
Just Feeling Sorry for You, Nothing More

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes trembled slightly as she realized that Fei Jinzhao had been hiding the fact that his grandmother's illness was incurable.

She turned to look at him, his lips pale, mustering a shallow smile as he softly said, "Hmm, after staying in the hospital for a while to stabilize the condition, the doctor said she can go home to rest."

"That's good. These past two years have been really tough for me," the old man nodded, smiling warmly at Jiang Nuannuan. "What's your name? Come to our house to play sometime. Jinzhao is a great cook."

"I'm called Jiang Nuannuan," she replied with a smile, helping him put on his red coat and zipping it up to cover the hospital gown underneath. "I know, he often cooks for me. Let's go home together and have a meal."

"Is it nice?" She hugged the old man's shoulder and turned to ask Fei Jinzhao, who was standing at the end of the bed.

He smiled and replied, "It's nice."