
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Martial Spirit (2)

Ayden shot up in a panic but soon settled down when he saw only Gene and Tah'ler in the room with him.

*"Are you ok?! You've been out for about 15 mins, but we brought you to the infirmary."

"I'm fine, i just need a minute,… can i get a min alone while i get my head back in order?"

A serious look in his eyes as he made eye contact with Tah'ler.

~"yeah we can do that I'm gonna grab some fluids for you, I'm sure Gene would like to ask you some questions later, after the rest of the test are finished. For now rest we will be back."

With the short exchange Tah'ler picked up on the cue that Ayden still needed some space because of some Secret he didn't want to share just yet.

*"Yeah,… i suppose we can let you rest for now. You are confined to the guild infirmary for now, i will place guards outside the door so no one but me and Tah'ler can enter.

There are only a few more promotion exams to do so it shouldn't be more than an hour or so. Till then rest and… heal up"

With that Gene and Tah'ler pulled the curtain and left the room.


When Ayden heard the click of the door he immediately began the important task of contracting his first spirit.

[{Pack Link} has been activated target is a martial spirit, a contract must be formed in order to use this bloodline ability on target.

Do you wish to form a contract?

(Yes)/(No) ]

Ayden picked yes but unlike before the system didn't react as it did before, instead his mind felt as though information was being poured directly into his mind for his newly acquired ability.

[Primordial System cannot create contract for you due to soul requirements: all known relevant information is currently available for you]

The fact that the system couldn't use his new abilities for him came as a shock to Ayden who had gotten used to using the system as a shortcut with the bloodline abilities he has had for a while now.

"Hmmm, guys nothing to it but to try"

The first thing the information said he needed to do was to gather the spirits energy and condense it, giving it substance.

Closing his eyes Ayden began to feel for the faint trace of energy that was Koko. At first he felt nothing as if the spirit had just been a figment of his imagination but Ayden didn't give up as he felt his awareness expand out slowly.

[SPIRIT MASTER skill {spirit sense(passive)} has been learned]

After the message popped up an odd sensation permeated throughout his body, like he was feeling the world around him on a deeper level not just the wind against his skin but instead a warm embrace.

Within this new sensation Ayden found a familiar feeling close to where he was sitting, almost as if it was calling out to him.

Grasping at the feeling, black smoke began collecting into the palm of Aydens outstretched hand slowly like water.

After about two minutes a ball of dense black smoke swirled around in his hand. Taking a breath Ayden came out of his trance like state, the smoke no longer fragmented or fragile.

Heavy breathing, sweat dripping off his chin, and a feeling of exhaustion was the state in which Ayden was in now that he was no longer reaching and collecting the tiny soul fragments that were trying so hard to escape back to the desolate plains.

{Eyes of Knowledge}

[The shell of the martial spirit Koko Sky, the shadows sword.

This shell contains the sleeping soul of a warrior who uses the element of night, the power of nature destructive element.

A spark of life is needed in order to wake the sleeping soul]

'Spark of life?' Something about the phrase sounded familiar to him, so much so that Ayden felt he knew what to do.

Gathering the energy inside his body Ayden slowly moved it from his core up through his chest, down his arm and into the spirit shell floating in his hand. The same feeling he had months ago when he was in the midst of his family trial.

If one were to watch what Ayden was doing they would notice the rings around his iris glowing a light blue, like the sky on a bright clear day. The next odd thing they would notice was a strange blue glowing causing his veins to bulge as it traveled across his body, till it came out of his finger tips as a dense smoke.

The black shell seemed to react immediately like giving water to a person who hasn't had a drink in a long time, causing the shell to pulse with life.

[{Spirit Flame} was successful; the martial spirit Koko Sky can now be linked with using {Pack Link}… success; a contract can now be formed]

When the message popped up Ayden could see the smoke becoming more dense, swirling around and combining with the shell till it seemed to explode out with force.

*"rooooaaaaaaAAAAAARRRRRR" the first thing Ayden could hear as the shell burst into life was the roar of the warrior it was made of.

Black flames licked at the air around it feeding itself to stay lit but the strangest thing was the pair of eyes no staring back at Ayden, and what looked to be an impression of a mouth.

*"it seems you have some talent with your new found abilities, that makes this a lot easier."

"Yeah… i don't mean to be rude but let's get this over with, I'm kinda on a time crunch before people come back to find me talking to a ghost. How do we form a contract?"

*"Thats an easy one, you have given me a part of you now you must take a part of me.

It will bind my soul to your body, and it will give you my Mark. Be warned it won't be comfortable until you have successfully formed my Mark,… for either of us so make it snappy young one!"

"I guess nothing to it be to try!"

Closing his eyes Ayden began to sense the connection between to two of them, trying to feel what made Koko who he is.

At first he could only feel the energy he gave as if that was the only thing giving Koko the ability to manifest in the mortal realm, but little by little he started to feel a dark energy within the fire.

The feeling wasn't of evil intentions, death/decay, or even disgust but a feeling of emptiness yet filled with power; cloaked in shadows and void of light like the deepest parts of the ocean.

*'That feeling is power, do not dwell in it for to long or your mind will be lost to its call.'

Sorry thought i posted this yesterday and apparently i didn’t!

Jonathan_Reececreators' thoughts