

Chlea's Point of View

My phone beeped and I lazily grabbed it from my bedside table.

Unread Message from Vaughn: 'Can I pick you up tomorrow morning?'

The corners of my mouth rose and I tapped a reply, 'Surething, handsome. See ya at 9 sharp, xoxo.'

Today is Wednesday and my first class does not start until 10:30 AM. Among all weekdays, Wednesday is probably my favorite. Well, next to Friday, of course. I woke up today earlier than usual. Weird but I felt like I want to look good and dress up today. Geez, how long has it been since I felt like thoroughly thinking what I will be wearing today? I mean, I just usually wear clothes that catch my attention first, and voila, I am good to go. But today is seemingly an odd day.

Do you know that feeling of finding a long-lost treasure when you find your old favorite clothes and having the feeling of getting to wear them again? That's what I am feeling now. Turns out I used to have a lot of favorites but simply stopped wearing them, no one knows why.

At around 7 AM, I already finished my bath and I'm now sitting in front of my rectangular vanity mirror. It has light bulbs installed on its four sides. The lights make my face look so clear and with all the details visible.

When did I ever get this old? Seriously, before, I used to sneak into my sister's room and use her cosmetics in secret. She never allowed me to use her's because according to her, it was 'unhygienic'. My older sister has always been like that, she likes everything to be squeaky clean. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why she eventually became a doctor, due to her extra attention to hygiene.

We used to bicker a lot. But when Mum died, the tension between us also went down ten feet below the ground. Sierra became more like Mum or at least she tries to do so. But for the last few years, she has been so busy with med school we barely meet. She is still mad with dad and won't talk to him.

I decided to wear lip gloss with a slight pink tint. For the first time in ages, I wore mascara in my own will. And now I am all set! All I have to do is wait for Vaughn to arrive. Geez, I realize most of the time he picks me up, it's either I woke up late or he waits for me. Now is the time I bring myself back up and will do otherwise.

With too much drama going on in my life, I made a pact to myself after I spoke to Auntie Jac that I will loosen up a little and enjoy my freshman years. Now all I have to think of is how I should get rid of the people Dad use to keep an eye on me. I need to think of an idea, even if it means I need to be away from my house.

Just right on time as I got out from our gate, a black Audi car arrived. I squinted my eyes to see the driver and it is Vaughn. My heart flutter and I can hear it almost coming out from my chest. Its pounding so loud it is the only thing I hear in my ears. Whenever I am nervous, my hands and feet would turn literally cold like it's been sitting inside a freezer for days.

Vaughn looks so fine and dashing as ever. He is wearing a black polo and sleek hair which I think he applied the gel with. He looks so neat and handsome. That is all I can say, handsome in every way possible. While here I am, looking like a potato in a floral dress with a denim jacket. I put my hair into a high ponytail. I could feel my face stretch upwards because I tied my scrunchy too tight. Nevertheless, I achieved the look I want for today

I opened the door of his car's front seat. It smells like lemon and citrus, as usual, it is so clean inside and you cannot find even a speck of dust or dirt. I usually hate scented cars because it makes me dizzy and want to throw up but his car smells so good I want to ask him so bad what brand or scent he uses. To remind me of him all the time. Now, ain't that too cheesy? It probably is. Whatever.

"Good morning, beautiful," Vaughn said as I took my seat inside his car.

He gave me a sidelong glance as we drive off to school. "I never knew you wear eyeglasses, it looks good on you," Vaughn said all smiles. What's wrong with him today? Well, not totally wrong. It's just that he is talking a lot more than usual today.

I flashed a suspicious grin and looked at him sideways, "What's with you? Why are you so happy?" I teased.

He chuckled and his Adam's apple is clearly visible as he speak, "Not really, I am just excited. By the way, are you free after class?" Vaughn asked with his eyes fixated intently on the road ahead of us. I could say he is the best driver I know. He never rushes but he is not the turtle driver type as well.

I placed a pointer finger on my chin and pretended to think, "Hmm, yes I am free. I mean... I don't have plans with the girls. So yes. Why do you ask?" I could sense myself stuttering for no apparent reason because I felt my heart skip a beat when he flashed an innocent grin. Seriously, what's with us today?!

"That's great..." He replied and paused. I could see his face and ears turn red all of a sudden. Clearly, he is shy for a reason I don't know why. And before I knew it, we are already at the university's parking lot. There's a lot of cars already and we barely found an empty spot. We had to turn and drive around to find this one which is near the mahogany tree where we first met.

Vaughn turned off the engine and removed his seatbelt. "Well, would you like to have a picnic with me later? I know this good place that has a great view of the city." He said while his eyes is sparkling. Why is he like this? I mean he is just too good to be true. Being the tough and cool-looking guy like him, a girl would never expect him to ask you out for a picnic. Seriously, what good deed did I ever do to meet such an adorable guy like Vaughn?

"Of course! I'd love to go on a picnic! What should we bring then?" I said while slowly removing my seatbelt so that it won't ricochet against the window. I'm afraid I might scratch his car.

Vaughn scratched his head, "I sort of have prepared it already. Look." He bashfully said while pointing to the back seat. There is a basket that I presume has food in it and a floral blanket neatly folded on top.

I slapped his arm, "No wonder I smelled sandwiches the moment I got here! Thought I was just imagining, you silly. Did you prepare all of this?" I wistfully asked.

He nodded. What a guy he is. Really. A man straight out of fictional books, the man you thought never existed. Like the main character of a romance movie that is beside me.

"I can't wait to go on that picnic!" I shrieked excitedly.

When we got off his car, I felt Vaughn's warm hand cling to mine. His is so much bigger than my hand he is like practically holding a child on its way to class. We walked like that throughout the hallway and people were staring at us like we are some sort in a teen drama. I mean who wouldn't? A popular guy like him is with an unknown college freshman like me.

In the hallway and almost every group of people we pass, Vaughn would constantly be stopped because they kept on talking to him. It's like his popularity is being rubbed downright to my face. Vaughn is just so friendly and amiable he could run for a position in the student government and would win in an instant without further ado. He is that type based on my observation.

Now that I think of it, was he just being nice when he agreed to us being in a relationship back in Kawasan? Because as I can see, he is definitely the type of person that will do anything not to hurt you. Seriously, it made my stomach hurl into a crunch. What if he just agreed to all of this because he did not want to hurt or embarrass me? Oh my gosh. I haven't thought of that really.

I think I spaced out too much with these flooding thoughts that I did not realize we are now in front of my classroom.

"Are you okay?" Vaughn asked worriedly as he caressed my back. For certain, I am sure I am not okay. The sudden surge of thoughts sure made me feel sick. What have I done?

I just nodded at him and bid him goodbye as entered our classroom. Gayle is merrily waving at me with her both hands from afar. "We saved you a seat, come here!" Molly also looked at me and smiled weakly, is she sick or what? She has big dark circles under her eyes and all in all she looks like she is about to faint anytime. This made me forget my 'what-if' thoughts for a moment as I worry for Molly.

I placed the back of my hand on Molly's forehead to check if she has a fever or what, "Hey, you look sick. Have you eaten?" She just weakly nodded.

Gayle tapped the seat between her and Molly for me to sit on and I did. "Don't worry about her, she just got a new job as a call center agent. She looks cute, like a panda fro. China."