
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Void [1]

"~Why are you so happy" a voice high in grace, filled with arrogance echoed out from no where.

"Blood" glowing golden eyes, responded in a deep voice.

"~hmmmmm,...have her children started another war?!" excitement spreading into the surrounding


"~then what,...i grow bored sister"

"My blood has begun again!!!!!!!" joy radiating into the void. "It seems your children didn't kill them all, Mercy"

"~we shall see, Filtiarn....we will see" mercy's eyes starting to glowing crimson, as anger seeped into her voice.

"Yes. WE. SHALL. SEE. HAHAHAHAHA" the presence of mercy gone, but not the hatred; never the hatred!

This is just a little short side story there will be a few along the way.Like it ? Add to library!

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