
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Hard to Breath, i get overwhelmed

"I am Ayden Black. Like a den of wolves darker than night, not a pirates yes during the first half of your dinner date."

As Aydens mind cleared slightly as he felt a weight in his body lessen, the overwhelming rage that was previously thrashing around inside him no longer seeping out uncontrollable. His breathing ragged to his ears as he began to hyperventilate, golden eyes darting back and forth trying to see who had noticed him in this state. While rage lessened, his overall panic raised to new heights.

~ "I need you to breath Ayden, or your body won't be able to calm down." Tah'ler's voice one of authority and commanding, instead of questioning or soft.

Yet Aydens lungs began to slowly fill with air as his body began to forcefully breath in despite his over all state, the feeling of submission washing over him once again.

The lack of control of his body forcing him to fight against what was happening, making it hard to breath again. His teeth clenching down hard as the effort to gain control back increased with each passing moment.

After a few dozen seconds, he finally started to feel like himself again as the reflection of his eyes stopped glowing the strong golden color and moved towards a darker golden brown.

Taking a step back Ayden broke the contact with Tah'ler's hand, finally feeling like he had gained full control of himself back from whatever had taken control. Only seeing Tah'ler's eyes lighten back to their normal brown, from a blackness so dark the light of the world around them seemed to disappear inside.

[emotional state has returned to an acceptable range, submenu *Mental State* has been unlocked]

[{Command - Influence} skill has been broken, self control has been returned]

[Resistance to {Command - Influence} skill has increased]

[The presence of an Alpha has been detected, caution should be exercised]

[Achievement Acquired: Unhinged - allow your emotions to take control, with out drawing blood; Reward 5 AP (35)]

[Achievement Acquired: unhinged but not Unconscious- allow your emotions to take control, without blocking out while still not drawing blood; Reward 5 AP (40)]

[Achievement Acquired: I had strings - experience the use of an {Influence} skill, and survive; Reward 5 AP (45)]

[Achievement Acquired: Now I'm free(ish) - maintain some control of yourself when the {Influence} skill is used against you; Reward 10 AP (55)]

[Achievement Acquired: there are no strings on me - forcefully break an active {Influence} skill being used on you ; Reward 15 AP (70)]

[AP Available: 70]



> NAME: Ayden Blackwater



>RACE: Human (BMV)

>MENTAL STATE: Severe (anger levels are elevated)



-level: 1

* exp (480/1000)

-strength: 8

-defense: 5

-agility: 10

-stamina: 7

-charm: 5

-available stat points: 0

>SKILLS: (70 AP)

-{Battle Cry (beginner level)}

-{Eyes of Knowledge (entry level)}

While the added AP were a welcome sight, he didn't have time to celebrate because the main thing that stuck out to Ayden was the notification of an alphas presence.

'What is an Alpha here for? Is it Tah'ler?'

While this would be a good guess, Ayden knew that it could just be an ability for those who's gods deemed them worthy of power. Then also the way Tah'ler described what an alpha was it didn't quite fit with what he knew about the man.

Now that his body felt better and less strung like a bow poised to strike, Ayden began to take deep slow breaths and shack/stretch his limbs to get rid of the remnants of being wound so tightly.

"On one side thank you, in the other never do that on me again or we will have a problem! I am Blackwater, we are not chained by Gods... or man. But i am curious, i figured only alphas could use an ability like that to give a command, or is it just an ability given to those of higher value to your god?"

~ "...You are correct, it's an ability given to those most trusted in my family. While i am no alpha, i am also not the run of the mill beta either. I'm what's called a Sentinel Beta, but as to what that means and the inner workings i can not say to an outsider just know i am loved by God Fenrir.

All of this will have to be for another time, as right now we have other things to take care of don't you think?" Tah'ler finished by point his thumb over his shoulder at the growing group of divers.

Although his emotions were just barely under control he knew it was time to set foot back onto the plans of hell, the lessons of yesterday coming to the front of his conscious mind.

- "Today we are going to break into four teams, and each team is going to hunt a Titan-Para. They are one of the few Haze Beast that take a team to kill because of its overall size, which is where it gets the name titan from. To keep things from getting out of hand we are going to observe only one group at a time do the hunt. The other three will observe, also be careful of the 'blood' which isn't actually blood but non the less it will poison a person with a fast acting parasite that eats away at said persons skin. We have a few with healing abilities so dont think of it as a warning to not attack with everything you've got, but more a don't wait to tell someone.

Remember we can all die easily out in the fields, so always report if you get type of injury because Many small things could kill you. But take ten minutes to gather what you need and we can head out, meet at the gates of hell in 10 minutes... it's time to hunt!"

While Gene was talking Ayden didn't notice that in his excitement he had stopped breathing in a rough manner, or in any way at all as excitement reached every inch of his body! While he had gotten his first taste of beast combat, this would be his first time on the actual field, within the giant walls of an ancient struggle between humans and haze beast.

The faces of all the new recruits showed the same excitement for adventure, but the eyes of the veteran divers showed sadness. The sadness comes because every time this trail is done, it claims at least one life of not more.

Yet it's not because the recruits aren't strong enough, it's not because the vets aren't assisting in every way they can, and it's mot because they don't take every step possible to prevent it. The reason is because everything someone does something stupid, and it's cost them their life or the life of another.

The plains needed to be cleaned out of the weaker beast that had been forced out of the either caves, which always seemed to be growing despite the guilds efforts. This is why the new recruits were the ones to do it, because why not gain combat experience from the weakest of the Haze Beast first before taking your first dive into the caves.

~ "Make sure to watch your back on the plains Ayden, we lose people every year starting now. Doesn't matter how long we train them in the courtyard with the herd beast, the first trip into the plains always exacts a cost! .... I would prefer it not to be you. Their are things a Blackwater is needed for in this world, and you aren't meant to die here today.

That sounded super ominous don't you think, hahaha." Tah'ler's words finally bringing Ayden back to the present, and the danger of what they were actually getting ready to go do.

"Suddenly, it's getting hard to breath... i think i need to use the restroom, really quick!"

Sorry this chapter took so long!!!! Have been busy with work and family stuff, as well as baby season for cats, as my partner runs a cat rescue and that’s taking a lot of my time helping with that as well.

But i promise to try and do better about getting chapters out!!!!!

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