
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime und Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 75 The Devil's Temptation [R18+]

To make themselves more comfortable, the girl change her sitting position from before she is sitting side by side with Jovanna, now she is sitting in front of Jovanna, with her boyfriend opened his legs in a V and Kotonoha landed her marshmallowy bombastic ass right in front of Jovanna's crotch.

There is something rising and it is not the shield hero.

There is something getting hard and it is not a rock.

It is something that is long, hard and hot, it is throbbing in a silent erection as it rubs upon the soft and bouncy bottom part of Kotonoha.

The girl blushed furiously, her tender white face is now like a boiled Krabby as she realised what kind of thing it is that is currently provoking her bottom part.

Strangely though, even when she is currently getting embarrassed, she is also somehow feels excited.

It is like the excitement that is felt by the hard rock dragon which is currently playing around in-between the cleave of her bottom is traveling up its way from her tailbone up to her spine, like a vine growing along the pillar in the yard.

Until the feeling of excitement reached her head, hitting straight to her brain, penetrating the skull before it spread around to her whole body.

Kotonoha's body trembled upon the feeling of euphoria, her heart also feels a little happiness that just by sitting on her boyfriend, she can make Jovanna's little brother grow Big, Hard, Strong, and Ready for taking a Mission.

A Mission to make both of them feels good together.

"Kotonoha-chan.... you are so beautiful...., so sweet.... and so tempting..." Jovanna began to whipered sweet nothings into Kotonoha's ears, the girl's rosy complexion get even redder the more she heard the words of praise from her boyfriend.

Kotonoha didn't even realize, that amidst her thoughts that are getting muddled from embarrassment and the feelings of ecstasy from hearing the praise, Jovanna's hands have started to touched her waist and secured her position in the clutch of his embrace.

Jovanna's eyes met Kotonoha's gaze as the girl turned around her head to see her boyfriend sitting on the back, his eyes reflecting a mixture of passion, lust and desire. 

"Jovanna....kun.... Do you..... Do you really want to.... To make love with ..... a girl like me?" Suddenly, Kotonoha asked an unexpected question towards her boyfriend.

Jovanna is taken aback by such a question.

He could not deny that Kotonoha's presence had a very powerful effect on him, as she vigorously ignites the embers of his bloodlust.

Even more so with his obsession towards her that have been harboured by him in his heart for decades in his former world.

It took all he have to calm down his mind and controlled his almost unbridled desire as each of his touch upon her glamorous body held the power to build up the storm that is brewing furiously within him.

If he is still a teenager in hormonal outbreak, then he would surely have given up control upon his own desire and will begin to ravages the lovely girl with a bombastic body in his embrace, devouring her whole in his passionate game of pleasure..

Jovanna remained silent, unable to put into words the profound impact that Kotonoha had put on his heart..

However, that didn't mean he will do nothing as Jovanna choose to let his actions speak about his passion for her beloved girl. 

While closing his eyes, Jovanna take a breath deeply, drawing in the warm air in the bathroom as if it held the strength to calm him down.

His breaths became rhythmic in a deliberate effort to find serenity amidst the chaos of lust and desires that had began to consume his mind.

Slowly, Jovanna opened his eyes, expecting to respond to Kotonoha's question, only to find out that her beautiful face is already only an inch away from his own face. 

The sight of her tender cheeks in a rosy blush and the softness gleam in her beady eyes caused a flutter of surprise within Jovanna. 

And before he could fully process the moment, their lips suddenly met in an unexpected collision.

Jovanna's mind momentarily froze, caught off guard by the suddenness of their kiss. 

Although this is not the first time Kotonoha took the initiative to have an intimate moment with him, their sudden kiss still brought him in a pleasant surprise.

For a brief moment, time felt like it stood still.

It is like the Legendary Steel Dragon Dialga itself have stopped the time to preserve this moment forever and ever.

The world around Jovanna and Kotonoha have faded into the background as their lips lingered, the both of them seems to have reached a tacit understanding as both the man and the girl are gently exploring the connection between them. 

The warmth of the embrace that enveloped them, carrying a mix of emotions: a comforting reassurance, a pleasant tenderness, and a blaze of passion.

The taste of their sudden kiss lingered on their lips, leaving behind a sweet aftertaste that mirrored the sweet tenderness of their connection.

It was like savoring a delectable, soft and sweet pudding that melted in their mouth with every single delightful sensation.

As their lips parted, Kotonoha took a moment to observe Jovanna's beautiful face. 

"My dear Kotonoha, of course I would love to do it with you." A warm smile played on Jovanna's lips, while he seductively whispered such a sweet sentence on her beloved girl's ear, one word per second, with his love for the girl imbued on each passing moment.

Jovanna smirked after he finished his whispering that felt like a sweet devil's temptation in Kotonoha's ear.

The beautiful trap looked at his lovely girlfriend who is still dazed by his confession, before he continuing on by playfully whispered another naughty secret that he have been kept in his mind ever since their first night together.

"In fact, I am always holding back from the first time we sleep together, you know? Oh, how I really wished to savour every single bit of your very being.... Devouring you wholly in a passionate lust and desire...."


As Jovanna whispered the words "devouring you wholly..." in Kotonoha's ear, the girl in question suddenly trembled her body violently as she make an euphoric expression on her lovely face.

Kotonoha have reached an orgasm just from hearing the devil's whispers on her ears.

Jovanna, who felt a stream of warm liquid washed over in the mix of the bathwater in his submerged crotch is getting ever more naughty with his words.

"Oh, did you reached an orgasm just earlier, my BELOVED Ko-to-no-ha."


As Kotonoha is still very sensitive after reaching an orgasm, she can't help but leaking a bit again upon hearing such a naughty words wrapped in a very seductive tone.

The fact that her boyfriend's face is so cool and beautiful and that his face is so close to her that Kotonoha can felt every single puff of warm breath from Jovanna drilling upon her ear to deliver the words that shattered her mind didn't help either.

After her series of orgasms subsided under the watch of the playful gaze that is also filled with tender love from her boyfriend, Kotonoha also resoluted herself to make her own move to make a payback upon Jovanna.

Without a hint of hesitation, Kotonoha instinctively wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, pulling him closer in an embrace that conveyed relief, joy, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. 

Kotonoha held Jovanna's neck tightly, almost like someone who wanna do a chokehold with both of her hands on the back of his neck.

The girl then brought her boyfriend's face against the generous amount of curve of her bountiful breasts.

Little did she know, that her spontaneous action have triggered a Great Beast.

Jovanna could feel the sensation of Kotonoha's soft and smooth skin against his cheek as the girl have pressed on his head against her bombastic breasts. 

The sensation of softness and the feeling of bounciness of Kotonoha's breasts sent a wave of pleasure throughout Jovanna's body, causing his heart to race and his senses to heighten. 

Despite his best efforts to remain composed and calm, the allure of her bombshell figure and the revealing bikini she wore that only covered her breasts and her crotch while showing a lot of her milky white skin made it even more challenging for him to suppress his predatorial instincts.

Kotonoha was quick to sense the change in Jovanna's demeanor and she finally realized that her action had unintentionally stirred up her boyfriend's desires. 

She swiftly released her embrace, feeling a flush of embarrassment tinged on her rosy red cheeks. "Ah.... So..., Sorry," she muttered feebly, her small voice laced with a mixture of shyness and ..... excitement....


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 88.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!