't make mini mes of themselves.

I hid all of my magic involved and then left with Wanda back to our apartment. Wanda and I went to bed being really happy with our decisions to castrate them. If they still do that then I'm going to kill them or change their sex and sell them to human traffickers. Am I an evil person, eh, maybe but I'll do better for humanity as a whole, not douchbag a like them.

Soon I fell into Morpheus's grasp. I fell out of Morpheus's to knocking at the door.

I woke up to knocking and the shower going on in the background with Wanda out of my grasp. I get up an conjured sleeping clothes as I was just in my boxers.

I opened it up to a guy in all black with white skin, black hair, and blue eyes. "Hello Mr Grindelwald. How's it going, have fun last night?"

I was still tired as shit and my hair was a mess, "ya it was pretty good. What's the matter?"

"Well five people were found beaten on a path and they were know bullies but we still can't have a first year beating up people he doesn't like."

"I have no idea what your taking about."

"You missed the cameras." He was looking at me while laughing. "The only reason your not in trouble is cause they through the first punch. You should probably be less brutal, all of them had involuntary vasectomy's. Good thing we healed them though we made sure they kept the pain."

"The what are you hassling me for."

He looked into my soul as he said, "I wanted to meet you, after all your my responsibility on campus. Special order right from the president of Magical Congress of the Untied States of America." He stopped staring into my soul and just regular looked at me, appraising. "You should also cut your hair. Your dreads and braids will impede on your first year. The third years cosmetology and barbers do hair cuts for free."

"Ha ha ha, ok, leave me the fuck alone."

"You don't have to be so aggressive."

"I'm taking the placement tests for everything the first week before we start for real."

"Have fun with your girlfriend." Then he left with the 2 guys behind him. I check the apartment for wards and runes that listen along with cameras and listening devices.

I detected several devices along with a couple recording wards for audio, no video though so that's good. Wanda gets out of the shower and get dressed while I go and take a shower and get dressed. When I go out Wednesday and Pugsley are eating red gruel.

"What are you eating?"

"Blood Gruel, what were the people here for?"

"I beat some people up who wanted Wanda yesterday and didn't get in trouble. Can we try some?"

"Ya, I have Pugsley make some extra for you." They just total ignored what I did to the bullies.

"Thank you two." I got the plate and Wanda got hers. I ate it and it was surprisingly good. The blood in it had a slightly metallic taste of blood but other than that it was really good. I even like the taste and smell of blood so I'm good.

Wanda had a face of disgust at the food but once she started eating it went away fast. We ate and I cleaned everything up. All this week for all years their will be placements test for all studies. My magic is ok, it's at about peak OWLs but still learn more. I want to focus on more mundane studies while here such as mechanical engineering and things like that. I already have put out devices but that to me is clumsy and I'll thought out just a base idea and making it. I could do so much better.

That's why I want to learn more about it. I also learn from the books in my trunk which has more practical and futuristic technologies.

I also want to get more into spell creation cause of my grandfather. One of my big inspiration is his protego diabolica. If I can make anything on that scale and make it go bigger, then I would consider it a success.

The day went on.

7:00 AM Wake up and get ready

7:30 eat

8:00 go to classes (tests)

9:00 classes

9:30 break and go to different classes

10:00 classes

11:30 break and go to another class or lunch

12:00 classes of lunch

1:30 break and go to class or lunch

2:00 classes

3:30 break and go to classes

4:00 classes

5:30 end of school day and go and explore and do stuff.

That was pretty much my first week while the four of us in the apartment and alternated cooking. Some of the teachers were getting mad at me and Wanda as we smoke blunts and pretty much continuously eat meat and food.

They tried saying that we were a disruption in class but we countered that we smoke the blunts and we have a prescription for that and when we eat we aren't messing with anyone and we put disillusionment charm and smell and noise charms so that we don't disrupt class. We even made an argument to any and every teacher about the food that they were being more disruptive in their own class by calling us out and having an argument. That shut them up but made them give us detentions that Wanda and I are planning to not go to. When the teacher took it to far I had Ocy threaten the teacher and then she backed off.

That's how the first week went. Then I was placed into computer sciences, mechanical engineering, accounting, business management, music, art, ancient studies (history), modern history, alchemy, dark arts, defense, advanced potions (means newt levels and beyond), advanced herbology, advanced runes, advanced at arithmancy, advanced charms, advanced transfiguration, advanced care of magical creatures, divination (anyone can try out but only seers and the like get through the base class), advanced dueling, advanced spell-creation, history of magic, and sports (PE and more).

I will be taking all of these during my years here along with some more stuff at the end when I go to college here to get my degree. If I work hard enough I can get all the degrees I want when I graduate high school.

The later on Friday I passed by the bullies and they were terrified of me. I went to classes of the second week and Wanda joined some clubs while I joined sports for the year including swimming, precision shooting, and then I do weight lifting on the side. Wanda joined the chess club and art club.

We both joined a sport they call danger castle. It's basically what the military does put they use indoor battle with guns and everything, it like a real life call of duty with everything. It's five on five teams that compete to eliminate each other. Each member has their own color of their bullets that they use so you know who kills each other. The maps change every time to. You can even bring in swords or dagger and use that as a weapon as well put I use a automatic pistol with a bastard sword.

I do that alongside the shooting. It's basically a paint ball league but we only use paintball when playing with non-magicals, other than that we use actual weapons with bullets of the color and protection.

We also made a friend group with Wednesday, Pugsley, Wanda, me, and some others. We are basically the weird ones and we don't give ourselves a designation though most everyone else calls us the weird or scary ones.

Schools going great even with everyone watching me expecting me to go onto a murder spree. I take offense to that as I only do that to my enemies and people I hate.