
Price of Freedom- Remastered

A young half mink becomes a slave, torn from a family he didn't have and into a new one... Can he get the freedom HE wants?

Monkey_Godking · Anime und Comics
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103 Chs

Escape pt. 4

The boy woke up, startled and looked around. He didn't notice anything around him but he smelled burning. He stood up and walked to the edge of the forest before seeing the entire village on fire. The boy watched silently and turned his attention to the docks to see a black ship without a flag.

He assumed it was bad news and ran for the docks, maybe he could stow away on this ship and leave this island as he was sure that the villagers had called the Marines by now.

As he approached the ship, a group of people were dragging a net behind them full of children. Unfortunately, the group and the boy ran into each other. The boy stepped back and the leader of the group blew a whistle, shouting "We got another one!"

The boy watched as a bunch more men came out of the ship and ran at him with big nets. The boy shook his wrists and let his chains loose before jumping at the group, swinging his chains around, ripping heads off with every pull.

The leader frowned and pointed her chin at the boy. The men behind her attacked the boy with swords and guns this time, obviously not thinking of taking him as a slave anymore.

The boy was swarmed with 50 men who threw nets, shot bullets, and swung swords at him. The boy was already filled with wounds and was constantly on the defensive, to his credit nearly half of the group was killed.

As the boy fought, he kept stepping back until he was near the water. With no other option, he jumped into the water to escape. To the boy's absolute confusion and surprise, he couldn't swim and started flailing around before slowly sinking down.

The leader walked over to the water and looked down saying "Get him, we can't let a big fish escape." The men jumped into the water and tied up the boy with chains and a net before dragging his unconscious body to the ship.

An unknown amount of time later~

The boy woke up to a huge explosion, he tried to move his body but he was chained to a wall. He looked at his arms and his regular chains were there, but he had new chains on him strapping him to the wall of the ship.

He assumed he was on the same ship he saw, obviously taken captive by whoever it was. The boy looked at his surroundings and noticed he was now in a cell of sorts, he tried pulling off the wall but he was connected to a metal plate as well as lifted off the ground. He could barely use any of his strength as he was currently hanging and even if he wasn't, ripping metal apart wasn't possible.

The boy closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of swords clashing along with crying children. He looked out of his cell to another with a bunch of chained up children in it, he couldn't care less about the children but he figured that he was probably on a slave trader ship.

The boy closed his eyes once again and hung on the wall wondering how many whippings he would get for escaping.

Until suddenly, the door busted open and smashed into the ground.

The boy opened his eyes and looked to the door to see a group of people. The one in the lead was a boy with a red vest and a straw hat, behind him was a man with green hair and three swords, and behind those two were two shivering people, one with orange hair and another with a long nose.

From what the boy could see, they were definitely scared out of their wits, but the first 2 weren't.

The orange haired girl stopped shivering when she heard the kids crying and ran in. The other three followed her with the boy in the straw hat saying "Woah! So many bento boxes!" the man with the green hair retorted "They're cells not bento." the straw hatted boy replied "Who cares? Where's the meat?"

The boy with a long nose said "L-Luffy, I don't t-think there's any meat here…" as he looked around, shivering. The straw hatted boy, apparently named Luffy, stopped and cried "Aw man! I thought this was a food ship!"

The green haired man was about to retort when he noticed the boy staring at them, he stared at the boy and tapped Luffy on the arm with his hand. Luffy turned to him and said "What's up, Zoro?"

The green haired man, named Zoro, pointed to the boy without any words. Luffy turned to the boy and ran over with shining eyes, grabbing the bars and yelling "WOAH YOU HAVE CAT EARS AND A TAIL?!" The boy looked at Zoro before looking at Luffy and stayed silent.

While the orange haired girl picked the lock to the kids' cell, two men ran into the bottom deck, shouting "Big Bro Zoro!" Zoro turned to the door and said "Yosaku, Johnny, did you find their booze?" Yosaku, the man with a weird helmet, almost fell down the stairs, while Johnny said helplessly "They didn't have any, Big bro." He wore sunglasses, even in dark places.

Zoro sighed and stopped paying attention to them, focusing back on the boy, who was looking at Luffy jump up and down. The long nose boy creeped over to Luffy and said "He really does have cat ears and a tail! You know I once fought a giant cat, it was 50 feet tall and could even swim!" Luffy turned to him and said "Really!?!" The boy with a big nose smirked and said "Of course! I'm the bravest war-"

He was cut short by Johnny and Yosaku falling to the ground and shaking, gaining the attention of the entire group. They pointed at the boy and said "B-B-B-B-B-B-Big Bro! T-Tha-That's!" Zoro grabbed Johnny and shook him, saying "Spit it out already!"

Johnny gulped and dug into his coat pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and showing it to Zoro as he said "The biggest fish in all the seas! 4-4-450 million!" As Zoro read the bounty, the boy with the big nose fainted immediately, Luffy looked at the boy curiously, while the girl with the orange hair paused for a second before continuing to pick the lock of the kid's cell.

Silence fell over the space, until Luffy said "That's a lot." The boy looked at Luffy, who looked back at him without any fear. Zoro looked over and threw the paper back to Johnny as he said "You're worth a lot." The boy turned his attention to Zoro and the air stilled.