
Chapter 50: there is no story, Honey

Chapter 50: there is no story, Honey

Emily POV 

When I was younger I wanted to grow up.

I wanted to be an adult and have all the advantages that came with it - I wanted the freedom, the idea that I could do whatever I wanted without permission from anyone....I could eat ice cream at any hour without getting the death stare from my mother. I could decide for myself, every hour and every minute.

The idea of this beautiful…beautiful independence was wonderful that everyday I looked forward to it.

Then boom, I became an adult or at least I was dangerously close to becoming one since Eloise always says I was at that weird age where I wasn't a kid and I wasn't an adult either. But I didn't need to be a full fledged adult to know that sincerely adulthood kinda sorta sucks majorly!

Sometimes I stand in front of a mirror especially when I have about a billion responsibilities and I wish I was a child again.