
The Conclusion

Red sat on a chair, The meeting room had reverted back to normal. His legs were on the table as he looked at the disgruntled faces of the Five people sitting on chairs as well.

"Is the electricity back on?" Red asked, impatiently. He couldn't wait to get his Pokemon healed and begin his march to Mount Moon.

"Yes," Arnold said with sweaty palms.

"Good, What about the network? I wasn't able to charge my Pokedex when I got to town because of you guys," Red said.

"The twins, Don and Jon are working on the network… It'll be back in a little while," Arnold said, "And now about our bet… We've given you everything you wanted, You won't hand us over the League?"

"Nah," I said, "So you guys can be put in Jail and new corrupt individuals who are not afraid of me can come in, Nope, I don't need a stressful battle like this one again. As long as you don't try to make an extra profit anymore, We have no problems. If Nurse Joy tells me anything about you guys trying anything again, I don't care if new corruption comes in… You guys are heading to Jail,"

Arnold and the others gulped.

"But still, It was a nice battle," Red said, turning to all of them, "Sarah had a peculiar Gloom and I learned a lot of things from it, especially an Evasive technique for my Future grass Pokemon,"

Sarah scrunched her face, the effects of her loss was still boiling in her heart. 

"And as for the battle with Jon and Don, It was a close one with Charmeleon," Red said.

Jon smiled, a scarce occurrence.

"Yes, Your Charmeleon truly is an aggressive one," Jon said.

"It pushed back against Magnetric's Volt Tackle and then unleashed a powerful Flamethrower within a split second," Don said, "Never really thought it was possible to switch between moves within a split second like that, Ah, I have a lot more researching to do,"

"But," Red said, "My warning is real, Anyway Imma leave now, I got a lot of training and healing to do,"

Red arrived at the Pokemon Center and the lights glowed, The electricity was back on.

'Finally, I can get my Pokemon healed so they can continue their training,' Red thought.

During the battle with the Council of the Moon Town Power plant, They had used their training and pushed past their original limits. Scyther now had a very useful move, Redirection.

It would be the perfect way to deal with any and every Electric type trainer, All Scyther had to do was to focus the Steel energy into it's scythes and bounce the attack away although it would get damaged in the process.

"Thank you!" An exclamation from Nurse Joy knocked Red out of his thoughts as he arrived at the counter.

"No problem," Red said, "Although I took quite some time, It's already evening,"

"You did a greater job than I could do," Nurse Joy said, "Please let me heal your Pokemon, They must have gone through a lot,"

Red submitted his Pokeballs and gave a small smile to Nurse Joy before heading upstairs, determined to collect his partners in the morning.

Upon entering his room, He found Hannah on the Computer… 

"Hannah, What are you doing on the computer?" Red asked.

'She shouldn't be watching porn now… I think she's too young for that,' Red thought.

Hannah's face froze up.

"Umm, Nothing," Hannah said as she was tempted to press the Power button.

"Don't touch!"

Red's command was instantly carried out as she stopped just short of the Power button, sweat trickling down her face as Red paced over and viewed the screen.

She lowered her head and blushed.

Red on the other hand let out a sigh of relief, She wasn't watching Porn… rather she had been watching a Pokemon anime. There were quite a lot of them available and she was still a Kid.

"It's just your favorite anime, Don't hesitate to watch it," Red said and Hannah turned to him, a shocked expression on her face.

"I can?" She asked.

"Yup, Watch as much as you want, The network is back," Red said and then went to the bed, taking off his shirt, "Besides, You need to catch up to the latest episodes,"

Hannah threw Red a grateful smile as she returned back to the anime she was watching.

'Yo… Doesn't the Main Character here resemble someone I know? Hey, Isn't that Ash?' Red thought as she sighted the MC's face.

Sure, There was no Misty or Brock but was it incidental that Ash was there with his trusty Pikachu and a Geodude?

'Alright, Things are fucked up here,' Red thought and fell onto the bed, feeling the soft mattress against his back.

But now was not the time to think about Ash… He had to compile his thoughts, He was going to rest and begin training early the next morning while the Girls would deal with shopping.

There was time and he was determined to win the Quartz Conference, and for that reason, He planned to go to other regions and capture Pokemon to add to his Kanto team.

'It's not that Kanto Pokemon aren't powerful but they are Gen 1 Pokemon, Basic abilities and shit like that… but having a Greninja would be nice,' Red thought, 'Also a Garchomp and maybe a Dragonite,'

But he also knew how unrealistic his thoughts were, Even if he did manage to capture a Froakie or Dratini, or even a Gible… How long would it take for them to reach their final evolutions? And even at that, The secret evolution for Greninja would take a lot more time to develop as they had to have a deep bond and not to mention Froakie must have the ability, Battle Bond…

The door clicked, Red turned to the door that was slowly opening… The door opened and revealed Nurse Joy wearing a bright smile on her face as she held a tray of food.

"You haven't eaten dinner, have you?" She asked.


Author's Note:

Ayo, Let's continue with the Storyline!