
I Am Not Liu Xiaohui

[Note: People use "Liu Xiahui" to describe the decent style of men on gender issues. It refers to men maintaining their original intention when facing the temptation of beauty and not being tempted by it.]

His kiss was gentle, and the soft petals of his lips barely touched before parting. "Go wash up."

Before Fei Jinzhao could retreat, Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his collar, her arms twining around his neck like vines. She licked her lips, slowly realizing, "Did you just… kiss me?"


He turned his face to the side, half of his cheek sinking into darkness, while the other half was illuminated by the warm candlelight, adding a touch of blush.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a surge of emotions from him and felt a bit embarrassed. She bit her lip and immediately added fuel to the atmosphere, understandingly saying, "That was too quick, I haven't even had time to react. Kiss me again."