
Primordial Darkness Heretic Art

The seal on earth preventing mana to exist on it was destroyed by a gigantic finger. It caused mana to flood the world and those who failed to adapt turned into mindless killing monsters known as 'fallens' The humans were overwhelmed by threats everywhere but soon discovered the mystical effect of the doors that appeared at the start of the apocalypse. The doors have the ability to repel fallens from coming in a certain range A year passed and heroes rose from the masses. The humans slowly learned how to wield mana thanks to the protection given by the doors However, after a year, what they thought of protection turned into their nightmare. The locked doors opened and stream of monsters flooded out from it As the humans built their bases centered to these doors, the sudden turn of event caught them off guard and killed a lot of them Caizher, a twenty-year-old man discovered a door different than others. The other doors are white in color but this one is black. There are also some fallens that approached it Instead of fearing the dangerous door, Caizher settled down near the door. As for the reason? To satiate his bloodlust and fight the fallens that approached the door But to his luck, when the door opened, it swallowed him. Caizher entered a world of darkness. An eye he was familiar with appeared and disintegrated his body However, instead of killing him, the eye took away his humanity and turned him into a lump of darkness What he thought of as his death turned into a blessing. He might not be a human anymore but he doesn't care. His darkness body is superior to all! Watch him become the strongest using the 'Primordial Darkness Heretic Art' that the eye left him ---- The world setting is similar to modern day earth but also a bit different The time of the first year will be a bit fast and will only slow down after the doors opened ---- Buy me Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kencerussel Thank you!!

KenceRussel · Fantasie
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184 Chs

Chapter 17: Clever Little Girl

"Woah, really? How did you do that?" Caizher asked amazed. As he was cooped up in his little village in the past, he does not have much information on how much humans progressed. To think that this little girl managed to do such a feat, how can he not be shocked?

"Hmph, you're only understanding my greatness now!" The little girl said proudly. "But I still won't divulge how I did it! How can I let my secret spread?" As she is the first one to successfully create a weapon from mutant animals' parts, she won't easily let other people know how she did it

"How much is it? I want to buy it!" Although Caizher does not know how powerful the sword is, it's a fantasy-like item! Any men would want it

"Hmph, do you think you can afford something like that? Little girl, I'll buy it. Give me a price"

The others also want to have the sword but they don't have the ability to fight for it. Besides, they don't want to offend such a powerful expert like John

"This sword is not for sale! Like I said before, I think this is fate. You two needs to fight for it, the winner will have it" The little girl declared much to the attendants' surprise

"Boss, why give it for free? We'll be able to sell such a sword for a high price!" The others nodded their heads. Any powerful and rich would want a sword like that

Maybe, for now, it doesn't have much strength yet but as the animals continue to grow stronger, won't the weapons made from them become much more powerful than any other weapons?

"What are you saying?! This is my first special sword! How can I let it land on the unworthy people?!" The little girl was angered and threw a kicked on the attendant's leg. She literally looks like a girl throwing a tantrum

"So, what do you two thinks? Want to have my legendary sword?" The little girl said with a toothy grin

"Alright, let me win that sword" Caizher said confidently. If his enemy uses pure mana attacks, he wouldn't be this confident. The top experts of humanities aren't to be underestimated after all

However, in front of enemies that only uses pure physical attacks, what is there to fear?

"You're so arrogant! Don't come begging to me after I smashed your bones!" John said angrily which was understandable. If someone you think of as lowly is looking down at you, how can you not be infuriated?

"Heh... let's see about it!" Caizher sneered


As the fight cannot be done inside the shop due to the limited space. The two needed to change their venue. It was just an open space where many other mana users are fighting. This place was used for training one's ability

Many people had sparring sessions here. Seeing John, the mana users become fearful. The man is not only strong, but he's also cruel!

He has quite an infamous reputation causing the others to go far away from him.

John was loving this kind of attention; he loves how others feared him. This made him feel powerful and he can bully others as much as he wants

One look at his face and you will immediately know that he is pleased with other people's reactions towards him

"Yuck" Caizher muttered, loud enough for John to hear it. That made John glare at him

"Alright, go! Fight now, I don't have much time!" The little girl said impatiently

The two stood in the opposite direction while Caizher retrieved his daggers from his side. As for John, his fist grew into an abnormal size. It's even bigger than three times the size of a normal human's fist. It can easily punch your whole face if it hits

"Start!" The little girl announced and the two immediately charged at each other

"Taste my fist!" John shouted and covered his huge fist with pure mana that doesn't undergo a change in nature like how others mostly used it. John's fist was covered with a blue light which caused a change in Caizher's expression

He thought that his enemies will only make his fist bigger but Caizher didn't think that John will also coat it with mana. This would be a bit trickier to deal with

The fist and daggers met. As expected, it forced Caizher to take a few steps back. His condensed human hand also returned to a lump of darkness because of the impact

Fortunately, he doesn't have a real human body. If not, he would feel numb on his arms. Caizher's daggers were about to fall on the ground but he immediately recondenses his darkness into a human hand and caught the falling daggers

John was a bit shock at Caizher's hand turning into a fog of darkness. However, seeing how Caizher almost lose his daggers, filled the man with confidence

'I can't take a direct hit!' Caizher said on his mind. It seems like his thought of no enemies that focuses on physical strength won't be able to harm him is wrong

Also, just because he can defeat Sheena easily doesn't mean he can do so to others with similar strength to that woman. Depending on how one uses their mana and what kind of attacks they have, Caizher can still be harmed. Some humans although weaker than him but can still pose a threat to him if they have the right ability

"HAAA!!" John roared and threw another fist attack at Caizher. However, this time, Caizher will fight smartly!

Caizher's body sinks to the ground causing John's attack to miss. The element of surprise also made the man more vulnerable and Caizher used his daggers to attack John on both sides

John tried to get away as soon as possible but Caizher still managed to make a wound on each of his sides

The man looked at Caizher strangely, how can he sink his body on the ground?! John looked at his bleeding wound and started taking Caizher seriously

Caizher might be inferior to him physically but the man's means are unpredictable. In a battle, brute strength has a disadvantage and that is they are predictable

Most of the time, unpredictable attacks are very deadly!

John made his fist grew bigger again and intertwined both of his hands and used it to smash it down to Caizher. However, his attack only landed on the ground causing some cracks to appear on it

Caizher was nowhere to be found and the man only left his daggers behind. John raised his guard to the highest but who would have thought that Caizher would emerge from the ground on his back

Caizher's arms are currently sharp tentacle shape that he pointed at John's neck. The man can feel the coldness on his neck as if one wrong move of his will spell his death

"Next time, do not be too arrogant. You might not know when you will die!" Caizher coldly said straight to the man's ears

John didn't dare to move no matter how angry he is. He can still regain the face ho loses if he's still alive. But once he is dead, what more can he do?

"J-john was defeated?"

"Who is that man?"

"How can he be so powerful?"

"How did he do that!"

The people around exclaimed in shock. They too only saw Caizher sinking on the ground before he reappeared behind John. His means are perfect for assassination! This made everyone to feel cold on their hearts

They still have some ability to defend themselves from direct combat. However, to an assassin that has that kind of ability, they might die immediately without them knowing how and who did it. The people around made a mental note not to offend this guy

You can offend a powerful expert but an assassin like this is the one you should never offend!

"Wow!! Amazing!!!" The little girl exclaimed in excitement and Caizher walked towards her while grinning

"Can I take the sword now?" Caizher asked while looking at the sword. That sword is a man's dream! Who wouldn't want a sword with a fantasy-like background?

"You can have it but I think you are more suited to use daggers. Want me to make you a pair of daggers with the same materials?" The little girl asked. It would be a waste for her first sword to be used by a dagger expert

"No need, I can use both daggers and swords. But if you want, you can give me the sword now and also give me the daggers after you made it. How's that? A good deal, right?"

John almost rolled his eyes to death. This man is really shameless! How can he say such a thing and make it sound like a bargain?

John thought that the little girl will refuse and be angered but the girl actually nodded her head! Even Caizher was shocked as he was just kidding

"Alright, but I need you to do something for me!"

'Oh, it seems like she also has ulterior motive'

"What is it?" Caizher asked. Daggers and swords will be effective in different enemies

Daggers are the best to use at nimble and fast enemies. It would be easier to attack and defend by using small weapons. However, if Caizher is fighting an enemy with a huge size, it was better to use a sword. Daggers will leave smaller wounds while swords can penetrate deeper

"Hunt mutant animals for me and give me their fangs or claws! I'm still new at this new kind of way to make weapons. My success rate is low and I don't want to make my shop go bankrupt by always buying materials!"

Caizher looked at the little girl in a new way. This kid looks innocent and easy-going but her mind is very clever!

Her having a low success rate makes sense as it seems like she's the first one to manage such a feat. She would need a lot of materials in the process. Having Caizher as her helper will slightly alleviate the financial burden on her. But there was still one thing that puzzled Caizher

"Are mutant animals' body parts that expensive?" Caizher asked the question he was wondering about. In this apocalypse, the most important thing is food. No matter how strong you are, without any food, you'll become weaker until you die

The edible parts of the animals might be priced high but what about the parts that cannot be eaten like claws and fangs? Was it price high? If yes, why?

"Mutant animals that can be eaten have a higher price than normal food but it wasn't that too high. However, there are many others competing to make weapons from biomaterials as I did. Those fools were looking down on me before but I was the one that succeeded!" Towards the end, the little girl acted so proudly on herself again

You can't blame her though. If you were looked down on by other people and they said that you can't do something yet you proved them wrong, how can you not be smug about it?

Besides, what she achieved is really something to be proud of

"There is fierce competition in the market causing the prices of such materials to be high. One fang is not expensive but how many fangs do you think is needed to make such a sword? The fierce competition and the amount needed to make the weapons made the price high!"

"Oh..." Caizher nodded his head. As humans are constantly threatened, they need to find a way to increase their strength

Metallic weapons are good but it's not like the supplies of the materials are infinite. Especially since the mines become more dangerous than before and humans don't have modern technology anymore. Acquisition of materials is harder now

For survival, humans must make weapons on the available materials like mutant animals or research about it to make other things

Their world now is a world filled with mana! Things that only came from fantasy novels are now slowly appearing. As of now, the humans only managed to make weapons from animal parts that was strengthened by mana. But in a world like this, the possibility is endless! Any ideas from fantasy novels has a chance now to become a reality!