
School days.part1

(Case Tanaka Is attending Mirai high school of Cybernetics Along with his close friend, Yon Sakai. it is currently 7:30 and Case is running a bit late to class today)

: Case Tanaka:

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* "sigh another day late? I feel like time keeps getting away from me?"

I better hurry up before I have to hear it from my classmates again. (Case gets out of bed and looks at himself in his room mirror). Man, I need to get more sleep; mom says I shouldn't stay up as late as do investigating the "accident" but I can't help it "ill find out what happened dad."  ( case walks into the bathroom too quickly brush his teeth and wash his face).

(Emiko Tanaka "Cases mother" walks in to check on him)

Emiko: Hey son you know you're 30 minutes late right ?

Case: Yeah mom I know sorry. it's just that I can't stop looking into the accident at stem tech I need to know what happened to dad, what happened to those workers. Why are they hiding it?.

Emiko: oh honey I know. I miss your father just as much as you do. but you can't keep stressing yourself with the same question you may never get an answer to, now hurry along and don't forget to grab something to eat at least ok? I don't want you hungry and tired in class. I love you, sweetie.

Case: yeah. I love you too mom "I know she's just looking out for me but she can't just sweep this off forever. even if it means getting into stem tech my self I will find out what they did."

(Case heads off to school and meets up with Yon In the middle of the courtyard currently with a lot on his mind still. Case just wants to make it through the day)

Case: Yon what's up!

Yon Sakai: Hey Case, You're running late today? this is the fourth time this week. Everything alright?

Case: Yeah It's just the whole thing with my dad, The fact that Stem Tech won't talk about the incident. it eats at me that they can just continue to advertise and hire many employees like they didn't commit mass murders and get away with it.

Yon : Case... Listen Stem Tech is a HUGE company Hell it's the company of all company's without stem tech we wouldn't even be attending a school of cybernetics. What I'm saying is They rule just about everything right now and the other big names know that even if the courts wanted to they can't flame a Corporation like Stem tech it's the sad truth but it's just the way it is. If anything talking about that incident live would just get them more money.

Case: Yeah I know but.

Yon: Don't stress it Case I hate seeing you worry like this, let's just get to class

(Yon and Case make their way to class)

Mr. Takahashi: Ah Mr. Tanaka Any reason why You're late for my class again?

Case: My apologies Sir it's just been a rough few da-

Mr. Takahashi: How many more times are we going to go through this Tanaka!? It's the same excuse every time (said in a stern tone) This is your fourth Tardy this week you know the rules sir I'm going to have to write you up.

Case: But sir ?! I -

Mr. Takahashi: NO Buts, Now head to the principal's office this instant.

Yon: Woah Woah Mr. Takahashi give him a break.

Mr. Takahashi: At Mirai high school of Cybernetics We do not Do breaks, now unless you want to join him Mr. Sakai I suggest you Stay silent and pull out your textbook.

Yon: Yes sir.. (Says in smug tone)

(case makes his way to the principals office when he's stopped by the sight of Eve Teulia, The transfer student)

Case: "Man if only Takahashi knew what i was dealing with maybe he'd lighten up on me.."

(Case bumps into Eve causing her to drop her laptop and books)

Case : Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't even see you right there please let me grab them for you.

Eve: No. Don't worry about it you're fine. Just keep your head up next time (She faintly said in a cold tone)

Case: oh... Oh yeah Yeah no totally, sorry again for that (case nervously chuckles as Eve briefly stares and continues to walk off to her destination)

"Nice one Case you totally scored there knocked over the new girl's books and all. but man She was different Her tone the way she came across, just so

unbothered" (case muttered to himself)

(After a minor instance case arrives at the principals office to further go about his "consequences" for being tardy)

Case: Dammit I can't ever catch a break I wish that old bastard would hear me out at least once.

(Case's name gets called into the Principals room)

Ms.Soto: Case Tanaka. Step into my office, please.

(Case walks into Ms. Sotos offices and sits down in the chair)

Ms. Soto: Listen out of all 900 students who attend this school you are the only one I never get problems from. You have an amazing Gpa and your grades are outstanding. Tell me what's going on now with you're tardy situation.

Case: Well I mean when you put it like that with my record and stuff you would think four Tardies aren't even as bad as Mr. Takahashi makes them seem.

Besides, I'm only human A lot of things happen in peoples life's and he should respect that.

Ms. Soto: Hmm. Granted you are entitled to feel that way but is there anything I should know? we're getting constant emails about your performance in your classes. Dosing off, showing up late, not turning in work? need I say more.

Case: Okay Okay I get it. It's just been a rough few days for me Ma'am I won't let it happen again. my Father passed around this time and it just gets hard to concentrate sometimes. "God I can't even tell her what I should really be telling her because no one sees eye to eye with my opinion on Stem Tech. hell She's probably wrapped around their finger since everyone who attends Mirai High ends up working for Stem tech Anyway"

Ms. Soto: Oh I wasn't aware of your father's passing My condolences, But Case as you know You must try your best to keep distracted from that matter and focus on your work and progress.

Case: "God is this Bitch serious? Distract myself from my father's assassination? yea right I can't wait till I'm done with this hell hole" Yes ma'am... I understand like I said it won't happen again.

Ms. Soto: Good. I'll write you a warning this time make sure you get it to Mr. Takahashi before you leave school for the day. This is the last time Tanaka After that no more easy slips Got it?.

Case: Yes ma'am Thank you.

( Case takes the Warning note and Bows before leaving the Principals office to head back to Mr. Takahashi's class)

Mr. Takahashi: And make sure tomorrow class yo-

Oh Mr. Tanaka your back I see (Says In a Snide tone)

Case: Yeah Ms. Soto gave me a warning. Here's the note Sir. "Slaps note down on teachers desk"

Mr. Takahashi: Ah very well I suppose, I won't question the headmaster's choices.

Yon: Yeah because your total kiss ass weirdo (Yon says under his breath)

Mr. Takahashi; What was that Mr. Sakai?

Yon: Oh nothing Sir. Is it time for us to leave yet?

Mr. Takahashi: I believe it is class. Seems today went by quick. don't forget the Cybernetic mock blueprint project is due Monday so work on it over the weekend with your partner!.

(Mr. Takahashi shouts as the class heads out the door. Case and Yon meet up and walk towards the Exit of the school)

Yon: God I can't stand that old fool.

Case: me neither man he always has some shit to say about things he knows nothing about...

Yon: I don't even know how he got the job here at this school. the geezer seems way too old-fashioned to know jack shit about cybernetics.

Case: Yeah but look man anyway you know much about that Eve chick ?.

Yon: oh what the transfer student?

Case: Yeah, On the way to the principals' office I bumped into her, man she had such a serious presence but calming at the same time.

Yon: hey now don't go turning all Lovesick bro you don't even know that girl, and she might have ties around here.

Case: I know but it's just where both Year 3s and I don't know she just seems cool

Yon: Yeah "cool" can go a long way with strangers. now let's get going man Being at this school all day is a drag. I could be home trying to find augments.

Case: Wait? like Stem tech Augments?

Yon: Well to be honest I just like researching the many different Kinds. Although I've never seen one in the flesh but I heard they give you amazing abilities like speed enhancing, Strength, agility, and more I'm sure of it. Only Stem tech Augment Manufacturers and Net runners have access to them though. aside from your low-level street thugs they probably have some crappy made ones off the Cyber mart.

Case: oh wow man. I would love to have an Augment of my own. "Shit maybe it could even help me get one step closer to solving this Stem tech debacle."

Yon: Yeah man but I heard it's like a spiritual type of "power" I guess? like it has to bond with its host and basically like the certain augment has to pick you ya know?

Case: yea I guess I know. Anyway, man, I'm gonna dash home probably gotta help mom out with dinner. so we'll catch up?.

Yon: Yeah Of course tell mom I said hey. And remember Case Don't stress about Stem tech Sooner or later they'll get what they deserve.

Case: Yeah. Cya Yon!.

(Case splits off from Yon and heads home after a day of somewhat unfortunate events? I'm sure case will still be in question about multiple things.)

"Case walks into the house and it's greeted by his mother"

Emiko: Hey Son! How was your day today?.

Case: Well. nothing much happened and Mr. Takahashi gave me a hard time about my tardies. but other than that it was cool I stuck around Yon as usual.

Emiko: Oh that Mr. Takahashi always making something of nothing don't worry about him son (said in a playful uppity tone) anyway honey I made your favorite Chicken Katsu and Ramen!.

Case: Aw thanks mom now that I think about it didn't even grab anything to eat on my way out this morning, I'm starving.

Emiko: See what did I tell you?. now no more talking eat up honey. I'll be in my room if you need anything.

Case: Yeah no worries and thanks for the food mom.

Emiko: Ohhh of course son just doing what a mother is supposed to do ( She leans in and kisses Case on the cheek)

Case: "Man I don't know how mother does it. She keeps her composure so well. handling dads passing like a champ she manages to make me feel like.. He's still here sometimes" (Case smiles to himself while eating dinner)

(Case is just about done eating dinner and now  he's  up to his room to finish up his day)

Case: Man a few pokes around the Net wouldn't hurt before I Go to sleep, (Case opens his laptop and gets on Cyberworld.com) Hmm no articles today I'm surprised. let me see something right quick (Case types in "Accidents at Stem tech").

Case: Nothing (clicks) nothing (clicks) nothing nothing nothing gahhhh it just feels like I'm going around in circles. maybe moms right there is no point. Let me just go to bed.

(Case takes off his uniform and climbs into bed after a long day of repetition and stress. before he can close his eyes he gets a text message from Yon saying he received news that Mirai high is going on a Field trip to Stem tech industries. Will this be an opportunity for case to get the answers he's been looking for? Coming soon.)