
I love you, Chlea

Molly brushed Gayle off because she has been clinging to her since the moment I came, "Seriously, you are one merciless woman. I am not working as a call center agent, will you stop saying that to every people asking why I look like this?" Molly shrieked.

Gayle just laughed hysterically while hitting her desk. She almost cried. I can't help but laugh too. Apparently, Gayle has been telling people that Molly is working on a graveyard shift but what really happened is that Molly stayed up all night watching Korean dramas. Thus explaining her panda look today.

"I swear it was so good! I just couldn't help but watch another episode until the sun came up!" Molly enthusiastically protested. She is right. Who can ever resist those charming leading men? They look so handsome and their beauty is literally blinding.

"Look who's daydreaming!" Gayle snapped her fingers in front of me and I instantly snapped out of my reverie. Geez, this woman. Is she Thanos's daughter or something?

Gayle leaned closer and she teased. "Oh, somebody is in love. How's it going with your hottie boyfriend?"

With a blank face, I looked at her and stick my tongue out. Gayle is an achiever and is probably the most intelligent person I know next to my sister. Gayle does everything she can to be on top, it may not seem like it but she studies a lot, big time. We often turn to her if there is something Molly and I did understand without the professor's lectures. But according to her, she is nothing but a mediocre student. I tell you, absolutely not. Maybe she is just humble.

Our first-period class is almost done but our professor has not arrived yet. It's odd because she is usually punctual and arrives early. Because of this, the three of us talked a little bit longer.

"So, there is now a vacant room at the dorm building four because the occupants have already graduated and they have completely got all their belongings out. What do you think, girls?" Gayle whispered.

My eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you whispering like that? Is that some sort of a secret?" I asked.

She hushed me and put a pointer finger on her mouth, "Yes it is! The news is not out yet, I have a friend on the student government and he told me first. Don't let others know yet!"

All of a sudden, Molly's head looked up from being deeply burrowed to the armchair table. "Of course, I love to stay at a dorm. College life will not be complete without it." She said and then immediately went back to sleep.

"Yes, that is the point. The moment I knew the secret news I already packed my things. I think we should all stay together in a dorm. I heard there is a large dorm apartment with three rooms, that would be perfect for us!" Gayle's eyes shimmered and started clapping like a seal.

I fiddled with my pen, "Well... I don't know if my Dad will allow me. You see, he is very strict."

"Oh come on! We are inside the university premises so it is absolutely safe! And besides, boys are not allowed inside the girl's dorm! I wish they were allowed to but unfortunately, they are not!" Gayle said and laughed maniacally.

"Crazy! HAHAHA!" I threw my pen at her and laughed as well.

In the end, we decided to file an application to live in the dorm. I am confident our application will be approved right away because Gayle is a potential leader of the supreme student government and her academic credentials are top tier. In short, universities were after her but she chose to study here. So I am quite confident we will have our way.

My only concern is that how will I let Dad know and make him agree. Anyway, the day ended but next week is going to be 'Hell Week'. Hell Week is the school week wherein where a lot of tests, researches, outputs, activities, and exams are happening. A hell-like situation for students. I am planning to study really hard and smart this time. No time for distractions until I will study until my nose bleed.

The girls went on their way home while I am waiting for Vaughn at the parking lot. He is sure busy as well, busier than us. Vaughn is taking up Mechanical Engineering and he is already in his second year. He is a year older than me. I found a light brown mahogany seed and I played it with my hand while waiting for him.

My glasses are falling off my nose so I slid it back up. I can see a familiar figure from afar but his figure is just too blurry from where I am at but I am certain it is Vaughn. I better have my eyes checked again, my eyesight is getting worse. Vaughn is wearing a black backpack. Wow, that's a rhyme! We tackled that earlier.

He is also holding a binder notebook in his right hand. The studious Vaughn has arrived. As usual, people were greeting him and he is all smiles talking to them. He spotted me and then silently mouthed, 'I'm sorry. To that, I don't know what he is sorry for. For me, I am just so elated to see him as happy and outgoing as that.

"I'm sorry, I am late. We had an unfinished task for the coming Hell Week." He said while panting. Vaughn went inside his car and reached for his car keys. Carefully, he placed his bag and books at the back and put the engine to life.

He let out a deep breath and glanced at me sideways, "How are you?" I smiled. Nobody really asked me that question before. It's like an end-of-the-day mental health check and I love it so much. It's like someone also wants how your day went and how you are feeling.

Vaughn chuckled, "Why are you looking at me like that?! Wait... are you tearing up?" He teased.

Yes, I am because I am touched by his question.

"No, I am not!" I argued.

Vaughn laughed hysterically. "Alright alright, you aren't. You have not answered my question yet, love."

I tilted my head, to think of what happened today. Ah! "Gayle, Molly, and I will be living in the campus dorm real soon."

Vaughn looked astonished while driving. He turned at me with a "WHAT?" look.

I nodded and just can't help my excitement. "Where are we going?"

"Secret." He winked. "You are not going to kidnap me, are you?" I joked.

Vaughn looked at me semi-seriously, "What if I will?" He teased.

"As long as you have a lot of food in the place you'll take me then I can manage," I replied and laughed.

"We are going to Bocaue. You'll surely love it there." He said.

Vaughn stopped over at a local coffee shop. "They make coffee here using local coffee beans they grew." He said. We both got an iced coffee and then went on to our way.

A few minutes later, we already arrived. The place is covered with luscious green Bermuda grass and Talisay trees around. The breeze is so cold I got goosebumps. It is now almost 3 PM and the sky is already turning into a hint of orange at this point. A mixture of pink, orange and blue is seen up in the sky.

Vaughn parked a few meters away from our location and he is now bringing the basket with his right hand while I am setting up the floral blanket he brought.

"These sandwiches should be okay, right? I heated them up at the canteen earlier." He said while unpacking our foods on the mat. I tidied the creases of the mat so that it will look good. We are located almost on top of a hill so we have the best and panoramic view of the city from above.

Vaughn sat down beside me and sipped his coffee. "I thought I should bring you here, I realized next week we may not have time because we will both be very busy next week. Don't get me wrong though, we'll still see each other sometimes right?" I looked at him, "Yeah, the inevitable hell week they say." I replied.

We sat in silence and the only sound that can be heard are the birds in the sky. I kept on sipping my coffee using the straw until nothing is left. I opened the paper cup and crushed the ice left inside my mouth. I shivered because it is so cold.

"Brain freeze?" Vaughn chuckled.

I nodded and shut my eyes tightly because it is so cold and it went up to my brain. The clouds above are like paintings and look so beautiful I could stare at them forever.

"Thank you," I said.

He looked at me surprisingly, "For what?"

"For everything." I chided.

"Well, you are most welcome," Vaughn replied smiling sideways.

I smiled but I just can't help but remember the thoughts I had earlier this morning. By that, a feeling of self-pity surged in and my face clearly showed that feeling because Vaughn worriedly gazed at me.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked.

'Nothing. It's just that I feel pity for myself considering how we started dating. That was a very wild thing for me to do.' Well, I did not say that. I wish I had the guts to say it but I can't.

He looked at me intently, "Oh come on, Chlea. I know something is bothering you". He is sure a persistent person and based on my observation, he does not like to make others feel bad.

I played with my nails and chipped the nail polish. "Well, I am just curious if you were forced to be with me. I mean... how we started dating is not the typical setup. I asked you first and that was a very bold thing for me to do." There, dang it. Did I overshare? Goodness, gracious.

All I know is that all of a sudden, Vaughn leaned for a comforting hug. It was nothing romantic or erotic of some sort. It was to calm these thoughts I have.

"You should not think of that. God knows I liked you first, it's just that I did not have the balls to tell you before. I must admit, I turned coward." He let me go and held both of my shoulders and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Please don't think of our relationship that way. God knows how much I wanted to turn back time and be braver so that you won't be feeling this way. I love you, always remember that." By his time, all these loud thoughts hushed down. I should not worry about anything.