
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasie
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16 Chs

AI Chip

AI Chip

As soon as the AI chip integrated with my consciousness, a surge of energy coursed through my brain. It was as if a dormant part of my mind awakened, and suddenly, I could vividly recall all the knowledge I had studied. It was an exhilarating experience, as if the floodgates of information had been opened within me.

A series of notifications chimed in my mind:

[Ding! The host has unlocked the AI chip.]

[Ding! Analyze function has been unlocked

Description: The AI chip can analyze different data provided by the host and offer meaningful conclusions and insights. It may even uncover hidden connections.]

[Ding! Remember function has been unlocked.

Description: The host will never forget whatever they have seen, learned, smelled, or tasted.]

The possibilities seemed endless. With the AI chip by my side, I could tap into a wealth of knowledge and make use of it in ways that surpassed mere human capability. I eagerly embraced the newfound power and potential.

Then, another notification appeared:

[Ding! Knowledge is already found in the host's brain. Should I integrate it into the knowledge library? Yes/No]

Excitement welled up within me, and without hesitation, I pressed "Yes."

[Ding! Basics of Magic 1 added to the knowledge library.]

[Ding! Basics of Fire Magic, Basics of Water Magic, Basics of Wind Magic, Basics of Earth Magic, Basics of Lightning Magic added to the library.] [Ding! Basics of Bodybuilding added to the library.] [Ding! Encyclopedia of Herbal Plants 1 & 2 added to the library.] [Ding! Encyclopedia of Monsters added to the library.]

I couldn't believe my eyes. Every book I had ever read, from the fundamentals of magic to the miscellaneous topics I had explored, was being assimilated into the knowledge library of the AI chip. It was an astonishing revelation. The hours I had spent pouring over those pages were now at my disposal.

Although I couldn't access more advanced books on spell creation or delve into complex concepts of magic and swordsmanship, I was confident that I had absorbed a significant portion of the available knowledge in the library. I had read countless books covering the basics, and I could feel the weight of that knowledge settling within me.

The AI chip had become a treasure trove of information, a vast repository of wisdom that I could tap into whenever needed. It held the potential to guide me on my path towards becoming the strongest, offering insights, analyzing data, and helping me forge new connections between different fields of study.

With this newfound resource, my journey to mastery took on a whole new dimension. I no longer felt limited by my yellow Talent Grade or my lack of extraordinary magical prowess. I had the accumulated knowledge of countless scholars and experts at my fingertips, waiting to be harnessed and applied.

Excitement surged through my veins as I contemplated the possibilities that lay before me. The world of Arcanus would soon witness the rise of a new force, a force fueled not only by innate talent but also by the fusion of human intelligence and advanced technology. The combination of my unique abilities and the AI chip's analytical power was a potent alliance that would shape my destiny.

With determination burning in my eyes, I set forth, eager to explore the depths of my newfound knowledge, hone my physical abilities, and uncover the mysteries of Chaos Magic. The AI chip would be my guide, my confidant, and my most valuable tool on this extraordinary journey. Together, we would leave an indelible mark on the world, transcending the limitations that once held me back.