
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Scarlet V Midas/ Regallas V Talia

Scarlet actually gave a big grin for the first time, as she found Midas amusing. She fired her arrows, and Midas moved to dodge. They returned, and he dodged again. And again. And again. Scarlet found it amusing, but she felt sooner or later that this man would slip up and be defeated. Midas managed to break the dozens of flaming arrows that were moving to hit him. He made a run for Scarlet, but Scarlet knew better. She jumped backwards and started to retreat, still firing more arrows, causing Midas a bit of discomfort. Regallas had starry eyes, as he knew now was the time Midas needed one of his weapons, and if this battle was successful, Midas would need him to forge a weapon for him. As Midas ran towards Scarlet and was being drowned by the arrows, a black sword rose from the ground. Midas smiled immediately, knowing the thought running through Regallas' mind, but he did not refuse the weapon. He managed to slash the arrows, causing mini explosions that burned through his skin, but he did not mind. He cut the arrows down like he was doing yardwork. Scarlet fired more arrows while retreating, but she felt something was amiss. She immediately changed directions. A soldier popped out of nowhere, slashing at her, but she bombarded it with arrows, obliterating the poor summon.

"That was quite sneaky, Midas," She laughed.

"All's fair in love and war." Midas used her lapse in concentration to close the distance between them.

He slashed with the sword, and she blocked with her bow. The two blades popped out from the bow and slashed back at Midas. Midas was a bit surprised at the strength of Scarlet, but it made sense since vampires had enhanced physiques.

Midas pulled back a bit, not giving Scarlet enough distance to fire her bow, or at least that's what he thought. She retrieved a small crossbow from her belt, already loaded, and fired the only bolt at Midas. He slashed the incoming flaming bolt. He had expected Scarlet to have retreated, but instead she took the initiative. She was before him with a smile and a dagger on Midas neck. She said it victoriously.

"I win"

Midas laughed as his eyes darted around. Scarlet felt her hair stand on end. She looked around and saw bows trained on her, spears almost touching her, and the entire sins that Midas had in his arsenal except Pride were ready to pounce on her. If it were an actual battle to the death, it would have been mutual destruction.

"You couldn't win, so you chose a tie?" Scarlet narrowed her eyes.

Midas face came closer as he smiled. "Why not?"

Scarlet retracted her weapon and scoffed, "No surrender. I like that."

Midas smiled. Within his right pupil, a silhouette of claws glimmered and retreated back into the darkness. Tenebrea smiled as she felt the fluctuations from Midas, but she did not say anything.

"You've really gone all out with your first." Tenebrea said

"Believe it or not, I just taught him the basics." He is the greatest genius I have seen in a long time," Licht said.

"Daddy, what about me? Am I a genius too?" Gayatri asked as she jumped around Licht.

"Yes, Midas is second only to you." Licht patted her cute head.

"Bwahaha, I am even stronger than big brother Midas!" She shouted out loud, making Midas, who was below, chuckle lightly.

Regallas walked up to Scarlet, looking at her bow. "Scarlet, why do you use a bow? You clearly can materialize the flame arrows from scratch, so why don't you take the path of a mage?"

Scarlet blushed in embarrassment. "That was the first path I took, but my arrow spells lacked power. Ana suggested I use a bow to increase the distance and penetrative power, so I ventured on the path of the archer."

"Hmmm, I see. Well, I can improve on your arsenal, but that would be later." He then walked to Midas and said with a smug smile. "Midas, I am guessing you would need physical weapons now."

"Yeah, I realize there are some limits to my power now, and It's better safe than sorry." Midas nodded.

Regallas felt this was the best day ever for him. He also heard from Tenebrea that they had Orichalcum and Obsidian, which meant he could upgrade the weapons he had forged for Sloane, the twins, Daren, and Fenrir.

He then went to the arena because he knew it was his turn to battle, and he was going to battle the fallen, Talia.

Talia flew to the center stage, staring at the handsome elf in her presence. She smiled as she brought out her trident. Regallas also retrieved his staff.


The two blades were visible, each half a meter long. He gestured for her to come at him. She smiled and flapped her wings. The sand scattered as her wings propelled her to Regallas. She stabbed at him with her trident, but he just wacked her trident to the left, sending her in the wrong direction. She used the bone spur on her wing to attack him as she flew away. He blocked the attack, and the wing then carried him in the direction Talia was flying. She threw him forward as she stabbed rapidly at Regallas in the air, who reciprocated by blocking and redirecting the attacks. Regallas somersaulted in the air, performing a beautiful landing.

Talia hovered above as she stared at him. She started to split into light clones to attack Regallas. Regallas knew they were made of light, so he felt they were just there to distract him, but he also remembered that the real Talia could be hiding amongst the clones, so he blocked with rapt attention until he accidentally slipped up.

When one of the clones attacked him, he did not feel a cut but instead a painful burn, similar to when you touch a hot object.

'These clones are intangible but also deal burn damage.' Regallas was surprised and actually put more effort into blocking. Another attack connected, and this time it was a cut—a deep one at that.

"Okay enough!! Ground of arms" Blades started to sprout from the ground. The clones were not sentient, but they still acted on Talia's orders. Talia, who was invisible, felt something was wrong, so she immediately retreated.

Gates of Tartarus: Tornado (This move was formally called Torrential Grinder, but I felt Tornado would sound a lot better. What do you think?)

The blades flew out of the ground and started flying in a circle around Regallas until no one could see anything and he was within a twister of blades. The light clones started to burst into particles of light as the blade touched them one by one, and soon Regallas was the only one within the twister.

Regallas stood on one of the blades, floating.

"I know you are still there. Most likely invisible. Don't worry. I'd end this quick."

"Reverse Hailstorm"

All the blades pointed upward and flew in that direction. Regallas saw sparks at a spot and smiled.

"Got you."

He flew with the sword and slashed. One of Talia's wings was flying while the other protected her like a shield.

She sighed "You're quick-witted, or I was just slow."

Regallas smiled, and all the blades fell to the ground. He landed and walked back to the seats. He was not excited about the match but rather about the fact that he was going to forge. He was already daydreaming about pounding ores into shape.

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