
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 51

Four hours have passed before the plane landed at the airport of Lumiose City,Kalos region,where Evan and Lucario promptly made their way to Sycamore's laboratory in order to get his updated Pokédex from Kalos.

Arriving at the lab, Evan rang the doorbell while Lucario was experiencing his first journey with Evan after being sealed.

Not long after, a boy with black hair and blue eyes who seems to be similar to Evan's age opened the door. Evan recognized him in a glance he must be Alain who won the Lumiose conference,Kalos league.

"Hello there,Is Professor Sycamore available"

Evan asked looking at the boy.

"Probably, he's in the lab feeding Pokémon their foods." The boy with a scarf replied.Just then Professor Sycamore walked to them.

"Oh Champion Steven? What brings you here?" Evan was confused with Professor Sycamore's question.

"Are you perhaps mistaking me for my brother,Professor?" Evan caught on since he also felt that they looks alike. "Long time no see Professor, let me introduce myself again I am Evan Stone and this is my best friend I met in Kanto, Lucario" Professor then realized he was not Steven but his younger brother Evan who worked with him to discover Mega Evolution.

"Oh Professor Evan, you've changed alot I couldn't recognize you at a glance allow me to apologize" Professor was apologizing to Evan.

"There's no need to apologize Professor, I know better than yourself that brother and I look alike" Evan responded politely with a smile "Professor could you update me a Kalos Pokédex, I will be participating in the Lumiose conference, Kalos league."

"Alright wait a minute I'll get it for you" It didn't took long as Evan's Pokédex got renewed.

"Here Professor Evan your Pokédex is all set" Professor Sycamore handed the newly renewed Pokédex.

"Well thank you Professor, but please could you call me just Evan,Professor title is a bit burdensome. And Professor if it's not too much can you take care of my other Pokémons I want to start from a scratch with Lucario by my side!"

"Of course it's not a problem, just leave them to me, I'll take good care of them for you" Professor Sycamore agreed to Evan's request.

Currently, Evan's Pokémon possession after leaving most of the Champion level Pokémon: Lucario,Salamence,Regice, Deoxys, Rayquaza,Sylveon and Feebas.

"By the way Professor, it may be rude of me but he is?" Evan knew who that boy was but decided to act like he don't know.

"He is Alain, preparing to go for his journey, and used to work for me as my assistant!" Professor Sycamore told Evan truthfully.

"Nice to meet you Alain, I am Evan Stone from Rustboro city in Hoenn region and I am currently 15 years old." Evan introduces himself to Alain."And this is my best friend, Lucario who is travelling with me."

"Yes,My name is Alain I am also currently preparing to participate in Kalos league, currently 15 years old" Alain did the same and introduces himself.

"Since you are a Pokémon trainer, would you like to battle with my Lucario?" Evan asks Alain suddenly.

"Gladly" Allain accepted Evan's request.

After a while, unfortunately,Alain's Charizard couldn't defeat Evan's thousand year old Lucario.

"Then Professor, Alain,I will be leaving now, I gotta register for Kalos league in the Pokémon center before I depart for my journey!, and Alain take this, my gift for battling with me in my first battle after 4 years"

Evan handed keystone and Charizardite X mega stone, so that he wouldn't need to get involve later in Lysandre's scheme.

"How can I accept such a valueable item" Alain was humble and although he had a greed for mega Stone he still rejected it.

"Don't worry just think of it as a gift from the first friend I made in Kalos region, moreover, I don't even have a Charizard, so it'll be better to have my friend use it" After getting reassuring words from Evan, Alain accepted the Key Stone and Charizardite X mega Stone. "Then Professor see you later, and Alain let's meet again in Lumiose conference that's a promise"

"Alright you can count on me, I will grow stronger in the mean time!" Alain responded as he bid farewell to Evan and Lucario,heading towards the Pokémon center.

After arriving at the Pokémon Center.The two of them went to the Pokémon Center front desk, where Evan handed his Pokédex over to be registered. A minute later, it was handed back to him, and he looked into the screen;he was given a badge case by the Pokémon Center.

"Well, it's official," he muttered. "I'm competing in the League after 4 years again." He smiled to himself, as the thought of another journey started to excite him all over again.

In a shaded area on Route 14, between Lumiose City and Laverre City, there sat a small lake which found itself with a bit of company, Evan and Lucario decided to have lunch before going on a journey and this spot was a perfect place to have lunch.

After he prepared lunch,Evan released all of his Pokémons to have lunch,as they finished eating they finally decided to leave for their journey,before he noticed a strange sensation on his leg. He held it straight out and glanced down, expecting to see some algae covering it; instead, he found himself face-to-face with what looked like a giant purple-and-white slug with green cheeks, clinging to his shin.

"Goomy?? That surprised me" He called out it as he held out his Pokédex towards it "Goomy, the Soft Tissue Pokémon," the device stated mechanically. "The weakest Dragon-type Pokémon, it lives in damp, shady places, so its body doesn't dry out."

[ Pokémon : Goomy

Gender : ♀️

Type : Dragon

Level : Late Gym

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : N/A

Skills : counter, life dew, absorb, tackle, water gun, dragon breath, protect, flail, water pulse, rain dance, dragon pulse, curse, body slam, muddy water]

After several long minutes of waiting, he followed Goomy sliding out of the lake, filled almost to bursting with water. He hopped up and started following it, practically gliding from one tree branch to the next, as comfortable traveling through the tree tops as he was on the ground, and Lucario did the same. He also kept his Poké Balls ready, wanting to take the first opportunity to capture this little thing.

After following it for a minute, Evan was surprised to find another Goomy on the trail. Unlike the one he was following, however, this one looked like it was withering away, almost completely dried out. The Goomy he had been following crawled right up to it, spitting out some of its water to try and revive it. The desiccated Goomy regained a little bit of strength from this, starting to move toward the lake, albeit very slowly.

He watched with wide eyes as the plump Goomy continued along its path, moving to another dried-out Pokémon, then another. He started running ahead of it, following the trail of weak Goomys, until he eventually found a large collection of them seated in a large, empty depression in the ground, at the base of a tall cliff. Her eyes widened as he saw the state of these Pokémon; there were maybe two dozen of them, all in varying states of drying out, and some of them even looked close to perishing.

"Oh my gosh…" he quickly climbed down his current tree, wanting to get a closer look. He ran down into the large depression, right up to the small colony of Goomys, kneeling down next to them. "You poor things, what happened here?" he took a quick look around; there was no grass at all in this giant hole, just dry and cracked soil. Evan quickly realized that this used to be a lake, but something had caused it to completely dry out.

A high-pitched cry from nearby caused him to jump and quickly stand; looking toward it, he saw the hydrated Goomy from before, glaring at him. It had used up nearly all its water and was looking very tired, but it was still determined to protect its family at any cost.

"Hey, hold on!" Evan waved his hands, trying to head off a potential conflict. "I'm not here to fight." The Goomy kept glaring at him as he slowly walked forward, keeping his hands visible, not wanting to appear as a threat. "Something happened to your home, didn't it? That's why you were traveling to the other lake."

The Goomy made a sad sound in response, letting its guard down a bit, and it looked upward toward the top of the cliff. Evan and Lucario turned around, following its gaze, and was surprised to see a makeshift dam, made out of wood and mud.

"A dam? Who built that?" He walked out of the former lake and up to the cliff face, reaching out and starting to climb it, almost effortlessly. Less than a minute later, he had managed to make it to the top, finding an overflowing creek that had turned into its own pond. He could see the surface of the water being disturbed, as if a number of Pokémon were swimming underneath. He frowned and walked over to the dam, poking at it with his foot; it mostly held together, but he could feel a bit of movement. Whoever made this, it wasn't a professional job.

"Hm… I wonder if…" He started kicking it a bit harder, wondering if he could dislodge it on his own, not particularly concerned with how it had gotten there in the first place. As he worked on it, he failed to notice several large Pokémon emerging from the water, walking toward him. After a few more kicks, he noticed the large shadows that were surrounding him; he quickly whirled around, eyes widening as he found himself face-to-face with four large, angry Pangoros.

"I…" He took a step back."I guess this is your dam, huh?"

The Pokémon growled and stepped forward, not pleased.

Looking at the 4 angry Pangoros, Lucario's gaze immediately focused on the four opponents in front of them; while he was stronger than any one of them, but four at once was definitely going to be a challenge.

"Slow them down, Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

Lucario reared back for a second before shooting a light-blue beam of Aura Sphere at all four of them, sweeping across.

"Great work!" Evan cheered. "Now let's take them out! Thunder Punch!"

Lucario grunted,before charging forward. His fist crackled with electricity as he slammed it into the gut of his opponents, sending them all flying off the cliff one by one, where it crashed into the trees below. It wasn't badly hurt, but it wouldn't be rejoining the fight.

"You did it!" he cheered. "Great job, Lucario!" Lucario nodded, awkwardly putting one hand on his back;it was his first time getting hugged as his trainer complimented him for his work.

"Now Lucario use Aura Sphere on that dam so that Goomy wouldn't suffer in the future anymore" Lucario obeyed as the water started to flow, watching as the waterfall started to slowly fill the lake again. As they landed, they saw one Goomy after another pop up to the surface, plump and hydrated once again. Evan beamed, thrilled to see them healthy again, before running off along the trail he had taken, wanting to gather the others.

Three minutes later, he had gathered five more dried-out Goomys in his arms and Lucario gathered 3, running back with them to the reformed lake and carefully placing them in. They instantly started swelling with water, swimming out to happily greet the other members of their family. He sighed a happy sigh, watching the reunion take place, before noticing a strange and familiar sensation near his foot. Glancing down, he saw the same Goomy that had came to them before, now rubbing affectionately against his ankle, wanting to thank him for his help.

"Looks like they're all pretty healthy now," he said, smiling and kneeling down to pat its head. "I'm glad everything ended up working out." Goomy quickly shifted and moved to his side, butting its head against one of the Poké Balls attached to Evan.

Evan raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Huh? Do you want to come along?"

"Goom," the Goomy responded affirmatively, backing away and looking up into his eyes. He grinned and grabbed a Luxury Ball, touching its main button to make it grow, before holding it out in front of the slug Pokémon. Goomy cheered happily before pressing its forehead against the button, causing the ball to open and absorb the Goomy inside of it.

He stood up again, glancing at the Poké Ball in his hand, as it quickly got captured without a struggle. "Well, it was more trouble than I thought, but it was worth it in the end." He thanked Lucario again for his help,before making his way back to his journey.

And that's how Evan caught his first Kalos Pokémon.

~To Be Continued....