

A young boy became an ophan after the sudden disappearance of his parents leaving behind a phoenix pendant. Though his parents might be mysterious, the always told him stories of the world outside his small village. This was the beginning of a new turn in the life of Kai who want to find the reason behind his parents disappearance slowly but surely rising to the peak of this world where power decides everything Join Kai as he makes a name for himself among the upper echelon of this world. Hey guys! am a beginner writer although it may not meet up your initial expectations but I promise to improve as the novel progresses. Please you opinion is highly appreciated so feel free to give pointers.

AVALON_20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


My life has always been like a nightmare with one bad luck after the other.

my father was a mercenary, he was kill by demonic beasts during a quest. we were told that due to misleading quest details, his entire team got wiped out.

Although my mother and I were compensated, we lost someone to rely on and our only source of comfort.

Hearing the news, my mother couldn't take it. she had a miscarriage leading to the loss of her baby. Since then she started to fall sick.

The little money we got from the compensation of my father's death were mostly used to find the cure for the illness.

Most times mother vomited blood early in the morning she also began to avoid heat because it made her irritated. so I started to prepare food at the age of seven through mom's guidance.

At some point things seemed to be getting better, but good things never seem to last forever.

while we were having breakfast on morning.

"How was it mom?" Raya asked with expecting praise for her work.

"Your skills have definitely improved. it won't be long before you surpass me" Mrs Ria Smiled at her.

Although her skin looked pale and her dark and dry lips are contrast to her previously pink and juicy lip, even her eyes now are looking dull it still couldn't hide that motherly look of affection.

With her current state of health she looked more like a living corpse.

Her hair and clothes are the only thing on her that made her look a little more alive. Raya combs her hair every morning and also wash her clothes at night before going to bed.

As they were eating Ria explaining other recipes she knew to Raya. it was really surprising how a seven years old girl could memorize so many recipes at such a young age, shows how smart and quick witted she was to understand their current predicament.

"Mom, why do I have to learn so much it's no fun at all"

Raya asked with a bored expression.

"You have to learn as many as I teach you, the world can be scarier than monsters so having a basic means to survive will reduce the burden even if it just a little" Ria tried to encourage her even though she might not understand it now but it's better.

" But mom is it really they scary" Raya asked innocently

"It's not only the world, nobody would want to marry a lazy wife even if you do get married, you would never feel secured.

"Hmph, if he tries anything I would just beat him up" Raya said while flexing her arm.

Looking at her Ria started to laugh

"Hahahahah" and soon the mother and daughter duo started laughing together.

These are moments that Ria wanted to last forever but she knew that she doesn't have much time left, so she tries as much as possible to teach Raya all she could as a mother hoping she could adapt to society even if she doesn't awaken.

Soon everywhere became quiet again.

"Mom you said I would find someone who I would love more than I love you, so how would I know this person and what does he look like? She ask while giving her mother a curious look.

"I don't know this person either nor have I seen this person before but I believe you would know when you meet this person."

'Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!'

Heavy knocking came from the door startling them.

Ria stood up to answer the door, it looks she already knew who it could but Raya was one step ahead of her opened the door but before her stood unfriendly faces.

"where is your mother little girl" This hoarse voice had no courtesy in it,

"Greetings elders" Raya greeted while ignoring his earlier question. But none of them responded to her treating her like air.

The first man who spoke earlier looked like he was in his early forties was already loosing his temper after being ignored by the little girl.

Raya knew who this men who claim to be elders of the village always harassed her mother, so their coming to see them so early in the morning only means that they are up to no good.

Just as he was about to lash out on Raya, Ria appeared behind Raya forcing he to halt on whatever he was going to do.

He quickly adjusted his clothes, before clearing his throat

"please come in" Ria said

"No need we won't be staying long"

"The villagers have been complaining of your presence in this village and your sickness which shows no sign of getting better. So we the elders have decided to give you three days to leave this village quietly or be thrown out by force" Immediately after he passed this news, he turned around and left with the other two men who came with him.

Ria was surprised but not shocked because she knew the attitude of this so called elders and even the chief has changed since her husband died.

Many major dealings have been done using her husband's name but now they show not even the slightest good will to his widow.

"Mom are we really leaving" Raya's question brought her back to reality.

"Yes we would but in the next two days let find anyone who would be willing to by whatever property we have.

In the next few days we tried every means necessary to sell our house and the little land we still own but it looks like everyone was in agreement not to buy anything from us.

The money we have left was not enough for traveling to the next town with carriage talk more of feeding. if we were to travel like this we won't last long in another town. so we decided to stock food in or storage devices and walk to the next town while abandoning everything else.

Traveling with mother's condition put extra strain on her an within 3 days she could no longer walk without support.

Ario village was just two days ahead, we tried to convince other travelers to take us along but looking at my mother's condition they just ignored us.

A day before reaching Ario village mom could no longer walk, I tried looking for her medicine but it seems like she used the remaining money we had for food.

"Mom were is your medicine, I can't find it." Raya asked as she brought out everything in the storage bracelets but could not find her medicine.

"Don't worry about it and listen to me "

Ria said in a weak voice.

"Mom please don't worry we would still get to Ario village and get you treated"

"Listen to me I don't have much time left so I would only say this once " Ria said while coughing hoarsely

" Remember all I have taught you until now and don't do anything even if it is just walking without thinking, few people would truly care for you others would want to take advantage of you no matter how useful or useless you are, and many will hate you. So always try to concentrate on what you want for yourself and those you value. Ria's words was her way of telling her daughter 'don't do anything stupid'

" Your birthday is a week from now but sadly I can't celebrate it with you but I have one last gift for you" she took off a golden necklace with an icy blue pendant. It is not only beautiful but also gave a mind calming effect.

Before she gave the necklace to her she started whisper some spells that Raya could not understand.

Suddenly, the air pressure changed and mana started to surround them.

Underneath the two of them a magic formation appeared, while she was still reciting the spells she coughed out a mouth full of blood but she still continued.

seeing this Raya could not help but scream out


Watching her mother's body slowly disappear before her she began to cry begging her to stop.

"Am sorry Raya mom cannot continue to guide you but I will continue to protect you its the only thing I can do for you now so don't cry and be strong because you are still mummy's baby princess"

Saying those words of condolences she finished the spell


With a flash of light from the accumulated mana, Ria's body completely disintegrated and entered the pendant.

The mana in the area was too much for Raya to endure but she bit her lips to stay awake to watch her mother's final moments.

Just as she was about to faint she saw a silhouette of her mother smiling at her.

A gentle voice whispered in her ear

"Be strong my darling."

It's been a busy week for me but I promise more chapters are coming up

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