
Chapter 9

I felt myself falling through nothingness again. I hit the ground this time managing to stay on my feet, but I still stumbled as I tried to take a step. The shopping bag in my hand hit the ground

"My goodness. Thomas are you okay?" said a soft female voice. I looked up as the world was spinning again and I could vaguely see a female figure approaching me. She waved her hand and the spinning stopped. The world immediately refocused.

"Thanks." I said, looking up at the woman. She had golden blonde hair to go with her green eyes, and kind face. She appeared to be in her late teens. She was wearing a white and brown apron dress.

Before I could ask who she was she answered for me "I'm Lucy the progenitor of life. I have the ability to manipulate living things.", "Oh ok" was all I said to that.

I stood up just as Hector hit the ground with a thump next to me. "Hey you did better this time Thomas. You might be able to teleport around regularly." He said as he dusted off his lime colored Camp Immortals tee shirt.

"I only did as well as I did because Lucy here helped me." I said. Hector looked over at Lucy and let out a sigh. "You know Thomas if I get to hang out with all these pretty girls all the time I might really like this place.

I expected Lucy to reprimand him but she just smiled. "Is that so?" She asked. Hector laughed "Sure is." I wanted to facepalm. I was sure Hector understood exactly who Lucy was. "Come on, let's go." I said, picking up the shopping bag.

Me and Hector went back into the big house and found Natalie cooking something. "Mmm tacos" I heard Hector say. "Yes they'll be done in a minute" Natalie said.

"Can we go see Sophia?" I asked. "I don't see why not. I'll take a plate up to you when the food is done." Natalie responded. "I'll catch up with you in a minute Thomas." Hector said. I shrugged and proceeded up the stairs alone.

I was about to open the door to Sophia's room when I had a sudden thought and knocked. "Yes?" came Sophia's voice. "Hey it's Thomas, can I come in?" I asked "Oh yes, yes come in Thomas." she replied.

I opened the door and saw her laying in bed still wrapped up in bandages and holding a book. Alyss was also there on the other bed in the room and seemed to be listening to her read.

"Hey Sophia I brought you something." I said holding out the bag. "Ooh what is it?" she asked, grabbing it. "Just some snacks. Candy bars, cookies, chips." I said as she opened it and smiled. "Thanks Thomas"

She opened one of the packages of frosted sugar cookies and began eating one. "You better watch yourself or you're gonna lose that nice figure of yours." Alyss said, eyeing the cookie. "Nah." Sophia said through a mouthful of cookie.

"No matter how much I eat I only ever seem to gain weight when I get taller" Sophia said. I heard Alyss say "Lucky." under her breath. "Come to think of it I've never had a problem with that either." I said as I helped myself to one of the cookies.

Hector suddenly came into the room. "Did you tell her what happened?" He asked. "I was getting to that." I said agitated

Hector took a couple of minutes to explain to Sophia what happened at the observatory. "Aunt Natalie isn't his mom is she?" Sophia asked. "No I just asked her, she said that she never even knew Thomas was born until a week ago." Hector said.

We paused for a moment as Natalie came in expertly carrying four plates laden with tacos. "Thanks miss Natalie." I said as I accepted my plate. I took a bite of a taco as Natalie said to Alyss "I'll give Alexander a plate when he returns."

"Speaking of which, where is he?" Hector asked. "He's in a place called the Creators Library. It's the place where all knowledge in existence is stored." Sophia said. "Thanks Sophia that really clears it up." Hector said, taking a bite of taco.

Sophia rolled her eyes. "So what did you find Hector?" She asked. He pulled out the paper he took down his notes on. "I found our elusive little bird demon. Underworld 55, West Quadrant, District 17."

"What does that mean?" Sophia asked. Hector and I both shrugged. "We have no Idea." I said. "You know." Sophia began. "Maybe you should pay a visit to the creators library, ask the Librarian if he can point you to a book on the subject."

"Right and just how do we get to this mystical library where all knowledge is held?" Hector asked. "You say the name of the library next to any door." Sophia said, finishing her tacos and starting on a Twix candy bar.

"It's that easy?" I asked. "Yes I don't know much about it, it may just be made that way. All I know is that's how you get in. I've only been there twice. I think it does't appear to people who don't believe it exists."

I looked at Hector "I had better do it you seem pretty skeptical of the whole thing." I said. He made a defensive motion. "Hey I may be able to do magic but there are limits to what I believe.", "Hector that genuinely surprises me." Sophia remarked.

"Everything you've seen, and heard in the last few days, and you have a hard time believing a library exists?" She said. "Well it just sounds too fantastical. A library that holds all information in existence."

I walked over to the door. Hector had a point. It seemed fairly absurd, but Sophia had a point as well. All the rules of the universe I had been trained to believe for almost 16 years were being challenged.

The words escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. It was as though an outside force had compelled me to do it. "The Creator's Library."

I could hear Hector and Sophia stop talking and turn to look at me. The door started to glow with ancient writing unknown to me. It swung open to reveal not the hallway I had expected but a large room.

I heard Hector gasp as I took a step into the room.