
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Filme
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: 3 Years

When we got their we arrive on a frozen boat dock. Everything is covered in snow but I can see a cabin up on the hill with some greenhouse and forest all around with a path up the side of the hill to the Cabin.

We get to the cabin and it looks homely. I don't feel the cold at all on the island. Wanda looks like she slightly shivering but both Nana and I act like we don't feel the cold.

We arrive and the Cabin so just the thing you see on the way up. Their a whole mountain with trees and animals behind it when looking from the path. Their are at 5 greenhouses, all looks big and are probably magically expanded. The 5 looks like it has a heater. Theirs also a big garden patch and a path to what looks like a root cellar. Theirs also a big wooden shack that has firewood under it.

Theirs also a forge a bit away that looks perfect for me. Also on the side of the cabin is a area that has a covered up jacuzzi with a grill and patio right by it with no snow on it. Their seem to be electric lights but magic doesn't mix well with technology or electricity and I'm going to change that but it seems like she already figured it out.

We head into the cabin and a wave of heat hits us. Their is also five house elves in little maid and butler uniforms that were waiting for us. They all bowed before us. The lead elf, a girl said, "Missy happy Mistress is back. Did you bring back little Masters and Mistress for us?"

"Not for you no. We'll have to get personal house elves for them though. It would be good for a girl for girl and boy for boy."

"Missy can get some."

Nana nodded at that. "Good, go do that." Their was a loud pop and their 3 more in quick succession.

"Missy brought unnamed for young master and Elzia for young mistress. I could not find any available male elf's, sorry mistress." They go in front of them. My house elf looks like it's been abused all it life. They were both in worn out pillow cases.

"You have to put you hand on their forehead and say, I accept you as you master and then give them some of your magic."

We do that. I put my hand but before I ask it for its name. Its reply was, "I has none."

"The how about butcher for your name?"

"Is acceptable, thanks you master."

I put my hand on his bald forehead and say, "I accept you Butcher as my person house elf. For a Warrior, friend and ally I accept you." Then I sent Magic into him. He stated changing to purple skin and white hair with blue and white eyes hat glow. Then runic tattoos stayed coming all over his body and glowed for a second and stayed, and he was about my height.

His body now clearly showed past abuse as scars now riddled her body and he was naked. "Your going to have to make your own clothes. Make it a 3 piece suit with a vest and make sure it captures that you are mine. Also make sure to have the Grindelwald crest on the uniform. And make the uniform color blue. Also make sure you can hide lots of weapons and it is bulletproof. Make some extras as well as you will probably get it dirty."

Wanda did the same as my oath only, "I accept you Adina as my personal house elf. As friend, confidant, ally, and witch I accept you."

Her elf was purple like mine and naked covered in scars as well but no tattoos or tunic symbols like mine.

That's how both me and Wanda now have our own personal house elves. Me and Wanda sleep in the same room but Nana made sure it was separate beds even though I know Wanda will sneak into my bed to cuddle.

— Timeskip (3 years) —

The next day I organized my books and metals that I have access to. I could bud my own mini particle accelerator to make the elements that I want for my armor. I made it and the elements and then went out and killed some dragons. I got their skin and scales and made my armor. Both enchanted and made with tech.

It also has 3 pistols that go auto or semi with extra ammo for all. The mask is electronic and has an air conditioner with a gas mask with it. I have weapons upon weapons in it. The under is made of black dragonhide and the metal is black that I made specially with a small particle accelerator with a should mounted mini missiles.

I also have a long sword with it as well. The glove that I use is technically a wand that I can channel my magic through. I also carved runic inscriptions into my bones that improve my strength, stamina, longevity, luckiness, durability, and speed. I also have sleeve tattoos of runic arrays but they are so small I got them in a way that they look artistic and have meaning.

I've finally been getting fed and I grew a bit but I mostly filled out while not looking fat but actually getting some meat on the bones instead of it being all skin and bones.

Wanda and I are still staying in the same room and Nana said that when we turn 12 we have to go to a magic school and it rod ice us to the world at large which means that both me and Wanda will have to go to therapy and stuff to make sure where not a danger and they are going to take an interest in me with my obscurus and me living past 10. The last one who did that went onto fight for Grindelwald and I am a Grindelwald.

My Investing firm, Grindelwald and Gold has been doing amazing. They are buying up lots of property as well as investing is stocks and businesses. My stocks have been doing very good and technically my medical company has become number 1 in the medical supplies and innovation field. With my future knowledge I got us some ground breaking drugs that aren't to far in the future along with my medical devices like a quick reading DNA and bed scanner that can tell what is wrong with you when they scan you. Though the last one is not out yet.

I also have several very important drug going through the FDA. I also have my high school degree. Good thing that Ilvermorny does high school and college degrees so when I go I can get my degrees. They have a partnership for Master in both magical and muggles.

Wanda got her magic under control and she as the level of me if not a bit stronger though I have more original spells and they are more powerful. She has chaos magic that literally rewrite reality to her desire though she hasn't reached that level yet.

I also have my own stash of weed that I grow in my own greenhouse along with several other dangerous and illegal plants. I have several plants of it along with other magical plants looking weed that I smoke as well. Wanda, her elf, Adina, my elf, Butcher, and I smoke all the time while either hiding or just hanging out.

It really balances out my life. I also got an earring that is a mini philosopher's stone that is real. I shrunk it down a bit with pim particles. I also made some other jewelry and weapons in the forge with Butchers help.

I made daggers for Wanda, the Elves and Nana. I also made holsters for them out of a mix of dragonhide and demiguise fur so that it is invisible. They hold both a dagger and wand along with an assassins creed style that stay hidden only for when you need it the most.

The jewelry is rock from a ley line under the sea so it can hold and produce magic on a big scale. They are for emergency's. I have also accepted my heirships and lordships while also getting a trail for Sirus. I'm still technically a wanted person and even with Sirus on the case he couldn't find me and Wanda. My birthday is soon and Wanda's already got her Ilvermonry letter. They tried to follow it but the wards I put up along with Nana's, nothing short of 10 hydrogen bombs are getting in without permission.

Dumbledore has been being a pain in the ass and I felt sorry for the goblins dealing with them let alone them dealing with England right now. The daily prophet, which I somehow own majority shares in, has been running crazy out their stories. Like my obscurus killed me, that I died in a Veela orgy, and more stupid stuff like that.

I did have the goblins sue them and anybody and everybody using my name to profit for themselves. I also summoned the 3 hallows and have been wearing them with the invisibility cloak with some modifier. Like making it more durable while also adding pockets and sheaths for my daggers in it.

I wear the resurrection stone in the gaunt ring after I killed the Horcrux in it. I also check me for a horcrux and killed that one as well. I also have the elder wand as my wand though I will have to get another one before school as the one I'm using now is overpowered and even though I can nonverbally and wandlessly cast by using the runes of my bones, with the elder wand it's just so much more powerful.

I also plan on stealing my some samples of the super-soldier serum and give it to me, Wanda, and Nana. Maybe the elves if they ask for it.

I have also let my hair grow out and I keep in in a man bun as my hair is pure white in dreads and tight braids most of not all of the time.

Another thing a figured out was Nana was a dark lady. She was from Japan and won what she wanted which was to preserve our culture separate from non-magical with their animals as well and she succeeded. They had their own version of the stature of secrecy long before the actual one was put into place because of her. She also has her own form of immortality or at least longevity in Oni blood. She hides her small horns with a simple but powerful glamor charm. She moved and started the Grindelwald line before she left and made her life on this island.

She also has an awesome set of armor she calls angels revenge. Their also a saint after her but not exactly right. She the saint of female knights and their right to defend themselves. Her miracle was she held up the Vatican by herself for 7 days and nights, no drinks or eating anything while everyone was evacuated. She did that with her strength enhancement and flight magic.

The black night she's called has a golden halo with a flaming sword of dragons roar. It's a long chainsword that's made of vibranium and Proto-adamantium and heats up and cuts through most anything like a hot knife through butter. I made myself a machete version of it for me and also enchanting it.

I also made it dragon one handle with a soft leather grip. I also got a pet, well two. I did a ritual and got myself a basilisk. It's blue with horns.

Along with him I found Zilla and made him my friend. He can't talk to me like Ocy (basilisk).

Ocy I can talk to with my Parseltongue. Zilla talks to me with feelings. I know their one more familiar out their for me but when I was close their was just ocean and ice and snow in every direction so I gave up for a bit.

I also got one of my closest friends back. When I got her the store owner was surprised and when I took her home I showed her all of my memories of both this and the last world. At least the girls were entertained as she kept pecking me when I showed her some parts as I did stupid stuff.

I also upgraded her so now she is a regular familiar and can talk to me telepathically if she wants.

I also made an AI to help with my business and to be a friend. Everything's all set up for my life away from our snow cover island and I'm not sure if I want to leave. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm unsure for the first time in a long time.