
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 3

Evan release his Bagon from the luxury ball, "Bagon let's write a thesis for Eevee evolutions".

" Roar~~"

As you know there is currently only 3 Eevee evolutions that have been discovered and so Evan decided to work on the 5 undiscovered Eevee evolutions.

1 years Later

Evan finally published the thesis he worked on which shook the whole world but they discoverd only 4 Eevee evolutions currently namely Espeon, Umbreon ,Leafeon and Glaceon which was already an achievement for Evan now it just needed 1 Eevee evolution to be discovered.

Today is the day I'm receiving a credits and also a Researcher certificate for my work although Sylveon haven't been discovered, there will be an assembly in order to congratulate me for my thesis as to encourage other students.

Evan is now currently 7 years old although he have been working on the project he didn't neglect on his bagon's training.

Special class students has given the privilege to join every class and Evan joined every class and put his Bagon in training from time to time and yesterday it evolved into shelgon successfully.

"System show me Shelgon's status" Evan said to the system.


Pokemon : Shelgon

Gender : ♂️

Type : Dragon

Level : mid Gym

Qualification : Champion

Favourabilty : 90%

Skills : Ember, Leer, Bite, Dragon breath,Dragon rush, Defense curl, headbutt,scary face, Crunch, Dragon claw, Zen headbutt ]

"Alright" Evan said with a satisfied smile and when to the place where congratulatory event was being hold.

"Everyone as you know one of our students has achieved a great achievement he discovered the remaining other Eevee evolutions from the existing other 3 Eevee evolutions which brought our academy a great honor" The Principal of the academy gave a speech to the students.

"Now let's welcome Evan Stone who brought our academy an astonishing achievement" The principal started applauding as followed by the students.

Evan went to the stage and gave an encouraging speech "Thank You everyone it's an honor to be on this stage And I'm sure everyone can achieve what I've achieve so strive and work hard"

After giving a speech the principal gave me a Certificate of becoming a Researcher that's how I became a youngest researcher at the age of 7 and also got credits which gave me a one step closer from graduation and also a pokeball.

"Principal this-",I was surprised because there was no information about getting a pokemon.

" Release it" The principal said as he winked at me.

I followed his instruction and released the pokemon and it turns out to be a cute brown pokemon, Eevee.

"Wow.. " Everyone exclaimed because after the release of eevee evolutions it became a popular pokemon.

And what Evan first did was inspect it's status

[ Pokemon : Eevee

Gender : ♀️

Type : Normal

Level : early ordinary

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 60%

Skills : Charm, Double kick, Sand attack, Sweet kiss, Growl, Tackle, Tail whip, Quick Attack ]

Evan was shocked as to see it's potential and also it has already inherited fairy type moves which just need to have enough friendship and intimacy with a trainer for it to evolve into a sylveon.

'The principal gave me a perfect Pokemon I can work on Fairy type attribute after Eevee successfully evolves into Sylveon' Evan thought with an excitement facial expressions shown all over Evan's face, seeing Evan's face principal took a step behind.

After publishing a thesis on Eevee evolutions Evan's popularity increased all around the world and also got invitations for joined research from famous professors.

Unfortunately he had to decline, as he was going to start giving attention on thesis about Fairy attribute, so he was about to train Eevee as to evolve into Sylveon as it would help in practical as well as the discovery of the last and 8th Eevee evolution, as the saying goes 2 bird with 1 stone.

Evan went to the arena room to train his pokemons, arena room Is always crowded with students mostly from the combat students and Evan needs his Eevee to evolve and increase its favourability in order to evolve her into a beautiful Sylveon.

After entering the arena court under the guidance of the staff, Evan got his opponent very quickly and he was a freshman who just enrolled this year which was good for Evan and Eevee.

As the venue for arena was an open-air court,there were many students who were gathering to spectate the match.

The newcomer student on the opposite side smiled and sent out his pokemon.

"Come out,Bellsprout"

Seeing the opposite side sent out his pokemon, Evan also took out his friendship ball and released his pokemon.

"Eevee, I choose you"


The students was astonished to see Eevee because of it's current popularization.

"God, it's Eevee and it's so cute" One of the students exclaimed.

Another student chimed in

"Isn't he Evan Stone, who published the thesis about Eevee evolutions"

"Now that you've said it, you are right" Everyone started murmuring before even match started.

As a newcomer the student on the opposite side became anxious.

But now that they are on arena it would be shameful to backdown before even trying.

"Bellsprout, whine whip"

The opponent initiated the battle.

But Evan didn't panic and commanded calmly.

"Eevee, dodge and use charm"

As a champion qualification Eevee was quick to dodge whine whip and executed the moves perfectly.

"Eevee, now double kick"

It hit bellsprout quite hardly.

"End it with quick attack"


After the collision bellsprout was found on the ground, loosing the ability to fight.

"Bellsprout is unable to battle, Eevee wins" The referee of the court announced the result.

"You did well on your first battle Eevee" Evan patted Eevee.

"Eebuii~" Eevee rubbed it's head against Evan's hand showing it's affection towards her trainer.

Evan was also glad and smiled while patting Eevee.

~To Be Continued