
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch46

Ryan and is pokemon are going on a much needed vacation after the tournament and his meeting with Giovanni. That's right Giovanni and Ryan met a second time, even though it has only been 1 or 2 months!.

==============FLASH BACK===========

Giovanni had gotten an pupitar which was on elite level from Ryan as a gift. Giovanni was much pleased. It is not a daily occurrence in Team Rocket that a member will give you a pokemon which is rare and powerful. This also raised his opinion about Ryan.

When he had met Ryan last time he was uncertain of him and thought of him as an double edged sword. He also had an doubt that he was an spy for the council though it was crushed when he saw his eyes which clearly loathed the Council.

However Giovanni wanted to know what happened that made Ryan loath the Council so much. He had asked his assistant to do a thorough background check on Ryan.

He soon found he was an orphan who was hated by his fellow orphans and orphanage staffs due to his Crimson eyes or 'Demonic eyes' as they said. Giovanni could only roll his eyes. Humans clearly fear what they don't know.

He himself was an example. He feared Mewtwo and restrained its power resulting in it breaking out and promising vengeance.

Reading further, there were few unexplainable 'accident' such as trauma induced into some children and broken bones when Ryan came into the orphanage. He obviously had some psychic prowess like Sabrina.

He went through the files again and found the matron was his grand mother figure. She had died due to unknown virus. He heard it but didn't investigate it due to Council sniffing around.

Ryan had become an introvert after that and didn't trust anyone. What Giovanni confused is that even if he knew the Council was behind this he would've only sworn to avenge her but the boy didn't avenge her but started to loath the Council.

He was extremely confused. Another thing that surprised him greatly is that he is the 'Crimson Devil'.

The 'Crimson Devil', he is one of the most feared person in the underground due to his bloody history.

The name came from the Bloody incident of 'Devil's Crimson Dance'.

According to the reports the incident happened due to some rich snobby brat who tried to take Ryan's pokemon, to be precise his Kirlia.

The incident went as follows:

(This happened when Ryan came from the island one day before)

Ryan was training his pokemon in teleport when a girl came saw a Kirlia beside him. She had offered money for the Kirlia he had. Ryan had refused immediately. The brat was spoiled rotten and demanded to give the pokemon and tried to attack him.

Unfortunately for her, Ryan's Incineroar came out and blocked the enemy's attack and went to kill the girl but Ryan stopped him and traumatized her by emitting his killing intent.

The girl who ran away told this to her parents who in turn retaliated by sending Rogue pokemon trainers to kill Ryan. Ryan who was attacked by the trainers killed them and kept one for interrogation.

After knowing who ordered this he became absolutely furious. He went straightly to their mansion where a ball was held. He killed the bodyguards staining his face and dress Crimson. He charged in which caught the attention of others. He raised hell there.

He used his psychic powers to crush and kill his enemies. He accumulated psychic power and blasted every person in the Ball Room to smithereens. Only one person was spared. Unfortunately he went insane seeing Ryan who was bathed in blood with his Crimson eyes glowing.

The next day the police were called thanks to a neighbor who saw blood pooling at the front yard. The police saw a gruesome sight inside. Skulls crushed Body lying in pieces, blood splattered everywhere organs decorating the ground.

Every single person who were their to witness the sight barfed and were traumatized for lifetime. They found the only living soul their. Unfortunately it was the worst punishment for him. He became a madman telling the Crimson Devil would come to kill him. He became insane and killed himself by chocking himself.

From that day the culprit was known as 'Crimson Devil' and since the massacre happened during the ball it was called 'Crimson Devil's Dance' or 'Crimson Ball of the Devil'.

Giovanni closed the file and called his assistant

"Call Ryan for a meeting with me, understood?"

"That shall be done Sir" she replied


Ryan was training his pokemon when he got a messege telling Giovanni wants to meet him. He was confused why Giovanni would call him but thought of the first place he got in the tournament. Lillian came to het him.

"Kid you are bloody lucky. Boss doesn't talk to ranks low as Captain more than once" she said grinning ear to ear.

Soon she teleported Ryan outside Giovanni's office.

Ryan took a deep breath and went inside. Giovanni saw his and said "Hello Ryan we meet again"

"Yes sir" Ryan replied shortly.

"No need to be tense. I have just called you here to discuss about the tournament" said Giovanni as he petted his monster of a Persian.

"What is it sir? I believe I got the first place" Ryan said.

"That's exactly the problem. When you became the assistant professor the Council already had an eye on you but didn't really chase after you.

But this time things are different. The trainers who are the top three in the Kanto Rookie Tournament are said to be promising trainers. The council will recognize them and keep an eye on them.

Right now you have caught the Council's eye. They will be monitoring you whenever they could." Giovanni said.

"Sir, I can change my identity in team rocket while keeping my identity as Ryan outside the organization" Ryan suggested.

"As expected from the Crimson Devil" said Giovanni wanting to see Ryan's reaction.

Ryan was only confused as to why Giovanni called him Crimson Devil.

"It seems like you don't know about it. When you had massacred the family and others during the ball before the tournament you left one person alive. He went insane and told you as the Crimson Devil. Giving you your nick name,"

Ryan could only blink repeatedly.

"They also name the massacre as 'Devil's Crimson Dance', 'Ball of the Crimson Devil' or 'Dance of the Crimson Devil'.

Leaving that incident I got the Elite level Pupitar from Lillian. I must say parting with such a strong pokemon which is pseudo legendry is not something people will do easily. Your rewards will be given through Lillian.

Ryan nodded as he left the office.

===========FLASH BACK OVER===========