
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch65

"What do you want Celebi?" Prof. Oak asked

Celebi is a green, fairy-like Pokémon. It has round toeless feet, three-fingered hands, and clear wings on its back. It has a round head that comes to a curved point. It has large baby-blue eyes with thick black rings around them, and a pair of green antennae with blue tips.

"Now don't be like that Oak or should I say time traveller Samuel Oak?" she asked with mischief glowing in her eyes.

"Tell me what you came for. Right now I am in middle of a crisis" said Samuel.

"Team Cipher as you know is slowly resurfacing" said Celebi.

"I know, I have seen it countless times in the past or should I say future thanks to your ability."

"The problem is that it is not the true 'Team Cipher' that is surfacing but Samael's underlings under the flag of Team Cipher" said Celebi

"Yes, if they reveal the history, all the efforts that Issaiah, Red, Blue have done would go down the drain" said Prof. Oak.

"Especially when the Force Zero have conquered the Council " said Celebi.

"Yes. After the war Issaiah created a guerilla force known as Force: Zero. He planted them in the Council so that Samael's underlings can be weeded out or the Council can be cleansed again if they get corrupted. Currently they have succeeded in controlling the Council. If Samael's forces 'Venom' reveal the true story the world will descend in Chaos." said Prof. Oak massaging his temples.

Prof. Oak was not a normal person, he has the knowledge of the future. He is a time traveler who has visited past, present future and the alternate timelines. He has a lot of knowledge with him but there was a catch when Celebi presented the deal to Oak. The catch was that he can't do anything with the knowledge he has gained through her.

He has so much knowledge but cannot leak them out or interfere with the current timeline even though he knows what has happened in the alternate timelines.

"Besides the whole timeline has been messed up! "Celebi told Samuel.

"I know, Ash hasn't been born, Red and Blue died due to old age along with Green and Yellow. The problem of shadow pokemon. With all this I can only conclude that this is and absolutely unknown timeline that we don't know about" Prof. Oak said.

"Samuel what do you think we should do?" Celebi asked distressed.

"I don't know. The whole world will get destroyed like before if we don't do something since Ash is not here." said Prof. Oak.

"Are you leaving everything to that boy Ryan?" asked Celebi.

"He is our only hope Celebi. . . our only hope" Oak said grimly.

"We also have to try something Samuel. I will talk with both Dialga and Palkia. If they do not listen I will go to Giratina." she said.

"Giratina. . . My past self would have laughed himself to death if he heard something like this. After all it is not common knowledge that Giratina was not banished but assigned to Distortion world." Samuel muttered.

"Yes, uncle Giratina getting banished was just a rumor created by you humans. How can one of the three pillars of the universe, a entity whose power is second just to Arceus get banished?" Celebi said.

"Second only to Arceus? That's a new information. What about Dialga and Palkia?" Oak asked.

"The reason for this is simple. Uncle Giratina's power defies everything just like the lawless distortion world. It doesn't obey time or space which are Dialga's and Palkia's domain. The main thing that sets them apart is that Giratina can use his Origin forme whenever he wants unlike Dialga and Palkia.

Both Dialga and Palkia have Origin forms but they can't control it to their will. They cannot use Origin forme at the same time. Every time one of them tries to go into Origin Forme they go on a rampage and other has to stop it. You yourself have witnessed it in Hisui region Samuel" said Celebi

"Oh my Arceus what a nightmare was that. Thank god we had one of them while the other went berserk or else the entire of Hisui would of been destroyed and Sinnoh wouldn't have existed. Not to mention both of them went on a rampage one time each!" Prof. Oak said clutching his head as he remembered all those nightmarish memories.

"Any way we have to contact all three of them for the plan I have in my mind" said Celebi.

Oak raised is eyebrows. Every time she suggests a plan they are almost impossible to achieve due to the ridiculous requirement. But if the requirements are met then the plan can change the tides of the world.

Soon Celebi recited her plan. Prof. Oak who was hearing this became paler and paler.

"Are you finally gone insane Celebi? How on Arceus's name will you satisfy the conditions for that? The plan certainly has merit but the requirements are absolutely ridiculous!" Prof. Oak started to rant.

"Samuel stop ranting." she shouted. Samuel just continued his rant.

"Samuel I know a person who can fulfil this requirement!" Celebi shouted. This stopped Prof. Oak's ranting.

"I'm sorry what did you say. I think my ears have gone deaf due to my age" said Prof. Oak

"You heard me clearly, I have found a human perfect for this requirement" she repeated.

"Celebi I know you won't joke on such things but if the person fails you know what the consequences will be right. Unlike the other 4 times the world would be destroyed completely this time." Prof. Oak said seriously.

"I know" she said.

"You do know you have to use your power 3 more times right?" Prof. Oak asked again

"I know" Celebi stated solemnly.

Professor Oak just laid down and thought. The plans though seems impossible, if achieved the tides would change severely. Not only the Council and everything would be changed the timeline would be altered. The world will be saved 3 times and the timeline would become similar to the original one.

Samuel cannot do anything but trust Celebi.

"So who is this person you are talking about?" he asked

Celebi grinned and said "Ryan, Ryan Mortimer".