
EPISODE 46: Lumbo Jumbo!

It is another hot and sunny morning on route eight. The perfect occasion for people and Pokemon to play together. Even if it was hot, the breeze was cold as it passes the whistling grass. The soil was moist as flowers started to bloom, an advantage for Petilil who loves to sniff and smell beautiful flowers.

A new member has joined me and Riolu through our journey. Kirlia was the name of the Pokemon, a sweet and adorable one. She prefers to be alone, sitting beside a tree as she watches the other Pokemons play. It was time to put my fourth Poketrans gem on Kirlia! It was also the perfect time to train with her. By doing this, I could know what moves Kirlia knows as we get stronger and closer to the Photia-heart city gym challenge.

"Alright Irys, tell me what moves Kirlia know," I instructed.

"Kirlia currently knows four moves. Shadow ball, Magical leaf, Psybeam, and Confusion." Irys, the Pokedex informed.

"Not bad! You have an excellent moveset Kirlia!" I complimented as she smiled and took a bite from her apple.

"Look at this Kirlia, its a Poketrans gem. My parents made it. It can translate the words of a Pokemon." I explained as I showed Kirlia the Poketrans gem. At first, she seems confused, but things started to clear once she wore the Poketrans gem.

"You look pretty with the Poketrans gem Kirlia, try talking." I smiled and complimented.

"K... Kalem?" Kirlia tried to speak. She was in awe, she understood what Kalem was saying and Kalem understood her.

"See, now we can understand each other easily!" I smiled and cuddled Kirlia.

"This... this device.... it's amazing." Kirlia complemented the Poketrans gem as she smiled and hugged me back.

I asked Glade to battle with me. Kirlia wasn't used to battling, so it was time for Kirlia to train and experience what true battling is all about! Camellia volunteered to become the referee of our match, while Zhery and the other Pokemons were cheering and playing.

"Kirlia, its time to train!" I called her out of the Pokeball, she looked serious and strong.

"Luxio! Its battling time!" Glade called out his Luxio out of the Pokeball.

"This will be a one on one Pokemon battle, the battle ends when either side of the Pokemon has been knocked out or knocked down," Camellia announced.

"Battle begin!"

"Luxio use thundershock!"

"Kirlia! Dodge, it then use shadow ball!"




*Kirlia dodged the thundershock! A large black sphere formed in Kirlia's hand and unleashed it towards Luxio*

: LUXIO! The Pokemon shouted as it was hit with a shadow ball.

"So, Kirlia is fast as well. Luxio! Use volt tackle!"

"Thanks! But Kirlia will be the winner of this match. Kirlia use Psybeam to counter!"





*A beam of Psychic power hits Luxio canceling the volt tackle.*

*Luxio was pushed back by Kirlia.*

"Kirlia, use Magical Leaf!"

"Oh no! Luxio dodge it with volt tackle!"





*Luxio was able to dodge the magical leaf!*

"Kirlia use magical leaf!"

"Luxio dodge it again with volt tackle!"

: Lu.. Luxio The Pokemon was too tired to dodge due to recoil damage.

*Luxio was hit with magical leaf! A grass type attack strong against electric type Pokemon!*

"Luxio is unable to battle! The match goes to Kirlia and Kalem!" Camellia proclaimed.

"Great work Kirlia!" I complimented as she smiled and returned to her Pokeball.

"I got to say, you're impressive when it comes to battling." Glade smiled and complimented.

"Thanks, but me and my Pokemons still have a long way to go. Me and Riolu can't even master our Z-move yet."

"You'll surely master the Fightium Z! With the right determination and Passion, you and your Pokemon will become the very best!" Camellia smiled and complimented.

"Well, that is my dream. To become the best and to become a Pokemon master."

It was time to continue our walk, to reach a new route, we were having a splendid time walking and talking together with my Pokemons and friends, when suddenly a man with a magic hat, a black cape, and a tuxedo came towards us.

"Goodmorning young travelers! It is I, Lumbo the great!" the man introduced.

"Oh hi there Mr. Lumbo, I am Kalem, these are my friends and Pokemons." I introduced myself and my friends to Lumbo.

"Well then, I am here to offer you something," Lumbo explained.

"Offer? Offer what?" Zhery inquired. Lumbo pulled his wagon, inside the wagon were four rectangular objects covered with red cloth.

"Each box contains a very rare Pokemon! Pokemons coming from different regions across the globe." Lumbo exaggerated.

"Rare Pokemon! I'd love to see rare Pokemon!" Camellia smiled with eagerness.

"Sure... But for every box, you must pay at least five hundred prize money." Lumbo bargained.

"Wait, P500 for just showing the Pokemons to us?" Zhery queried.

"These are rare Pokemon! They are the rarest of the rare!" Lumbo teased.

"Umm I'm not sure, we could just go to the safari zone to see rare Pokemon." Camellia uttered with uncertainty.

"No... But these Pokemons are rarer than the Pokemon in the safari zone!" Lumbo explained.

"Are you sure this isn't a scam?" I queried as one of my eyebrows was raised.

"It is not a scam, I promise! The money is worth it." Lumbo forced.

We had some doubts, but we still did it anyway. Hopefully the Pokemons were about to see are really rare.

"Feast your eyes on the first rarest Pokemon! The monster of the deep sea! I present to you... Magikarp!"

"Seriously? That's not rare." I uttered.

"It's rare my boy! This Magikarp is a master at flipping and splashing! A total beast indeed right?"

"Kalem's right, I see Magikarps everywhere! In every lake, brook, and sea, there are billions of Magikarps! Give our money back!" Glade badgered.

"Ummm No not yet! The second Pokemon is rarer!" Lumbo excused.

"Alright then, show us," Zhery uttered.

"Feast your eyes on Rattata! The rat that eats anything!"

"That's not rare too. I see Rattatas wherever I go, there's even one over there." Camellia pointed.

"Refund please!" I begged.

"Wait! The third Pokemon is rarer!" Lumbo excused.

"Fine! What is it this time?" Zhery queried with no interest.

"Feast your eyes on a Metapod! The strongest Pokemon there is!"

"The strongest? Or the hardest?" I teased. Metapods are fond of using "Harden" which strengthens Metapod's defense.

"Give our money back!" We started to protest.

"Ummm The last one is super rare! I promise." Lumbo excused once more.

"Fine... What is it this time?" I queried.

"Look at Squirtle! The water beast!"

"That... I've never seen before!" the four of us marveled upon Squirtle. Squirtle looks scared and sad but cute and adorable.

"That is not rare..." Irys objected.

"Of course it's rare! Squirtle is the rarest water-type Pokemon!" Lumbo debated!

"Squirtle is a starter Pokemon from the Kanto region. [Squirtle! The tiny turtle Pokemon! A water type. Its shell is not just for protection. Its rounded shape and the grooves on its surface minimize resistance in water, enabling SQUIRTLE to swim at high speeds.]"

"So! You scammed us!?" Glade badgered.

"Ummm, no refunds hahaha!" Lumbo laughed.

"And where did you get these Pokemons?" Zhery queried.

"These are my Pokemons. I raised and caught them! Me and my Pokemons are closer than ever!" Lumbo explained.

"Your Pokemons? Then why are these Pokemons sad?" Camellia uttered as Lumbo seemed suspicious.

"And why are they in cages?" I added.

"Umm... Fine I'll tell you the truth! I bought these Pokemons in the black market." Lumbo explained.

"Black market? That's illegal! Set those Pokemons free!" Glade badgered.

"No way! I spent my money buying these Pokemons!" Lumbo exclaimed.

"Let them free or we will fight!" Glade badgered.

The Pokemons started to cry in fear but Squirtle seems to be happy that Glade is fighting for his freedom.

"Alright then! Let's fight!" Lumbo agreed.

"Magikarp I choose you!"

"Seriously!?" Glade facepalmed.

"If that's what you're going to use! Then I'll use my Luxio!" Glade sent out Luxio from his Pokeball.

"Magikarp use splash!"

"Luxio finish this with volt tackle."





*Magikarp is unable to battle!*

"How could my beast lose?"

"Maybe because Magikarp is the weakest Pokemon in the entire universe!" Zhery teased.

"Now let them go!" Glade ordered.

"No can do! See ya fools!" Lumbo ran with the wagon.

"Luxio stop Lumbo with thundershock!"

Glade electrocuted Lumbo but not too strong.

"Release those Pokemons or you'll have to face another thundershock!" Glade ordered

"Fine! Fine! You can have them! But still Magikarp is the strongest Pokemon in the universe!" Lumbo exaggerated as he let the Pokemons out.

Lumbo started to run but was met with officer Jenny.

"Oh no! Officers, please don't hurt me!" Lumbo knelt and begged.

"Oh I'm not going to hurt you! You're going to prison for buying Pokemon in a black market!" Officer Jenny uttered as she arrested Lumbo.

"Hey officer Jenny!" I waved as we walked towards her.

"Huh? Have I met you guys before?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Oh yeah! in route two and in Covelry town remember?" I tried to let her recall.

"Oh! You must have met my sister!" Officer Jenny uttered.

"Sister? Wait... There are two officer Jennys?" Zhery queried.

"There are a ton of officer Jennys! All of us are twins!" Officer Jenny explained.

"Oh no it's clear!" Glade smiled.

"Is Lumbo going to be arrested?" Camellia asked.

"Yeah! There are a lot of bad people who steals and hunts for Pokemons and sell them in black markets. Lumbo is one of those buyers. Oh, here! These are your prize money right? Lumbo must've scammed all of you." Officer Jenny returned our money.

"Thanks officer!" The four of us waved.

"No! Thank you for saving the Pokemons."

Officer Jenny went back to their headquarters to put Lumbo in prison.

In the meanwhile, the Pokemons thanked us for saving them. But Squirtle went to Glade and hugged him.

"You're welcome Squirtle! Now, be safe alright!" Glade smiled and hugged Squirtle.

But Squirtle didn't let go of Glade.

"Run along now Squirtle! You still have to find your friends right?" Glade queried. Squirtle still didn't let go of Glade, Squirtle cried of joy!

"Hey Glade, I think Squirtle once to come with you." I hunched.

"Is that true Squirtle? Do you really want to come with me?" Glade asked. Squirtle nodded his head. He was eager to join Glade!

"Alright then, tap the Pokeball so you'll be caught," Glade instructed as he got a Pokeball from his bag.

Glade wasn't even done talking and Squirtle pressed the button! Squirtle didn't hesitate to be caught!

"Squirtle, our journey together begins now!" Glade smiled.

At the end of the day, we were able to eat happily beside a tree. It was fun to stargaze across the night sky. So many stars! So many dreams! As for Squirtle, Glade's new Pokemon, Squirtle loves to eat just like Glade! I guess identicals attack! As the journey continues.