
Wishful Thinking

The night was a whirlwind. In a split second, Elodie was running to the healers' tent and Hakoda was running to the children. Zokkik almost had a heart attack as Elodie shook him awake, "Elodie- What is it, child?" She quickly explained the situation and he was instantly up and alert, telling her to prepare a cot as he went outside to help. She quickly fixed a spot for the injured boy and she wasn't a second late. Hakoda entered the tent, carrying the boy with... strange tattoos? He had a group of kids behind him.

Elodie called, "Hakoda. Lay him over here." She then faced Zokkik as Hakoda gently laid the kid down, "What do you need me to do?" He laid a hand on her shoulder, "Just watch. Katara has the ability to heal. I want you to see how she does it." Elodie nodded gently as she saw the crying girl bend some clean water and pressing it on the child's back. Her eyes widened as the water started to glow and she wondered if she would actually be able to do that.

Everyone was completely silent as Katara worked her magic. Elodie didn't know how long they stood there before Katara stopped and sighed, "That's all I can do for now. He's stable now." Hakoda nodded and said softly, "Let's get y'all somewhere to rest." They all seemed ok with that idea, except for Katara. She sniffled, but said sternly, "I'm not leaving him." Hakoda frowned softly, "I can tell you're exhausted Katara. You need to sleep." She didn't seem like she was going to change her mind, so Elodie stepped in, "I'll watch over him. I promise that I'll get you right away if anything happens." Katara seemed very skeptical, especially because Elodie was a stranger, but Sokka put a hand on her shoulder, "Elodie will watch over him, Katara. We all need rest." She, reluctantly, listened to her brother before Hakoda herded the group out of the healers' tent.

Zokkik yawned, "I'll stay up with you." Elodie chuckled at him, "Go sleep. I'll be fine here." She could really tell that he was exhausted because he just patted her head with a nod before going to his cot. She shook her head softly before looking back at the boy. She put the context clues together and mumbled, "You must be Avatar Aang. I heard you're the one who could get me home."

Elodie spent the whole night watching Aang and making sure nothing happened to him. She was tempted to mess with her bending, but she was afraid that she would be so engrossed in it that she would miss something important with Aang.

When morning came around, Zokkik came to check Aang's vitals, "You should have woken me up to take a turn watching him Elodie." She looked up at the healer and smiled, "It's all good. I had a lot to think about anyways." Zokkik didn't pry as he finished checking on the boy, "He seems to still be in a stable state, which is good." Elodie nodded in agreement.

The two started to make some medicines together, making sure Aang was still in their sight as they did so. A little later in the morning, Katara walked into the tent, mumbled a brief hello, and then went to go heal Aang some more. Elodie patted Zokkik's shoulder and whispered, "I'll let you talk to her." She grabbed some of Zokkik's bathing supplies (since hers were in Hakoda's tent and that's where the children were staying) and headed outside of the tent, stretching with a tired yawn, before heading to the river in the forest to bathe and wash her hair, hoping it would help wake her up.

She climbed the rocky path and smiled when she saw the familiar river that was her sanctuary. She could always just relax and soak there. Elodie took off her clothing, folding them, and putting them where they couldn't get wet. She stepped into the cool water, shivering slightly, before making her way deeper and deeper until the water was up to her chest. She soaked for a long while and was about to start washing her hair when she heard the bushes rustle. She looked up and wished she had brought some type of weapon to defend herself, "Who's there?" She instantly relaxed when her boyfriend came into her sight.

Hakoda grinned and held up a familiar bag, "Zokkik told me where you were headed, so I figured you would like your bath stuff." Elodie smiled at him, "Thanks. You can just set them down over there." He did and made no efforts to leave, so Elodie asked him, "You need anything else?" He hummed and teased, "I'm considering blowing our cover by joining you." Elodie scoffed, "If you do, I'm letting all the damage from doing so land on you." He laughed softly, "Then I guess I probably shouldn't. Well, I guess I'll let you bathe in peace."

Hakoda turned around and started to walk away when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned back round to see Elodie wrap herself in a towel before walking over to him and locking her lips on his. When she pulled away, she smiled a bit sadly, "I don't know when I'll get to do that again, so..." He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her rather passionately before resting his forehead against hers, "It won't be long. I promise." Elodie nodded softly and Hakoda gave her one last tender kiss before smiling childishly, "Hey Elodie." She hummed softly and he continued, "I really like you." She laughed, "I really like you too. Now go before it's obvious where you are." He nodded and left, not after giving her one last smooch.

Elodie watched him leave before returning to her bath. Hakoda was fully ready to admit that he loved Elodie, but the female was a little more hesitant. She didn't want to just toss the term around, and Hakoda respected that. He used to be like that when he was younger, but he knew what love felt like and therefore he knew that he loved Elodie. She would just have to figure it out like he did when he was that age. The two hadn't even been that intimate yet either, but it was the other way around. Elodie wouldn't have an issue doing some intimate thing, but Hakoda wanted to make sure that she was certain about their relationship before doing anything steamy. And besides, they lived in tents. The walls were literally paper-thin and if the light was cast just right, you would see shadows, and- well you get the point. There would be absolutely no privacy.

Elodie was soon done cleaning up, so she dried off, put on her clothes, and headed back to camp. Once she returned, breakfast was just finishing up and only some people were still eating. Those people included her two friends and the conscious kids that arrived last night, except Katara. Their backs were towards her, so she seriously thought about messing with Konoye, but her tiredness overcame that feeling. She took her normal place, which was her sandwiched in between the two males. Petak handed her a plate, "Saved this for you." Elodie thanked him before shivering and pulling her legs up to her chest, "It's freaking cold. How are y'all wearing short sleeves." Konoye chuckled and nudged her, "You're always cold. And, we're from the Southern Water Tribe. It's always freezing there." Elodie scrunched up her nose, she did not like being cold.

Elodie started eating and was conversing a bit with Sokka and the girl beside him, she learned her name was Toph. They were talking for a while before Hakoda and Katara joined them, the girl definitely looking reluctantly to leave the injured avatar. Elodie smiled at her gently and Katara returned it. Hakoda cleared his throat as he sat down beside his children, "Katara, we recently found out that Elodie's a waterbender." Katara perked up and turned her attention to the blonde, "Really?" Elodie nodded, "Yeah. Though I don't know how to do, well, anything. I found out accidentally." Katara was quick to say, "I can help teach you!" Elodie smiled at her, "I would really appreciate that."

Katara nodded, looking livelier than she had been, "I need to have a healing session with Aang after breakfast, and then we can start!" Elodie nodded as the two started talking to each other, Katara moving so she could sit beside Elodie (Konoye and Petal had left to do their chores). Some of Hakoda's worries about his children not liking Elodie faded away as Sokka jumped in the female's conversation, a content smile on his face.

Then again, they didn't know that Hakoda was in love with her yet.
