
Punisher of the Damned

Jesse was the black sheep of his family. In a world full of people that have evolved to have superpowers, Jesse is in a minority of people that didnt awaken one. His family cast him aside to an apartment where he lives alone and attends college. He's looked down on by his peers in school and often bullied. Everything came to a close when he tried to help someone only to be assaulted and left for dead. Except at the moment of his death he stood before a throne of bones, with the scariest yet most beautiful women he ever saw. "Do you want to live a better life? Are you willing to grasp this opportunity with both hands...?" That sultry and seductive voice that could lead any man to walk willingly to death, echoed in his ears like a siren song. "Become a Punisher in my name, and send the wicked to my embrace... In return you will be granted the powers of your position and can use them however you see fit." "I... ACCEPT!"

Sir_Stronghold · Urban
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16 Chs

Reversed [Mild R-18]

"I really wish you would stop giving stupid names to Lady Styx's powers. Did you really need to strike a pose?"

After I looted a small amount of cash off the bodies, I played around with my new skill, Dark Mimicry. Krieg began complaining when I said the name out loud and struck a pose like Captain Ginyu.

"I didn't need to but its helps."

"How?! *sigh* And you do know that all those "skills" you've been using actually only fall under one skill, right?"

Of course I understood. They were all different fuctions of my control of my water. They weren't separate skills but the huge versatility of a single skill.

"Lady Styx has several powers. You've been using Hydrokinesis, giving you complete control over the water you own. You already have been told you can use the water to bind oaths as well, but you never asked about what happens when someone breaks those oaths..."

It peaked my curiosity as we walked back toward my apartment, so I went ahead and asked, "What happens?".

"Those that break their oath will of course die (unless stated otherwise in the terms of the oath) but the real punishment is Undead Servitude. If someone does break their oath, you'd be able to take complete control over their soul and summon them whenever or where ever as an apparition."

"And they could fight for me?"

"Yes. They would even keep their power but controlling them would also consume energy so keep it in mind."

"Sweet!" I was pretty excited to try it out but I would have to have someone swear an oath and then break it to test that power. "What other powers does Lady Styx have?"

Krieg bared his teeth at me in a snarky manner and said, " You have a long way to go before using all of them but there is also...

Toxikinesis- Black water becomes an all consuming substance than can dissolve anything, even souls.

Odikinesis- can sense, have insight on, instill and remove hatred in the target that consumes a drop of User's water.

Hypnokinesis- can control and enter the dreams of a target that consumes a drop of User's water.

"Really?! Those sound so cool!"

Krieg puffed out his little chest with pride as if it was his power he was telling me about. "That's right. At least you know newbie. Lady Styx couldnt be weak, she's one of the primordial spirits. Hehehe and can you guess her core concept newbie?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. Isn't it just water or something? "I dont know. Just tell me!"

"Tch! You're no fun. Her core concept is... hatred. She has also been called the Goddess of Hatred."

"Hatred? She didn't seem so hateful when I met her though. In fact I found her bewitchingly beautiful."

"Heh! Most would agree with you. But anyone that has actually seen her malice wouldn't dare try to court her. Feel free to try though newbie. She may take you to bed, but would you ever leave that bed alive again? hehehe."

I felt a shiver run up my spine when he said that. "Uh... What does that mean?" I was a little scared to find out my benefactor might not be as nice as I first thought.

"Lady Styx has been married several times throughout history and has even birthed children. However, every husband she's had ends up earning her wrath eventually and meeting a gruesome end.

One of her husbands had attracted the attention of a little nympho in Elysium and even though he never touched the girl, she destroyed him anyway. There might be more to the story but only Lady Styx knows it now. All I am trying to tell you is, it would be smart NOT to get Lady Styx's attention romantically. Understand newbie?"

I bobbed my head up and down like a chicken. Any romantic thoughts I had about my benefactor have been cleansed. 'Thank you little pup for saving my life in advance!' Of course I wasn't going to actually thank him. He is still a little asshole.

I finally made it back near my apartment. Now the next phase will commence...


Trina sat in the passenger seat of the beat up old van and was playing on her phone while she waited for Mark to finish and come back. It had been awhile and she was starting to get angry.

She had been waiting a long time and was ready to go home. Just as she finished taking a selfie out of boredom the van door opened and Mark got into the driver seat.

"Took you long enough! Where's the other guys?" She asked with a bitchy attitude.

"I made them walk home. I wanted us to be alone." Mark said with a smile.

Trina looked him in surprise but she seemed to misunderstand Mark. She and Mark hadn't done "that" in a week and she had started getting irritated going so long and not doing it. He always has his gang around and they rarely were alone.

Her gaze became like that of a cat about to pounce her prey and a predatory smile crept on her face.

Mark's eyes opened wide in surprise when she leapt onto his lap and began kissing him. Her lipstick smearing on him as her tongue invaded his mouth. He finally came to his senses and pushed her back. "I meant-"

"I know!" Trina interjected with a smile. She sat up and pulled him into the back of the van and pushed him down on a worn out mattress. She was very aggressive in her actions and left Mark little time to react.

"Trina, wait- Oh god!" He tried to stop her but she did something that drained the will to resist right out of him. His pants had been undone so fast that it happened in the time he blinked. At first it was a cold sensation and then it became warm and moist.

A pink wriggling thing wrapped around his little brother and threatened to suck out his very soul. A master! She's definitely at least at the master level in this skill!

Mark was at crossroads. Or should I say, I was. This was definitely not in my initial plan on how to settle things, but my mind was becoming too hazy and my will to resist this new feeling was non existent. My willpower fucked off the same time my pants did. I'll no longer qualify to become a wizard it seems.

I looked down at the masterful work of this professional and realized that she actually has a really cute face but she completely ruins her looks with excessive make-up. But when I looked slightly above her head, I couldn't help but frown. Her halo was dark orange and just a step away from being red.

She noticed my frown and made her own assumptions. "Looks like you're ready." She said as she lifted herself up.

In my hazy state of mind, and the fact I was actually a virgin, I didn't really understand what she meant. But I soon realized as soon as she straddled me and I felt something completely new.

"Ah!" I let out a low moan as I was engulfed in the pillowy warmth of another human body.

"Did you get bigger, babe?" She asked as she started moving. "It feels alot bigger than before. Its good."

I didn't answer her. How could I tell her I just killed her boyfriend and impersonated him... at least not yet...

Her movements started becoming faster and she was enjoying herself to the fullest given her lewd sounds.

I wasn't sure what to do really. I had a folder titled "School projects" on my laptop and considered myself pretty well educated on the subject, but the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge is like night and day.

Eventually I got into the swing of things and we both finished at the same time. I was sitting up with her on my lap with her legs wrapped around me. Our tongues dancing with each other. Shame she didn't notice the black water mixed with my saliva she was swallowing.

I broke the kiss and asked her. "Will you always love me?"

She looked at me in surprised at first and then smiled. "Yes. You're my babe of course I will."

I then asked. "Will you promise to never hate me?"

She answered immediately. "I will never hate you!"

"Will you swear an oath to never hate me? Just say "I swear on my soul to never hate you." those exacts words, okay?"

Trina looked at me warmly and pecked my lips then said, "I swear on my soul to never hate you."

My lips curled up into a devious smile. "I'm really glad to hear that, Trina. You're quite something... Telling the man who killed your boyfriend that you love him."

Trina was taken back. She lifted her face to look at her beloved and question him, but who she saw wasn't Mark.

She jumped back in fright and pointed at him. "W-who... where... where the fuck is Mark! Why are you here suddenly." Her eyes were swimming in confusion.

My obsidian eyes narrowed and my smile got bigger. "Mark is dead, Trina. So are all his friends."

"Liar! There's no way a trash like you could..." She stopped as she finally realised the situation. Somehow Jesse had disguised himself as Mark, which means he has a power!

"W-wait! You... You motherfucker. How could you?!" Trina was going through many emotions and finally they settled on rage.

"You trash! I hate you! I'll kill you!" She reached into the front seat and pulled out a knife but she started feeling sick.

"Seems like you broke your oath. I admit it. It was very deceptive of me, but an oath is an oath. Since you didn't specifically say the person you would never hate was 'Mark' and instead said 'you' as in me, then the oath is justified. You dont look so good Trina."

She saw my mocking smile and gritted her teeth in anger but soon she could only grit her teeth in pain instead.

A soundless scream and her spasming body indicated she was in immense pain. "please..." she tried to mouth the words but the pain didn't stop.

Her body began shriveling up and her eyes looked like they would explode at any second due to the pressure.

Finally there was only a dried up husk with curly blonde hair, that made a light thud when it hit the floor. Trina was dead.

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