

Ava, a hardworking young girl, finds herself in a real dilemma after her mother, a drug addict, took out a large loan from loan sharks and fled, leaving Ava to clean up her mess. Ava has one week to pay off her mother's debts or she will be forced to become a mistress to the loan shark, which forces her to sell her virginity to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, wants more than just her virginity; he wants her to be his wife.

Gina_rites · Urban
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297 Chs

Forgive Him Already

It was in the cool of the evening and after reading, Maddie suggested that they went for a walk.

It's been four days since she last spoke to Mason and so far, he has kept to his word. He hasn't reached out to her.

Ava missed him. She missed him so much that several times she caught herself almost picking up the phone to call him.

She is yet to reach out to him because she hasn't gotten an answer yet. She doesn't know if she is going to continue with their marriage or not.

Does she love Mason? Yes. But sometimes love isn't enough. Even if in the end they find out that Mason wasn't the one driving the car on the night of the accident, which Ava suspects that he wasn't. from the story Mason told her, it's most likely going to be his father.

"You are thinking about him, aren't you?" Maddie asked when she noticed Ava had zoned out of their discussion.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Get back with him already."