
Chapter 127

She found him in his Study, sitting on the floor, he looked dejectedly at her as she opened the door, he was sad, she could see it, but it wasn't about his son's health.

She took a closer look at him and saw the dark circle at the corner of his eyes.

she knew that look, it was a familiar one, one that cries for revenge.

she moved closer to him and sat infront of him on the floor, he looked up at her and smiled wearily, trying very hard to hide his anger, she smiled back because she knew her husband, and whenever he was angry, he would do something terrible.

"we almost lost our son" he said sadly and he looked down, not wanting to meet her eyes. She didn't know how to console him, she too hard been very scared.

That Joseph of a guy, he has no family, no friends, no wife, no child, nobody, killing him would be a waste of time to me.

she still didn't say anything, she just listened to him, just few hours ago he had learnt about how Joseph lied to his son and he almost killed himself with depression, he had been so angry and had yelled at his sons, but he seems to have another thing he was worried about, but she couldn't place her hands on it.

" I want him to suffer, he would so suffer that he would pray for death to come"

"I thought you said you wanted to leave him, that he had no one, that he was alone in this  world, will making him pay help our son in anyway?

"yes it would, in a lot of ways, have you read the papers recently?

"no I haven't"

"well you won't see it, because I told the information minister to take it down and who ever was posting the pictures should be paid off and warned never to post them again.

"what pictures are you talking about?

he paused, and took a deep look at his wife, not sure how to say it, he wasnt sure if she would be able to comprehend the outcome of what the situation would be like for him, his status and his son if they ever come out.

She held his hands and shook him to get his attention to her since he looked so far away from her.

"what pictures are you talking about? she inquired further.

it is a picture that could ruin my reputation in the country and bring me down.

A picture that would reduce our son to nothing and would make him never recover from his memory issue.

a picture that could send him to a life time of depression and he might end up killing himself. 

"you are speaking in parables, cut to the chase already and tell me what you are talking about, I am in fear already, so just say it already, please.

 She pleaded and looked pleadingly at him, but he was not moved, his expression didn't change, he smiled and then handed her a file. she quickly opened it and her mouth was left agap.

"what is this?

she asked, she allowed her tears drop freely, she didn't even know the tears were already around her eyes.

"that is what I am saying, imagine if this picture gets out, imagine what our lives would be like.

"are you sure no other person has this?

she asked hiding the picture behind her back.

No other person has it, the person that took the picture have been paid off, but was not even allowed to eat the money, I killed him"

"She opened her mouth, but quickly covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from shouting.

"you did what?

she asked, angry at her husband for taking such drastic measures when he knew that he would always feel bad about it.

"I did not have a choice, j couldn't do otherwise, if I didn't kill him, he would come back again, they all do, I couldn't allow some hungry kid black mail me, the only reason, Anna is still in this house is because of Andrew, I don't know how he would recover if I ask Anna to go, and I don't know how the world would interprete it.

"you mean, you have not confronted her?

she asked looking all angry at her husband, that bitch, she needs to leave this house, we cannot habour such a girl in this house.

thank God Angel is now with Petranilla, we don't need her.

"she doesn't have to know yet, we need her to believe we don't know, she would remain here, as his wife till he recovers, we cannot show her anything.

"what do you mean? you know I cannot do that, not when she is under the same roof with me, the fact that she is at the hospital with my son right now is making my blood boil, let alone when I have to allow her stay here with me.

"I need her to believe we know nothing, until I do away with Joseph"

"if something happens to Joseph, the world would know that you were involved"

"it would be like a suicide act, I would write a letter to which he would append his signature, then the world would have something to say about him.

"I am scared about all this.

she cried, hugging her husband. He held her close, she was his partner, they had done things together, good and evil, they could be anything life or situation makes them to be, as long as it has to do with them surviving.

"this is all you need to know for now, keep it to yourself and play along, let me do the rest, we need to protect this family, also destroy that picture, burn it at the stable far away from the watchful eyes of the guards, it should never come out.

no one should ever know that there is a picture of Anna and doctor Joseph on the bed existing.

all evidence that could be traced back to us, must be destroyed.