
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 33

The goal to join the Hoenn league, Evan and his friends finally came to a Sootopolis city, where they can earn their eighth badge.

"Finally it's our time to challenge the eight gym" Looking at the Sootopolis city,Ash was full with energy.

"Is this Sootopolis city" Brock said as he admired the city.

"The city is very beautiful" May couldn't help but say it.

"After all, this is the hometown of brother Wallace, the artist of Water Pokémon" Evan shrugged and replied in a friendly manner.

"I can hear the eighth badge calling out to me!" Impatient Ash jumped off the boat.

"Ash is very energetic today" May joked with a smile.

"Of course as long as Evan and Ash earned the gym badge they'll be able to participate in the Hoenn league" Brock spoke out for Ash.

"It looks like there is a celebration" Evan said as looked out the noisy crowd from distance and patted Ash helplessly "don't be too passionate let's go and see what's the situation"

Ash could help but frown and followed Evan and the others dejectedly in the Sootopolis city.

A huge ring shaped swimming pool stage was surrounded by a crowd of people.

"Sootopolis city known as the city of water will have a new water art today. I feel extremely honored to be the host of the ceremony as a mayor" A middle aged man stood on the stage and spoke.

"Then let's welcome our water artists, the gym leader, Juan! "

Amidst the cheerings of audience, Juan wearing a gorgeous dress and a mustache, appeared on stage.

"Water artists? Wasn't that Wallace? " Ash was confused.

"The person on stage is his teacher!" Evan explained to Ash and the others.

Next,Juan performed a beautiful performance with his several water Pokémons for the audience.

"Juan, I am Ash from Pallet town and I've come here for a gym battle" Ash rushed towards Juan after his performance ended.

"Well it seems you are visiting Sootopolis city for the first time, I accept your challenge and Long time no see Evan" Juan accepted Ash's challenge generously,greeted Evan and the others and invited to his yatch to go together to the gym.

"Well Juan your Pokémon performance was so beautiful that I thought I was watching a Gorgeous Pokémon Contest" As they were heading on a yatch towards the gym May could help but praise.

"Well how kind of you to say that May, I actually used to be a Pokémon Coordinator myself a long year ago" Juan replied frankly.

"Well it doesn't surprise me one but" Brock nodded as it made sense looking at the performance earlier.

"I won my 5 ribbons and participated in a Grand Festival, and even won a Ribbon cup as I wished, all thanks to my Milotic and my Pokémons, It was a great experience" Juan said reminiscing his past.

"Then Juan why did you decide to specialize in water Pokémon?" Brock continued to ask curiously.

"Specializing in water Pokémon is of course because of my interest as they hahave steamline and beautiful bodies, also their weakness on electricity, I learned all kind of tricks to counter their electric attacks etc, I also learned a tricky attack, like using offensive moves instead of defense " Juan briefly explained.

After following Juan, Evan and everyone arrived at Sootopolis gym.

Evan was familiar with the venue of Sootopolis gym.

"This is simply a swimming pool" May said with a sigh.

"Two challengers who will enter the ring first?"

Sevastian looked at Evan and Ash.

"Ash, I'll let you have the ring first" Evan thought for a while and let Ash take the ring first.

"Alright leave it to me" Ash was gearing up following Sebastian.

Sebastian as the referee then started explaining about the rules.

"The match between the gym leader, Juan and the challenger, Ash from Pallet town will now begin.Each will use 5 Pokémon, for the first round both of you will use 2 Pokémon and then engage in a double battle, the first round will be over when the either or challengers Pokémon will no longer be able to battle. And the second round they will then use the remaining Pokémon,your second round will be a 1on1 battle and will be over when all the Pokémon of either challenger or gym leader's Pokémon are unable to continue battling. During the match only the challenger is allowed to substitute his Pokémon."

"Wow these battle got a unique and awfull rules to it" Max express his opinion.

"Five Pokémon can already be regarded as a full scale battle. If the team is not matched properly, it will become more difficult at a later stage." Evan said as he analysed the rules.

"It seems that it is a type of battle that comprehensively test the challenger from all aspects." Brock as a gym leader couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Juan knows how to tests a challenger.

"That's why it's the last gym" May also commented.

Juan clasped his hands and explained to everyone "For any challenger consume with the desire to win the Hoenn league championship must have a sensitivity as soft as water. No matter what kind situation they encounter, they can change their shape and respond immediately. Let's see what kind of battle you will show us."

In the first round Juan used Sealeo and Seaking. And Ash sent his Pikachu and newcomer Snorunt.

"I'll let you make the first move" Juan hooked his finger at Ash.

"That's what I'm gonna do, Pikachu thunderbolt" Ash didn't hesitate and make a move instantly.

"Seaking, block it with horndrill and send it flying to Snorunt"

Ash was startled with an unexpected move.

May and others in the stand were also stunned.

Ash was also not easily shaken, he used thunder to attack again but seaking send it back again.

Then Juan used blizzard allowing Ash to use Snorunt's icy wind to create a huge pile of ice in the field.

When the opponent smashed and cleared the obstacles, Ash ordered Pikachu and Snorunt to use the broke ice to climb up, close the distance and fight back.

However jumping into the mid air and being unable to change the route became a fatal injury and the Seaking's hyper beam hit directly hit snorunt mid air.

Ash took the lead in loosing his first Pokémon and fell into a big crisis for a while.

What will be the result of Ash's battle, and how will Evan deal with the special rules for the battle. .....

~To Be Continued....