

A young boy became an ophan after the sudden disappearance of his parents leaving behind a phoenix pendant. Though his parents might be mysterious, the always told him stories of the world outside his small village. This was the beginning of a new turn in the life of Kai who want to find the reason behind his parents disappearance slowly but surely rising to the peak of this world where power decides everything Join Kai as he makes a name for himself among the upper echelon of this world. Hey guys! am a beginner writer although it may not meet up your initial expectations but I promise to improve as the novel progresses. Please you opinion is highly appreciated so feel free to give pointers.

AVALON_20 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Meeting Raya

Working all day had been very stressful for kai. The fact that he had to do more quotas today made him finish finish quite late.

While he was working he over heard the workers discussing resent events.

"The city has been crowded recently" a tall man with a slim stature said to a dwarf who was loading a tractor with berries.

" yeah paul, the orchard have been having visitors lately and most of them are placing orders for berries" the dwarf replied to the tall man who was actually a human

"most of the tavern and inns are almost fully occupied by adventurers"

"you are right there are rumors going around that they might be a beast tide this year" the dwarf added another piece of news. it looks like the dwarf was more informed on recent events.

"but what about the awakening ceremony, won't it be held this year?" Paul asked again while looking puzzled

Hearing the slim guy Paul ask about the awakening ceremony, Kai stopped what he was doing and paid more attention to know more about the awakening ceremony since that was the reason why he was working so hard.

" the date have been changed to a month from today and what's with all the questions, are a visitor in this town we better hurry up so that we can finish on time and go relieve pent up stress" the dwarf added as he loaded the last berry in the truck.

Kai also had to hurry up too, he needed to finish on time too so that he can purchase some provisions because he was running out of stocks. Though he had Mrs Julie and old Sam that takes care of him most of the time, he prefers staying alone so as not to feel too inclined in repaying them in future.

By the time he was done with his work the sun had already set.

So he went to the changing room, took a shower and washed his working clothes and tools before leaving the changing room.

He quickly headed for the accounting section at the entrance. when he got their he returned his number plaque before the receptionist confirmed the completion of his job before paying him his daily wages which was 50 silvers with an additional 25 silvers for the additional quota.

Kai just took the money as their was no need debating the price with them since it was the standard price


"Damn it! How could I lose track of time, it's so late" Kai caused as he started to run after leaving the Shopping unit.

Due to the increase in the recent population the prices for goods have become higher.

Kai spent most of his time looking for cheap price provisions but even that was hard to come by he had to spend almost all his money leaving him with just 5 silvers

"If I knew about this earlier I could have stock up more provisions earlier" he said to no one in particular as he kept on running.

Carry goods in this world has always been less stressful because everyone has at least one portable storage device the can be in different varieties like bracelet, rings, belts or even necklaces.

but the prices varies according to the size. with the smallest size being 10 cubic square meters up to a million cubic square meters.

but currently Kai's storage bracelet has 50 thousand cubic square meters that was left to him by his parents and the bracelet is life bond with him making it impossible for him to sell it.

As Kai was running home he heard a cry

" help me"

He immediately stopped in his tracks and listened carefully the cry seem to to be coming from the alley ahead.

That alley does not have enough light in the area so it's difficult to know the faces of the people there so he had to be careful.

The voice earlier was that of a young girl around his age, so he couldn't just leave the area and by the way what if those men were human traffickers then he also won't be spared if he was discovered he had to think carefully on his next action.

If those men where awakened then from his position they should have noticed him but it seems like they were common people so it would be more easier.

"she really is a beauty and she will definitely fetch a high price if she is sold" the guy who was tying her up said with a tone of amusement

"Too bad she is not old enough else she would have been kept by the boss." the other man who was a little more muscular added.

'looks like he is on the lookout' Kai thought

Kai slowly moved back a reasonable distance and looked around there was no one around the area he took a deep breath and began to stomp his feet on the ground and imitated running soldiers.

He spoke into his clothes to change his voice together with the emptiness of the night his voice became more convincing

"Get them we can't let them escape this time" Kai's mimicking voice echoed in the night.

"What!! How could the guards notice our movement" The muscular guy who was on lookout suddenly said in alarm

"But am not done yet this girl is very persistent, she's not making things any easier" The other man who was tying the girl up tried to hasten up

"Surround the area don't let them escape" Kai's voices echoed again in the dark.

Hearing this the muscular man lost his patience and said

"Leave her alone, am leaving with the teleportation scroll but this scroll can't accommodate more than two people or the distance would be shortened."

He other man knew what he meant if they took the girl along with the area surrounded by soldiers they might end up teleporting into the lions den. So they really can't risk it.

"Damn! boss is not going to the happy about this."

So they quickly held hands opened the scroll and with a flash of light disappeared from the area.

"Phew" Kai let out a sigh of relief a he slump down with his back on the wall because his legs were shaking out of nervousness.

'what if things hadn't gone as he planned' he thought as he tried to calm his nerves down.He had done a lot of crazy things that most kids his age couldn't do but this was the most crazy and dangerous thing he had ever done in his life.

While he was still drowned in his own thought, the painful moan of the girl snapped him back to reality.

He almost completely forgot the whole purpose of going through this stress in the first place.

Hear her soft moan seem to revitalize him and he quickly rushed to her side and loosen up the ropes.

"hey! wake up are you alright" Kai gently tapped her face as he tried to wake her up.

"Huff!! huff!!" as the girl tried to control her breathing.

She slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes Kai saw the most beautiful set of eyes he had ever seen, a pair of sapphire blue eyes. the moon shining seems to be reflected on those eyes making them grow brighter.

Both of them were lost in a trance with an untold sense of comfort and familiarity.

"H-H-Hello am Raya nice to meet u" the young girl said in a stammering but clear voice.

Hearing her voice made Kai want to listen to her more, I don't know why but I feel like I made the right decision saving her.

After awhile of reflect he finally introduce himself

"Am Kai, you got lucky today" he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"did I really survive, then thank you Kai for saving me"As she said those words she fell unconscious.

Leaving her fate to the boy who saved her. Once again the alley became quiet again.

sorry it's the chapters are coming late, I would try to meet up

AVALON_20creators' thoughts