
Protectors : Human & Demon

Faust, a talented human, has his life sorted out by being one of the best Hunter in humanities' fights against an invader from an unknown origin. One day, Faust stumbled upon a sealed demon when he's on the verge of death and makes a contract with the demon named Angra Mainyu to save his life in return for sharing his body with the demon. When they thought that everything will go smoothly, a powerful creature arrives from the void and killed them. Fortunately, death was not the end for them. Faust and Angra are reincarnated in a world of magic where everybody has an RPG system! And they're also reborn as twins! Will they be able to adapt to this new world and live their life peacefully? Or Is there a reason why they are brought into this world? Follow the twins' journey together in this new world to see the answer for yourselves! This is my first novel so please have mercy on this author :(( Please give this novel a try and perhaps this novel will be an interesting read~ COVER ART BY: Martina Stipan

darran_ · Fantasie
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55 Chs


With now us having a plan in mind, we searched the forest for yet another rank 2 magic beast to hunt. With the sun starting to emerge from the horizon, the dark forest started to lit up a little. Even though The Forest of Beast is filled with magic beasts, I can still hear chirps of morning birds resounding throughout the forest.

Forest of Beast is known for many things, and the abundance of magic beasts is one of them. After walking for some time we found another rank 2 magic rhino. But before we engage the rhino, Husk went around the magic beast and prepared something in advance.

When Husk gives the ok signal, we position ourselves to prepare to strike the rhino. Husk slowly approached the beast, his steps are silent and his dagger is deadly, the magic beast doesn't even realize he is coming until a stabbing wound from a dagger appeared at its hind legs, hindering its movement. Even though the dagger is not strong enough to chop the leg off, cutting a quarter part of one of its hind legs surely helps to limit its movement.

With Husk starting the attack on the rhino, the rest of us followed. But this time, we don't only focus on attacking the magic beast. We slowly lead the magic beast to move onto the place where Husk has prepared 'something' in advance.

The fight went on as usual, and with us being more familiar with fighting with each other and especially fighting rank 2 beasts, it is only getting easier for us to fight against the rhino compared to the first time we fought a rank 2 magic beast without master's help.

We're on alert with our surrounding now that we are actually expecting something to come and once again bothers us.

After a few minutes of hit and dodging the rhino finally, the rhino becomes weak enough for Ben to finish it alone, but this time instead of us being relaxed that the fight is almost over, we became more alert and waited for the magic boars to come and sabotage our hunt once again.

And yes, before Ben delivers his final blow, once again they come. But this time we are prepared! We blocked the rhino's path and force him to retreat through the place where Husk had prepared something in advance, and it did run there, with the boars following it to safeguard it, just in case we decided to chase after the rhino.

But this time, before the rhino succeeded in running away, in the ground where the rhino is walking on, suddenly appeared something like mana gathering. The magic trap is successfully triggered! The ground shined with mana and an explosion of thick fog suddenly filled the surrounding area.

So I came up with the trap because, one day when we are going out hunting with master and his brother. I remember that when master's brother asked master about how can master came up with his magic spells. We had seen for ourselves how master makes the gun-javelin and used it on an enemy resulting in the enemy not capable of doing anything before master's spell blasted through its head exploding it with its content easily. But he also asked how master came up with making death filament that can cover objects passing through it making death magic applicable to projectiles that are propelled with magic without the death magic eating the other elements used in propelling the projectile. And I also heard the fog bomb that master uses when fighting against one of his enemies to hinder its sight. And that's where I got the inspiration for the magic trap this time.

Husk's low-leveled create trap skills doesn't have any versatility yet, but it doesn't mean we can't get creative with them. Even though it's only capable of producing one element and not too complex magic. He can make a fire explosion and a water explosion.

And if we make 2 magic traps, but we put them side by side close to each other, we can make them activate at the same time when something triggered one of them.

And with the fog covering the area, we dashed out swiftly and go straight ahead into the magic boars' direction not giving them any time to regroup and deal with our attack.

And thanks to the fog limiting the sense of sight, for the first time we finally succeeded in reaching the magic boars and we are in our dagger's striking distance. Without waiting for anything we engaged the magic boars and wielded our dagger to cut straight through their heads.

With me and Zayn, Mark, and Edgar teaming up, we went for a boar each. Ben and Husk deal with one of the boars each on their own. We slashed our dagger again and again dealing damage to the boar we're fighting against and not long after Mark's group and mine succeeded in killing the boar we're fighting against. It turns out without their coordination in conjuring the earth spikes, they are not that different from any other rank 1 magic boars we have been fighting before.

Husk's dagger and Ben's halberd also danced with the boars they are fighting with, but it seems that it is not fast enough compared to the 2 of us teaming up against a boar each. Husk being a rank 3 monster have an attribute advantage, but with his race being a zombie thief, he doesn't have any head-on combat skills that can help with the fight.

With our fight is over, we hurried to help Ben and Husk with the boar they are fighting against to finally end these annoying boars that have been messing with us since last night.

The Zombie Crew is now fighting against the remaining 2 magic boars. Now even with their coordinated earth spikes, the six of us can deal with it with our sheer number and spreading out to lessen the concentration of the earth spikes that hindering our movements, and we used the kiting or the hit and run strategy master taught us before.

Although the fight is dragging on for quite a long time that now the sun is fully emerged from the horizon, with our tireless undead body, we succeed in killing one of the boars making only one remained.

We are ready for another long fight before suddenly the boar's pupils became bloody red, all over his body appeared a line tattoo spreading all over his body. Seeing something bad is coming, we don't waste our time waiting for anything that will come for us and we jumped at the transforming boar in front of us.

A magic boar is a rank 1 magic beast that is only capable of conjuring earth spikes and simple earth magic and a charging ability to fight. We took our chances and the six of us each attacked from different directions hoping that only one of us get unlucky enough to get hit with the earth spike, although master won't be happy with us receiving a huge wound to our bodies, we decided it is most important to kill the anomaly before us.

We braced ourselves for impact and focus on stabbing our weapon through the last remaining boar's body to finish it, but something that we don't expect suddenly happened.

Suddenly the earth rises from the ground making an earth dome covering the boar from all sides blocking our attacks. And before we realize what happened, the dome expanded outward breaking the top off and opening the dome, like a flower blooming with sharp edges as its petals, revealing the transformed boar inside. The boar made a stamping gesture with its feet and the sharp petals launched from where it was and aimed its pointy edge at the six of us.

With our sheer reaction speed, most of us dodged the earth petals that are flying straight at us, except Edgar who is unfortunately not fast enough and got one of his hands chopped off as a result.

Not only earth-sharp earth petals, the magic boar is capable of conjuring as many earth spikes as four magic boars, making us return to the standstill from before. We can't retreat now that we are very close to finishing off the boar. So we must find a way to defeat this boar.

We dodged and dodged the earth spikes conjured against us. The magic boar realizing that its earth spikes didn't succeed in skewering us, let out a growl that looked like it is annoyed.

And with that growl, the attack pattern of the boar changes. The usual earth spikes turned into the earth box trap that the magic bear uses. And it almost succeeded in trapping one of us, but luckily despite the missing hand, Edgar's magic sense is still working properly.

With how things have developed, I'm worried that the magic boar is still holding back and have something it keeps under its sleeve. If it did have one, I'm afraid that the six of us will be defeated and we will surely disappoint our master for not fulfilling his order and died at the hand of this magic beast.

This situation is not good. I need to find ways to at least survive from this. If we were killed here, we would be wasting the second chance that master has given us and we doubt that he will ever trust us again to give us another chance. We need to survive this.

While my body is busy dodging the magic boar's attack and my mind is full thinking of ways to survive this.


Suddenly a loud explosion was heard from a distance and before we knew it, the barrage of earth magic attack stopped. We checked on the magic boar to see why it stopped attacking only to see its body blown off with its head on the ground and its still standing body starting to collapse slowly.

It finally died.

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