
An Exchange of the Artist

The day after the next, when Zixu came to visit Yujia, he brought his token gift. Yujia burst out in laughter the moment she laid her eyes on it.

"This—" she gasped between laughs, "I can't believe it—"

Zixu shrunk his head back, fingers stiffly gripping the thin open box the gift rested within. "Is there something wrong with it?" he questioned, chin tilting.

Yujia completely understood Zixu's bewilderment. Any normal person would not react like she had to the gift Zixu brought. To laugh in such a manner implied the gift being ridiculous or lacking, didn't it? Except, in fact, his gift was none of that. It was perfect for her, both thoughtful and beautiful. It was something Yujia would've bought for herself. It was even something that she would've bought for him, had she seen it in the marketplace.

And, as it turned out, that was exactly what Yujia did.