
Princess of Magic, Where Love and Magic Collide

Rielen, a gifted mage chosen by the Autra Kingdom, is torn away from her family, childhood friend Eon, and the comfort of her hometown to serve her kingdom. Just as despair threatens to consume her, a glimmer of hope emerges when she discovers that Eon has also made his way to the kingdom's service. However, their reunion is short-lived, as the oppressive rules of the Academy and the limitations placed on female mages stifle their dreams. Determined to break free from societal constraints and fight for her independence, Rielen embarks on a quest that leads her to uncover the startling truth about her world and the imminent peril it faces. The spirit realm is on the brink of extinction, and it is Rielen who has been chosen as its savior. Forming a sacred contract with the spirits, she assumes the responsibility of preserving their realm. But the challenges that await Rielen are immense. A mysterious organization poses a threat, testing her resilience and pushing her to her limits. As the new leader of her Kingdom, she must navigate numerous trials while simultaneously grappling with her complex relationship with Eon. Their connection is put to the ultimate test as they face danger, political intrigue, and personal sacrifices in their shared journey. In this captivating tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery, Rielen's destiny unfolds before her as she rises to the role thrust upon her. With the spirit world's fate hanging in the balance, she must navigate the treacherous path of leadership, confront the enigmatic organization, and come to terms with the complexities of her own heart. Along the way, she uncovers the true power within her and discovers that the fate of her Kingdom and her love for Eon are deeply intertwined. [Special Thanks to KatStrat93 & RedPandaChick for editing and proofreading this work!] Discord Link: https://discord.gg/3AgVEvvrbK

DarkElven6 · Fantasie
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147 Chs

Chapter Four

Grend approached the front of the room and made a motion with his hand. Suddenly, food appeared before everyone. 

Rielen gasped with surprise. The surrounding girls acted like this was normal and began piling food on their plates. 

"Hi, I am Trina," a girl with blonde hair sitting next to her said. She shook Rielen's hand, then she started introducing the other girls to the table. 

"This is Allora, Nya, and Fiore". Each girl bowed her head when her name was called. 

"My name is Rielen," she announced nervously. 

"Welcome Rielen," Trina said. "Life in the palace is different, but you will get used to it. What is your magic?"

Rielen fidgeted with her hands before saying, "They say I have nature magic."

The look in her eyes seemed surprised, but she motioned for Rielen to eat. 

The girls ate in silence as the boys ate noisily.

'I can already hear whispers of the new girl,' Rielen thought.

Remembering what Grend had said about girls not being welcomed made her realize why the girls were being silent. 

This was a battlefield. They were not going to give them ammunition. Trina smiled faintly at the new girl. 

There seemed to be a good relationship among the girls, at least.

'Maybe being here won't be terrible,' Rielen thought, as the food came flying at her face.

Trina hurriedly grabbed a napkin and helped her clean up. The boys broke out into laughter, and Rielen could feel her cheeks burning from the embarrassment. 

Allora looked at the offending table, but they were all equally laughing, so the person who threw the food couldn't be identified. 

Each girl at the table had a fire in their eyes. This probably hadn't been the first time an incident like this had happened. 

Rielen gulped at the thought of having to be careful anytime she was near the boys.

'As if our life wasn't hard enough. A new place, new people. Now I have to go through the adversity of being bullied,' Rielen thought to herself. 

"It was a lot worse when we were bunked in the West Wing," Trina whispered to her.

This made Rielen glad she came when she did. 

The girls waited until their table finished eating before they got up as a group to leave. 

The girls huddled around Rielen in a type of circle, being wary of those around them. She was thankful for their consideration. 

They led her to her room, and each gave her a hug before leaving her to rest. Hyla had anticipated that Rielen may need a bath after dinner, and left her to wash herself this time.

'Thank goodness,' Rielen sighed to herself. 'I don't know if I can handle having someone wash me again. I have hit my embarrassment peak already today.'

Rielen relaxed in the warmth of the water. This wasn't such a bad perk of being in the Palace. All her baths at home were cold. 

She carefully dried off and dressed in night clothes left by Hyla, who then tucked her into bed before saying, "I will wake you in the morning." She put another log on the fire and left the room. 

Rielen let out a breath of air, as she was alone for the second time today. Hyla had unpacked her things and sitting next to her bed were Eon's stones. 

'She must have sensed their importance to me,' Rielen thought, as she grabbed the glass and cuddled it as if it were a toy. 

She cried into the night until she finally slept. Her sleep was filled with dreams of the boy she had left behind.


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