
Christmas Special

Even though Christmas wasn't a thing in the world Elodie was in, she absolutely loved the holiday and wanted to continue having it. So, for the past couple of years now, the Gaang and their friends came over to eat, hang out, and open a couple of gifts. It was hard to get everyone together throughout the year since they were all old enough to have their own lives and live in different places, so Elodie always looked forward to the couple of days that they were all together.

It was three years since the end of the 100-year-war, two and a half years since Elodie and Hakoda had gotten married, and six months since they found out they were expecting a baby. To say everyone was ecstatic about the baby was an understatement, which helped Elodie relax about the pregnancy. She wasn't sure how people would react since Hakoda was older and already had children that were almost adults. She had been most nervous about Katara and Sokka's reactions, but the two had acted very excited about the baby, especially Katara. Elodie had a feeling that Katara would be visiting a lot more once he or she was here.

Elodie was currently finishing up some last-minute dishes before their guests arrived. She groaned and leaned against the counter she was fixing the food on as her husband walked into the room, presents piled in his arm. He looked over at her and asked in a concerned voice, "You ok? Are your feet and ankles hurting again or did Turtleduck kick too hard again?" She held up a finger, "The first one." Hakoda set the gifts down and made his way to her, taking her hands into his, "Why don't to rest for a bit? I can finish this." Elodie giggled, "Do you know how to make what I am cooking?" He peeked over her shoulder to see what she was making, "Well, no. But, I can try." She smiled, "It's ok. I'm almost done." He nodded before kissing her forehead, "Ok, but sit as soon as your done." She chuckled, "Ok, ok."

It wasn't long before people started arriving. First, it was Bato and Zokkik, then Konoye and Petak, then the Gaang. Elodie was sitting and talking Zokkik, letting her swollen feet and ankles rest, when the Gaang showed up. She felt all warm inside as Sokka and Katara rushed to hug their father before hurrying over to her. She stood up and hugged the siblings, her fairly big baby bump getting in the way. She laughed softly as Sokka pulled away, "Wow! You're really big now!" Suki walked up behind him and smacked him in the head, "Sokka!" He paled, "I mean, like, your stomach is big because you're pregnant." Elodie tried to suppress her laughs, "I knew what you meant, Sokka."

Katara gently placed a hand on Elodie's stomach, "The baby seems strong and healthy. How have you been feeling?" Elodie smiled, "I've been pretty good. I'm ready for Turtleduck to be here though." Hakoda came from behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Don't let her fool you. The pregnancy's been harder on her than she tells, which is why she needs to be sitting down right now." Elodie rolled her eyes playfully at him, "I'm ok, Hakoda." However, to ease her husband's nerves, she sat back down.

The night was full of laughter, storytelling, and just the joy of being together. Elodie got a couple of presents, most of them being homemade, which made them even more special to her. The baby even got some gifts. A blanket from Sokka and Suki, a Momo-looking stuffed animal from Aang and Katara, and a small painting of a turtleduck from Zuko and Toph (they were the ones that came up with the nickname 'Turtleduck' for the baby).

It was getting pretty late into the night, and Elodie was starting to feel it. Hakoda leaned over and whispered, "Do you want to go to bed? I can kick everybody out." She laughed softly and shook her head, "I'm good." He was very protective of her on the regular and that protectiveness sky-rocketed ever since Hakoda knew she was pregnant.

A little bit later, Konoye, Petak, Zokkik, and Bato left after saying goodbye to everyone. The Gaang was going to be spending the night with them, so she pulled out extra blankets and pillows for them. Once those were all out, she sat back down and the girls followed her. They were all just chatting about nonsense stuff when Suki asked, "What's it like being pregnant?" Toph, being the crude jokester she was, grinned, "I think she meant, what's it like getting pregnant?" Suki and Katara choked and Suki blushed, though she tried to hide it, as Toph laughed loudly at them and continued, "She's dating a Watertribe boy, and you're married to and expecting a Watertibe man's baby, so you're the perfect person to-" Suki leaped up from her spot and slapped a hand over Toph's mouth as Katara gawked, "What is wrong with you?! That's my father and brother you're- insinuating about!" Elodie couldn't control her laughter from Toph's antics and Katara and Suki playfully glared at her.

The boys walked into the house and Sokka questioned, "What are y'all laughing about?" Elodie wiped away a tear and shook her head, "Girl stuff. You wouldn't understand." Sokka made a face, "I don't even want to know." The girls all let out laughs at Sokka's face.

Elodie let out a yawn and it was followed by everyone else doing the same. Hakoda chuckled, "It seems like it's time for sleep. It's been a long day." Everyone agreed and started getting ready for bed. Once the Gaang was settled and halfway asleep, Elodie and Hakoda went into their bedroom. As Elodie slipped on her pajamas, Hakoda sat on the side of their bed and said quietly, "I think Aang wants to marry Katara." Elodie froze for a second, "Did he tell you that?" Hakoda shook his head no, "He didn't tell me outright, but the eluded to it." She hummed as she climbed into bed, "Will you give them your blessing if he does?" Hakoda laid beside her and pulled her into his arms, "I think so... Though the thought of my little girl getting married makes my heartache." Elodie chuckled and kissed him softly, "My poor baby." Hakoda grinned, "You little-" He hovered over her and ran a hand through her hair, "I love you." He moved down to kiss her baby bump, "And, I love you." She smiled at him, "We love you too."

Elodie yawned and Hakoda went to the previous position of hugging her, "Go to sleep, Elodie." He rubbed her stomach gently and Elodie found her eyes getting very heavy. She hummed, "I think this was one of the best Christmases we've had yet." Hakoda nodded before smiling and looking at her bump, "Yeah, but I think next year's will be even better."


Merry (late) Christmas! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, Merry Tuesday!

Also, sorry for this being late. Finals kept me busy and I have had two knee surgeries in the past two weeks (I actually had my left knee surgery this morning XD), so I haven't exactly been in the mood to write. My pain meds for the surgery make me drowsy, so if there's any mistakes, that's why haha

Chapter 18 will be out soon, so keep an eye out for it! Something big's about to happen, any guesses?

Thank you so much for reading!

Merry (late) Christmas!  And if you don't celebrate Christmas, Merry Tuesday! 

Also, sorry for this being late.  Finals kept me busy and I have had two knee surgeries in the past two weeks (I actually had my left knee surgery this morning XD), so I haven't exactly been in the mood to write.  My pain meds for the surgery make me drowsy, so if there's any mistakes, that's why haha

Chapter 18 will be out soon, so keep an eye out for it!  Something big's about to happen, any guesses?

Thank you so much for reading!

Sunny_SideDowncreators' thoughts