
Pride Of Devil SET : Romance Of Devil

Damon Darlene, a six-year-old boy Only Cruz had seen it for the first time once. His instincts immediately told him, that's his son His only remaining blood relative on this planet. And when the boy walked hand in hand with Ava Darlene, the woman he had a relationship with seven years ago. The story should have ended well. Only if he didn't just want a child. So what happens when he does everything right and wrong? Acts that have caused many charges against him include deprivation of a minor, kidnapping, detention, rape, blackmail, assault. Ava had to experience everything that had happened. So what will a little woman without power and money do next? 'Patience', will this last long with you? Because she's just a normal person with flesh and blood, not a 'Devil' like him. Hi Fanclub webnovel.com :) I’m RungArunoThay. I’m Thai and wrote all novels in Thai language. However, after an Author Liaison representative, representing Webnovel contacted me to join I would not hesitate to say yes even I’m not good in English. As you know, all of the novels in here have to wrote in English but now the technology can help you do almost everthing. Therefore, I find the translation program to help me about this but there still have some issues as Thai words are a bit complicated and the system translated a bit weird. However, I really do my best to make it better as much as I can by checking them again and again just for you (Fanclub webnovel.com) to enjoy my imagination. Last but not least, I hope that the 3 millions words of my works will make your day and I also appreciate your feedback and comment to improve my work in anyway. Welcome to all to the fantasy world of love. Much appreciated XOXO RungArunoThay

RungArunoThay · Urban
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78 Chs


“His eyes, his smile, very much like mine, don't you think?” Cruz commented as he saw it. which was a fact that Ava could not argue with. Damon is almost nothing like her. He took off every Cruz's style.

“How do you do it?” Ava asked again. This time, she began to lose control of her emotions.

“Give him back to me. And where do you want to go, go with whoever you want,” Cruz replied in a low tone.

“Your words have been heard. Isn't that a little strange?” Ava couldn't bear to push back.

“It's not strange because it is like that. He's the part of me that you keep… right here,” Cruz said, lowering his eyes to the middle of his body. “Or are you going to argue that he didn't come out of me?” Ava turned to Cruz's cheeky words.

“Brilliant and capable like you. Then why didn't you release a part of it to someone?” Cruz smiled.

"You're doing it. Aren't you conscious?" Cruz leaned forward and whispered next to Ava's little ear. with fun wind teases