
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasie
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118 Chs


After the fight between the disciples, they all looked towards Davina, as she was outnumbered.

"Davina, do you want to fight any of them?" Talia asked

"No, I think I am good," Davina said with a blush as she stared at Daren for a few seconds and shook her head. Daren, who felt her gaze linger on him for a few seconds, was confused. He had caught her staring at him more than once. Right now, he was seated with Wrath, who still had the soul of his mother, so his hard-shelled personality he always kept up was gone as Wrath hugged him and kissed him all over.

"Look at how my baby has grown. Mommy missed you. Muah muah"

"Yes mum. I missed you too." Daren had no choice but to take his kisses in front of everybody.

'He has such a cute side to him too eekkkkkkkk' Davina was screaming in excitement as she thought.

"Since Davina does not want to fight and the two beasts are too lazy to spar, I guess it's all been wrapped up then." Fenrir and Maverick snorted in agreement as Licht spoke.

Regallas got up, walking to Vlad and asking, "Can you direct me to the forge, please?"

Vlad laughed and nodded. "Let's go, young master Regallas."

Vlad walked in a different direction, bringing Regallas, who was clearly excited.

Midas went up to Tenebrea and asked, "Do you have cursed weapons? I need souls to increase my arsenal." Tenebrea just nodded and told Ana to take the people who needed to go to the Treasury with her.

Daren obviously followed Midas. The odd thing was that Scarlet and Davina followed swiftly after. Julius and Sloane went up to Maverick and Sloane as they had mini conversations about improving their battle prowess; they even spoke about using the beasts as mounts, making it more majestic. Fenrir and Maverick had goosebumps as their owners stared at them like meat on a chopping block.

Talia still stayed behind as she sat with her eyes closed and her trident on her legs. It looked like she was meditating. Frances sat right beside her as he stared at her in her own place.

"You know that is creepy, right?" Talia said this with her eyes still closed.

"Yes, I know. I just wanted to understand you. You seem like you've been through a lot." Frances shrugged.

Well, considering Master rescued me from the chains I've been bound in for years, I guess you're right." Talia said like it was nothing.

"Chains? Why were you in chains?" Frances frowned

"Because of my blood. The elders felt that since I had the blood of a man who could turn mad and kill people, I was also capable of that, especially when I actually raged out and attacked some people. They felt it was for the best," Talia sighed and then replied.

Frances frowned, and there was silence for a while. Talia sighed once more and opened her eyes. "I don't blame them. They acted out of fear. I ought to get my revenge, but Master liberated me, so I don't care anymore."

"I understand." Frances nodded as he sat with her in silence. She smiled at him, closed her eyes, and continued meditating. It was a beautiful type of silence.

Licht and Tenebrea looked around as they saw everyone was relating and had split into partners. The twins had already left for the city to explore. They were curious, so they went to check how the vampire city was. They could defend themselves, and Tenebrea also sent some guards to follow them to show they were from the castle, lest a fool try to cause trouble.

Scarlet followed Midas as he looked at all the cursed weapons. Most of them were the souls of former people like Lamias, Demons, Succubus, Night Elves,etcetera. Scarlet looked at Midas, feeling the weapons.

"I see you are building generals based on the demon king. The wyvern is Pride, The tiger lady is Wrath, The lady rabbit is Lust, The naga is Envy and The chimera is Gluttony, which means you are missing Sloth and Greed, am I right?"

"Well. You are almost right. I am only missing Greed." Midas smiled

"Huh? That means you had sloth. But I did not see--" Scarlet then realized.

"Was Sloth aimed at me when I did the final attack?"

Midas looked at Scarlet and gave her a brief smirk. He finally picked up an orb that had the soul of a doppelganger. Doppelgangers were demons that had the ability to shapeshift into any creature they touched. They also had the power to use the abilities of that creature as long as they stayed in the form of whatever or whoever they touched. Midas found it to be interesting and chose the soul as his final general. He needed another soul to combine it with. A soul that was not going to be corrupted or overridden.

Midas sat with the cursed weapon and began the absorption process. A screech was heard as the soul was being pulled out of its home for years; it was like ripping out a human from cement without carefully ensuring the cement would not harm them.

When the entire process was done, he looked at the doppelganger's soul resting within his own. It was an ever-changing mass; it looked like an amoeba that was trying to take an actual form. Midas smiled as he saw that. He felt everything he came here to accomplish had been accomplished.

Meanwhile, Davina was trying to have a conversation with Daren, but it seemed futile.

"So your name is Daren?"


"I find your affinities really cool, Poison and Darkness."


"I deal with curse energy and am currently learning witchcraft."


Davina was sad and almost felt like giving up.

"So how did you meet Midas?"

Daren took a pause and sighed. "He saved my life and managed to keep me with my mother. That is why I have sworn my life to him and Grandmaster Licht."

For the first time, he replied. Davina had hope, so she chose to only pick sensitive topics that were not too sensitive so he would not be offended.

"I saw your mother behind as Midas' summons or at least one of his generals. What happened?" Davina chose to take it up a notch.

"We were taken by bandits for a blood sacrifice. My mother was not lucky; she was raped and killed by them, but Sir Midas managed to kill them all and bring my mom back, but as a soul. The good thing is that she doesn't mind. She feels even more powerful, and master treats all his summons with respect, so it's all good."

Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know." Davina apologized because she felt she had crossed a line.

But he assured her that it was fine; it was a long time, and from there, they actually had a normal conversation. Daren found out how she was treated like an abnormal child in her tribe and also felt pity for her. All the disciples in the treasury were now connecting and Vlad felt pleased. They needed to connect in case there was a battle that they all needed to participate in. Teamwork was key, and now it seemed like they were already building it. Vlad wondered how the rest were actually progressing.