
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 49

It had been four years. Four long years of hellish training that Evan went through, to be up to standard in the armed forces of the kingdom of Rota.

He knew that his training would go beyond simply being an Aura keeper, but he didn't know that he was literally enlisting in the army. He was used to rigorous training in his old world, but having to work on an unprepared body was a horrible feeling.

The first thing they did was condition him physically. Weeks of intense physical and cardiovascular training focused on transforming Evan's body into something that could withstand adverse situations. Riley practically didn't participate in the first few years of training. In his words, "You will only see me when you are fit enough for the standard of Rota soldiers. Aura Guardians are the elite, if you can't match the common soldiers you will never be a Guardian."

Evan was allocated a training facility with 100 new recruits. After three years of grueling training, 70 of the recruits dropped out, showing the difficulty of training. And they were just building fitness, the training hadn't really started yet.

Being at the minimum physical standard acceptable by military standards, the next part of the training was in hand-to-hand combat. Evan was trained to be able to fight even in situations where he was unarmed.

The combat style taught was a mixture of several different martial arts, the focus was not to be able to fight several people at the same time as it was portrayed in the movies, but to be able to disarm and disable your opponent as quickly as possible. This style was called Close Quarter Combat.

Immobilization Techniques, to get out of immobilization, to disarm opponent with melee weapons and firearms, Evan has gone through every part of Close Quarter Combat training,he was the first in his class to master the technique. At this stage, 15 more people gave up because they could not bear the continuous pain of the aggressions carried out by their instructors.

The third part of the training was about surviving in different hostile environments. Several simulations of real military actions were performed in swamps, on top of Mt. Moon simulating snowy terrain and thin air, even a brief excursion to the Hoenn desert was made in support of Rota's air force for field training in arid environments. This phase of training almost made Evan give up. It was one thing to train in a barracks, quite another to be pushed to the limit in terrain that practically prevented you from walking, carrying all the equipment that Rota's military used. Fighting his limits, Evan had completed this phase of training and ten more recruits had given up.

Of the initial 100 recruits, only five including Evan had survived the last part of their training, which would be firearms and general vehicle skills. It was logical to leave firearms training for last, as only those who were truly qualified to compose the armed forces would have the knowledge to handle the dangerous tools of combat. Each of the recruits would be tested on different types of weaponry to have a basic understanding of each type, trying to find their specialty.

Pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifle, suppression machine guns, sniper rifle, grenade launcher, explosives, anti-aircraft weaponry. Evan was trained to be able to wield each of these classes of weapons, although his highlight was the handling of daggers.

Finishing the training, Evan along with three other recruits were promoted to soldiers of Rota, as two of them had given up when they saw that they had no aptitude for handling weapons.

There was no commemoration ceremony for Evan, he had only qualified to train as an Aura Guardian. Riley, the same day Evan completed his training as a recruit, moved the young boy to a small training ground in the tree at the start. The duo would be in isolation for the next few months until Evan was fit as a Guardian.

Aura Theory, Aura handling, how to manifest aura in different weapons, combat using aura, Telepathy, how to identify people or Pokémon's feelings based on the nature of their auras, in short, everything a Guardian could do, Evan learned. Surprisingly for Evan, training as an Aura Guardian was less difficult than as a soldier. Riley laughed at his student and explained that although as a Guardian they were the elite, they would only be called upon for situations that required their talents with the aura. Even though they were soldiers, they no longer responded to the military, but to Queen Ilene herself. Evan understood and the training proceeded without major problems.

Something unexpected happened in the last few days of training, when the trio Regi guarding the tree approached and stood around Evan. The boy felt something cold on his back and saw Regice pushing him forward, indicating that he should follow them. Looking at his mentor, Riley shrugged and said to follow the Regis, as Mew himself probably wanted to speak with his student.

Arriving at the heart of the tree, a small pink creature happily floated around, and seeing Evan, ran and looked at the boy. Then a voice echoed in his head.

"I know you're not originally from this world." Those words sent a shiver down Evan's spine. Somehow Mew, the legendary guardian of the tree from the beginning, knew of its biggest secret.

"Don't worry we won't do anything, you were not from this world but you were born again to this world with your memories intact from the past life, that's the only difference between you and people living in this world.Enjoy these gifts, but don't let them define how you live, I needed to stop you before you fell into despair trying to live like you don't belong here. Remember, even if you had died, you were granted a new life,live without any regrets in this life, now stand up, there's something I need to discuss with you."

Evan slowly composed himself, still in shock from the revelation, but he understood what Mew meant, he should live this life without any regrets, he always felt like he doesn't belong to this world but after hearing Mew's words he finally doesn't have any lingering fear anymore. Mew smiled at the determined look on the boy's eyes and gently took the boy's left hand, leading him to the heart of the tree. As Evan leaned against the center of the tree, a burst of aura occurred as he felt something shifting in his body.

Evan once messy short hair has lengthened down to his back, now straight and light blue as moonlight. The enormous energy released condensed into one distinct weapon.

It was a staff, more specifically, Sir Aaron's staff used by Ash in the anime when he visited the kingdom of Rota, the staff slowly floated to rest in Evan's right hand.

Evan don't know why but unlike in the original, Ash and his friends didn't visit the kingdom of Rota in these 4 years.Maybe because it was destined to be on Evan.

Mew looked and solemnly spoke. "Aaron's staff, dedicated to those who have a pure heart and a beneficent aura. With him you will be the light in the midst of darkness, you will be the beacon that will light the paths of this world for an era of peace, using your gift to prevent those who wish to do evil. By owning Aaron's legacy, you carry Aaron's blessings both as an Aura Keeper and as a descendant of your bloodline, use your aura's power wisely."

The staff disappeared in a blue light, and on his right arm an image of the staff was marked. Evan felt tired, as if he'd just run a marathon. Before losing consciousness, Mew looked into his eyes and said with an affection.

"I know you will use your gifts wisely. Me, my father and my brothers will always be with you wherever you are."

Riley rushed in as he felt the massive pulse of aura, and his eyes widened when he saw his student,lying on the floor with his shirt destroyed and Mew sitting on the floor beside him, and Aura started manifesting properly as he used Aura to awake Deoxys in Larousse city 4 years ago without knowing any knowledge about Aura.

Not knowing what to do, Riley slowly approached. Mew laughed and telepathically spoke to the Guardian.

"Relax Riley, he's manifesting Aura properly.

Help him return to Cameran Palace, his training is complete. All the necessary knowledge has been implemented in his head by the tree of the beginning." Mew then floated away.

Riley picked up his student and took him to the Cameran castle.Upon arrival, Riley then took Evan to his quarters in the castle, leaving him in the care of the staff.

Evan woke up a few hours later into the night, with Riley sitting in a chair watching him. Evan glanced nervously at his teacher, drawing a smile from the Guardian.

"Are you okay Evan? Your training is complete. I don't know what you and Mew discussed, but I trust the Supreme Guardian with my life. If he trusts you, I trust you too. Now hurry up and get ready, Queen Ilene awaits his presence to give you final possession of your position as Guardian." Riley left the room and Evan begrudgingly donned a black suit and well-polished shoes of the same color.

Looking in the mirror he saw the differences. His hair was too long, but he didn't feel like cutting it, it didn't feel right. With some difficulty and lack of practice, he tied it into a ponytail and looking in the mirror approved of what he saw. His yours of hard work had paid off, and not only had training enabled him in combat, he now had an outstanding physique. He was now currently 15 and didn't have the build of a bodybuilder, but he was still pretty defined, with muscles built to be used, not shown. Nodding to himself, he walked towards the royal hall, where Ilene was waiting for him.

As he walked down the hall, the staff stopped to admire his new appearance, putting him to embarrassed. When he arrived at the gates that connected the corridor to the royal hall, he was announced by one of the guards.

"Announcing the arrival of Evan Stone, Aura Guardian-in-training." The gates opened and Evan was startled to see several dignitaries and members of the court standing waiting for him, while Ilene awaited him on her throne. Remembering all the etiquette lessons his father had forced him to learn as a child, he walked with practiced steps, and when he approached the Queen, he knelt down as he bowed down at his monarch.

As requested, I am introducing myself to Queen Ilene." The Queen smiled at the young man she so esteemed, although he had undergone considerable changes in his appearance, he was still the Evan she saw 4 years ago and came to respect. She took her staff and gently touched each of the boy's shoulders.

Guardian in training Evan Stone, you in record time completed your training in the ways of the aura, being approved by Mew himself, supreme guardian of the sacred kingdom of Rota. By the power vested in me as the sovereign monarch of Rota, I strip you of the title of Guardian of the Aura in training, and raise you to the rank of Guardian of the Aura, as well as bestow upon you the title of advisor and member of the royal court for your services to our nation. Evan Stone, do you swear to defend Rota and it's people, and use your aura powers wisely, never abusing your gifts for your own gain?" Evan looked over and smiled solemnly at the queen.

"I swear my queen." Ilene smiled and again continued talking to her guardian.

"Do you accept the responsibilities and privileges as my advisor and Aura Guardian?" Again Evan smiled.

"I accept my queen." The monarch nodded positively and looked around at everyone in the hall.

"Arise, young guardian, and let everyone in Rota and in the world know, that today before all of you a new guardian has been born! With you, the newest Aura Guardian and esteemed member of my royal court, Sir Evan Stone, and may the aura always be by your side." A round of applause ran through the hall as reporters broadcast the guardian's possession by several different regions, after all, the possession of an Aura Guardian was an event of a lifetime, you could count on one hand how many guardians were sworn in in the same century.

A feast in Evan's honor was held after the swearing-in ceremony, and after the festivities, Evan went to sleep. The next day, at 8:00 am, Evan found himself in the royal hall, with Queen Ilene on her throne and Riley at her side as the faithful head of the royal guard. Evan was wearing the same suit as the night before, this time with Pokéballs by his side. By ancient rules of the kingdom of Rota, the Pokémon couldn't participate in Evan's festivities and training, so it stayed in the palace for the last 4 years, becoming the unofficial mascot of the monarch.

Of course they didn't neglect their training as they knew their trainer was also training hard in order to protect his dear ones. All of Evan's Pokémon successfully became Champion level Pokémon, although there's still Feebas which still haven't evolved because it haven't received it's trainers attention yet.

The queen looked fondly at the boy in front of her. "Then it's time for your departure. It's been four long months but you finally achieved your goal by coming to Rota, in the name of my kingdom I tell you that we are proud of your achievement, and speaking personally, I will be cheering you on in the Kalos League." Ilene flashed a mischievous smile as she giggled happily. She couldn't show this easygoing demeanor to almost anyone, so she took every opportunity she had.

Riley also made sure to leave his comment. "Evan, your progress has been amazing. You were the fastest graduate student after the legendary Sir Aaron. I expect great things from you young man, and I make the queen's words mine, I will be rooting for you. As a full-fledged Rota citizen, you also represent us in the competitions you compete in, so keep making us proud." Riley smiled as Evan got a little nervous at the 'little' pressure his master put on.

Sylveon who was by Evan's side walked towards Ilene, rubbing her cheek against the queen's palm as Riley stroked Sylveon. Sylveon let out a gleeful "Veon~" before turning back to his trainer.

Ilene smiled at the friendly pokemon. "I will miss you too Sylveon, take care of my guardian for me ok?" Riley laughed at Evan as Sylveon tried to imitate a bow. "Veon~Sylveon~" Sylveon said after settling beside Evan.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, I wish I had more time but I need to go immediately. Sir Riley, my queen, see you soon, and may the aura be with you." Evan bowed and prepared to head for the waiting helicopter. Riley and Ilene smiled as they waved happily at the boy who quickly gained the duo's self esteem.

Just as Evan was leaving the castle the staff on Evan's hand flickered and what came out was a blue-black with a yellowish fur Pokémon got out of the staff.


~To Be Continued....