
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 41

Determined to win the Hoenn league championship in Ever Grande city,Evan and his friends have finally arrived at the destination.

A league conference is the prestigious conference where trainers from all over the world who has earned eight badges can participate.

But there are still two weeks left before the opening of the 'Ever Grande Conference', so May decided to take Evan and the others to check out the delicacies of the city.

Evan thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Anyway it was unable to resist May who is a foodie, so everyone decided to follow May looking for a restaurant which is known for its chicken noodle soup.

"Hey May how do know the details about the restaurant?" Ash asked May suspiciously.

"Of course from the guide book I bought earlier in advance" May responded taking out a guide book with a smile arrogantly.

"Let me see!" Brock took the guide book curiously "the guide to the stores and restaurant of Hoenn league in Ever Grande city"

After a while, everyone who followed May all the way from the bustling city arrived at the empty and messy place.

"Hey May are you sure the noodles restaurant is here?" Max asked May in a doubt.

"Let's not talk about the restaurant here, there's not even a storefront!" Ash said with a full of block lines on his forehead.

Suddenly, accompanied with a cry of Murkrow, several groups of Murkrow swooped down on Evan and the others from all directions.

"What are all these!!" May screamed in fright, hiding behind Evan.

"Pikachu thunderbolt" Ash and Pikachu tried to repel Murkrows but there was just too many of them.

When suddenly a meowth wearing a hat, scarf and a boots came forward and helped Evan and his friends, repelling all the Murkrows.

From the other side, after noticing the situation a trainer wearing a green windbreaker came rushing.

"Everyone are you alright?" Seeing the Murkrows attacked them, the trainer who seemed to be meowth's trainer asked worriedly.

"Fortunately we are fine, thank you for helping us" Evan,Ash, May, Max and Brock thanked the trainer.

"That's good to hear then" Hearing that everyone was fine the trainer with a meowth nodded reassuringly.

"Your meowth is bred well" Evan as a breeder couldn't help but praise looking at the strong meowth.

"Thank you for the compliment, My name is Tyson and this is my partner Meowt" The trainer with a meowth introduced himself.

"My name is Evan Stone, and these are my friends Ash, May, Max and Brock" After greetings and introducing each other the atmosphere between them became a little warmer.

Thanks to Tyson, they found the noodle restaurant easily and ate the chicken noodles soup May was longing for.

"It turns out that Evan and Ash are also participating in the Hoenn league championship, then that makes us rivals!" While eating noodles, Tyson issued a declaration of rivalry to Evan and Ash.

"Wow you guys met a strong rival as soon as you arrive" May said excitedly looking at the three people eating noodles.

"Of course the stronger the opponent is, the more interesting the battle becomes! Isn't that right Ash!" Evan said with a smile.

"Yes you are right Evan and we won't loose!" Ash was already eating his fourth bowl of noodles.

After eating a while, Tyson looked at the clock "oh no! I'm going to be late! I'm was asked to be a torch runner!" with a scream Tyson ran out of the noodle restaurant with his Meowth.

When Evan and others arrived at the Pokémon Center,the hand over of the torch had already been completed. And an old man came walking towards us.

"Hey Professor!" Ash walked forward with a smile and called out the old man.

"Well, my old friends Ash and Brock!" An old man responded.

"Huh wait a minute here isn't Professor Goodshow like the president of the league?" Max said to everyone.

"So how do both of you know him?" May asked Ash and Brock.

"Ohh it's because Brock and I used to be torch runners too!" Ash explained to everyone.

"Yes and that was quite a battle you gave us back then Ash,so are you here to participate in a Hoenn league too?" Professor Goodshow asked Ash.

"Yup!" Ash responded.

Then he looked towards us "and you little boy you are Evan,and you are May!" Professor Goodshow called out Evan and May's name.

"Eh how do you know us?" May asked with a flustered expression.

"Eh how couldn't I know a title holder of 'top coordinator',Evan Stone, I was watching both of your performance on a Tv.Your performance was magnificent, you also did a great job performing in Grand festival May!" Professor Goodshow replied with a smile.

Evan was like of course you would know us, Steven will soon become a champion and Norman will replace Drake for the Elite Four, obviously you might have seen information about us while registering.

"Thank you professor Goodshow, it's a great honor to be known by the president of the league, I am also participating in the Hoenn league please take good care of me" Evan said with a smile after shrugging his thoughts.

After chatting for a while, Prof.Goodshow invited Evan and his friends to go to the Every Grande stadium into his limousine car which stopped before them.

Then Evan and his friends accepted the offer and sat in the Prof. Goodshow's limousine all the way to the Hoenn league Championship, Ever Grande Conference stadium.

The venue of the Conference is very distinctive. Except for the largest main stadium, the other sub stadium are spread in an octagonal shape, separated by a lake in the middle which looks very beautiful

"The largest golden roofed Pokémon center over there is dedicated to the conference, the groupings and the information about the competition are all release over there!" Prof. Goodshow started introducing to the facilities of conference.

"Then after arriving Ash and Evan should go through the formalities for the competition immediately" Brock reminded Ash and Evan although Brock doesn't participate he knows the rules of many conference, A ready made Guide.

"There are also many restaurants, shops and entertainment facilities over there" Prof. Goodshow winked at May.

"Great I'm going eat the most famous strawberry mille-feuille as soon as I arrive at there!" May immediately bursts into joy.

After hearing Prof. Goodshow's brief introduction about the conference Evan, Ash and his friends finally arrived at the Pokémon center.

Evan and Ash immediately went to nurse Joy for a registration "You are Evan stone from Rustboro City, right?" Nurse Joy immediately started going through the procedures for the conference.

"Yes nurse Joy"

"Okay, your entry registration for the conference is complete!" Nurse Joy then handed the Pokédex and an official guidebook to Evan.

Evan took the guidebook and was borrowed by Max,in the meantime Ash also registered for the conference.

"Where is Brock?" Ash asked Evan, Max and May realizing there was only four of them, and Brock was missing.

Then they noticed Brock who was chatting with Joys and Jennies. Brock was extremely happy surrounded by Joys and Jennies feeling like he was in heaven.

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny were embarrassed and stayed away from Brock.

Angrily, Max grabbed Brock's clothes and pulled him away "okay okay it's time to stop and embarrassing yourself!"

"This place must be a paradise for Brock" May said as she smiled awkwardly.

Then Evan decided to call home to inform that he have arrived at the Ever Grande stadium.Joseph and Steven gave him best wishes for his conference.

Next is to wait for the exciting Every Grande conference to begin.

~To Be Continued...