
Punisher of the Damned

Jesse was the black sheep of his family. In a world full of people that have evolved to have superpowers, Jesse is in a minority of people that didnt awaken one. His family cast him aside to an apartment where he lives alone and attends college. He's looked down on by his peers in school and often bullied. Everything came to a close when he tried to help someone only to be assaulted and left for dead. Except at the moment of his death he stood before a throne of bones, with the scariest yet most beautiful women he ever saw. "Do you want to live a better life? Are you willing to grasp this opportunity with both hands...?" That sultry and seductive voice that could lead any man to walk willingly to death, echoed in his ears like a siren song. "Become a Punisher in my name, and send the wicked to my embrace... In return you will be granted the powers of your position and can use them however you see fit." "I... ACCEPT!"

Sir_Stronghold · Urban
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16 Chs


After Trina had perished, I reformed my pants and then Krieg jumped out of my shadow.

"That was pretty cold, newbie. Well, hurry up and take her soul. Once shes been devoured, due to the contract her soul won't be digested unless you want it to." Krieg told me.

"Alright." I put my hand over the body and the shadowy soul of Trina was sucked out. I could feel her soul being locked into my reservoir, and was just floating in my water.

A few flashbacks went through my mind as I saw her sins. Luring men and women to be robbed, or assaulted by her boyfriend and his friends. When a girl that she didn't like got something she wanted, she lured her out and had her beaten and tortured. There were several men she lured in to be robbed, and she was the one who came up with this idea in the first place.

For a second, I held some misplaced empathy for her since she just helped me lose my virginity, but I feel nothing positive for her at all now. I dont even want her as a slave.

With a thought, my water began disgesting her soul. I'm sure the process of having your soul destroyed must be painful. I'm glad.

I moved thier crappy van to a secluded place away from my apartment, and then I set it on fire and fled the scene. By the time I finally got back home, it was already midnight and I had to go to the college tomorrow and withdraw from basic classes and set up an examination for the Combat course.

What I really need to think about is how much of my ability to show others. I need to be able to show I have enough potential, but also need to keep some things secret.

I had already decided not to return to my part time jobs and instead I would make money in other ways. I didn't get much from Mark and his hencemen but that might not be the case for other future targets. And... I can also enter the Colosseum now if I get low on money.

The Colosseum in the center of the city is a place for people to fight and earn money using thier abilities. The fights are arranged by rank, so a person with E rank energy will only fight other E rank opponents. The rank of the ability doesnt matter however. If an F rank has a S rank ability they will still be able to fight an F rank with a D rank ability. They even put on special events where captured monsters are brought in to be fought.

Luckily, after absorbing 6 souls my small inner pond became a large pond. My energy should be in the upper E rank now, but without a measuring device I was just guessing. My rank will be tested before entering the Combat courses anyway, so I'd be able to find out then.

I got to the college campus and entered the faculty building. Once inside, I asked the admissions clerk for the forms I would need and I spent about 30 minutes filling them all out. I gave the completed forms to the woman and after inputting everything into the computer she told me, "Alright, you've been formally withdrawn from the Basic course and have been approved to take the exam for the Combat course."

She stamped a paper and then handed it to me and then said, "Give this paper to the examiner, and if they approve then they will stamp it and give it back to you. Bring it back to me and then we can finish your enrollment." I thanked her and took the paper and headed to another building that had an exam hall, where I would be tested.

Once I had arrived at the hall I could hear the sounds of fighting coming from many different rooms that lined the hallway. I found the head examiner's office door and knocked lightly.

"Come in." A female voice sounded from inside and when I opened it, sitting in a chair behind a desk, doing paperwork was a beautiful woman with strawberry blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Her looks were definitely 10 out of 10. A real bombshell, with curves in all the right places. She wore a skintight body suit with knee high boots, which coupled with her seductive aura created a dangerous combination.

She didn't spare me even a glance as she continued what she was doing. The name plate on the door had read "Leira Lance - Head Examiner", so I didn't need to ask her name.

"Miss Lance?" I called out to her, to which she answered a little rudely.

"What do you want?" She said, still looking over her work.

I didn't let it bother me and just got to the point. "I'm here for an exam, to move into the Combat courses."

She stopped what she was doing and then finally looked at me as if she was inspecting me. One of her eyebrows raised, then she asked. "What kind of power do you have? Explain it then we can move to a room and test them."

"My ability seems to be an Emitter type or maybe a Conjurer type, maybe it might be a Specialist type. I'm not exactly sure."

"Show me." She just stood up and walked toward the door. I quickly stood up and followed her. She led me down the hall to one of the rooms I heard fighting from. When we went into the room, I saw it was an empty room with white walls and only a mechanical device with an attached computer located to the side.

Leira approached the computer and started typing something in. A second later a figure of a person appeared. It didn't have any features, like a face or anything though.

"If your ability is really useful for combat, then defeat the opponent. The equipment will scan the energy output of your ability and then when we take an energy scan of your body, the system will generate a rank for both you and your power." After saying so, she gestured for me to proceed.

I stood in front of the dummy and then formed water tentacles over my arms. I didn't change my arms themselves as I didn't want people to know my body is completely made of black water.

I swung my right arm and used my tentacle like a whip and struck the dummy with all my force. The dummy split into two and there was a huge gash on the ground where it hit after slicing the dummy.

"Not bad. Now try again. This time the dummy will use basic attacks against you." Leira said and then a new dummy appeared in the room.

The dummy stood up and then dash toward me. I struck again with my right arm, but this time the dummy sidestepped to avoid being hit. It then again dashed toward me and tried to punch me. My other tentacle isn't just for show though and it caught the dummy by the foot and began smashing the dummy against the ground. It was busted to pieces, and no longer able to attack me.

"One more time." Leira said, and then 3 dummies appeared. All three coordinated to attack me. One came from the front as the other two went around the sides to surround me.

I whipped one arm at the one in front and used the other to block a punch from another. The other one came from behind me and I was able to sense it and a new tentacle sprouted out of my back and stabbed it in the chest causing it to go limp, like a puppet with no strings.

The other two were still up but I managed to grab one of them and constrict it like a snake. The other attempted to save its comrade but attacking the black tentacle but the tentacle split into two and grabbed it as well. With a crushing sound, both dummies were in pieces on the floor, no longer moving.

"Hmm, looks like your ability has the properties of water and darkness elements. The method of activation has elements of an emitter type but fuctions like a conjurer type. Interesting." She smiled at me like she found a new toy. "It would definitely be considered a specialist type. Can it do anything else? Can you control any water or just what you summon? I need to know as everything has to be inputted for the system to rank the power."

I obviously wasn't going to explain and just said, "No it doesnt do anything else, nor can I control all water." To which she looked a little disappointed. It seems she really likes seeing new and unique powers.

She began doing something on the computer and then asked me to stand in front of it. A beam of light scanned me top to bottom and then she told me my results.

"With the scan, the results say you're at E+ ranked and your ability is... S ranked!" She smiled at me as if she was happy for me. "The dummies read the level of energy output in your attacks and the system combined that with the energy scan to determine the rank of your ability. With your potential, the army would be happy to take you, or any of the mercenary and exterminator groups as well." She printed off a paper as she spoke and then handed it to me.

"Six months here would be enough for any of those groups to take you in, that covers all basic training. But if you want to join any of the ancient families, you would want to at least stay the full 2 years."

I took the paper from her and looked it over, It was information regarding my exam and it had a list of recommendations for personal intructors. She continued giving me information as I looked at it.

"Also, the intructor you get, can also help you alot in making connections. Depending on who you end up with, you can have a easy road to success or a very slow one. Not all intructors are well connected but they all are still veterans."

I was thankful she was being so informative. But to be honest I already knew all this. I have already made my mind on how I want to proceed.

"Thank you, for all the information Miss Lance." I decided to thank her sincerely, since she meant well. After getting her signature, I still had to go back to finish admissions.

After signing my paper, she went back to her office and I went back to the clerk to finish enrollment. After giving the clerk the signed paper, she informed me, due to my potential, the system qualified me for a full scholarship. That means I wont have to pay tuition and I could stay in the dorms.

I was ecstatic. This was great news as that will allow me to focus on other things since I wont be worried about money. The only stipulation to the scholarship is I have to perform at a certain level at all times and also have to participate in tournaments if the school decides to use me.

It was definite a good deal for me. After leaving the school I went back home to pack. My first class starts tomorrow. It's a class for everyone, that focuses on training our physicality, so as not to only rely on our powers. So it's basically a P.E. class, but everyone in the combat courses are required to take it for the first 6 months.