
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 31

Evan and his friends aiming for a Hoenn league, left the Larousse city. Took a ferry to Purika city located at Izabe Island, where the Gorgeous Pokémon Contest will held soon.

On the deck of the ferry, May is trying to make a final adjustment with her Bulbasaur for the Gorgeous Pokémon Contest, she is bound to win.

"Bulbasaur, first use razor leaves and then whine whip" May's combination skills are becoming more and more proficient.

"May has been working hard recently" Ash looked at May's training and nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah compared to before Bulbasaur is also in a good condition" Brock also commented.

"Compared to May, Ash aren't you being too relax recently" Evan couldn't help complaining.

"Ah..Am I?" Ash scratched his head in embarrassment.

"There is still one more gym left, You should train your Grovyle and Corphish, look even my Grovyle successfully evolved into a Sceptile and your Grovyle was with you way before I got Treecko, it should've been evolved by now, of course I'm not saying you should force evolution but Grovyle and Corphish isn't like they don't want to evolve right? " Evan reminded Ash strictly.

"Evan is right Ash, you shouldn't relax too much and train your Pokémon if you want to get a good result in Hoenn league that is! " Max also said to Ash and Brock nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll work hard" Ash looked at his Pokéball in worry.

"Hi~the trick you useused just now looks good, are you also going to Izabe Island for a Gorgeous Pokémon Contest?"

When Evan wasn't paying attention, a man dressed like a cacturne came towards May.

"Yes, that's what I'm planning" May admitted.

"Me too~my name is Harley and this is my partner Cacturne" Harley introduced confidently.

Seeing Cacturne May took out her Pokédex and to check information about it.

Harley's face turned ugly as he thought 'what! Does this woman don't know about Cacturne'

"Cacturne, a Scarecrow Pokémon, the evolved form of Cacnea. It's a grass and dark type Pokémon,It lives in deserts. It becomes active at night when it hunts for prey exhausted from the desert's heat."

"Oh it's a dark type Pokémon, no wonder it's a little scary" May who is naive said whatever she wanted honestly and Harley couldn't hold back.

"If you don't mind wanna try some cookies" Harley still took out the cookies he made and gave it to May to taste.

" It's pretty good" May commented while eating.

Harley in his thought 'pretty good?? You've really offended me!'

When May finished eating, Harley has already disappeared.

"Eh strange where is he? " May was confused.

"He might be badmouthing about you behind your back in some corner" Evan shook his head as he came towards May.

"Badmouthing?? But he is so good, he even gave me his cookie" May looked at Evan in disbelief.

"Believe me Or not it's up to you, but be careful don't tell us later that I didn't remind you!" Evan didn't want to bother with May anymore and shrugg it off.

"Is that so.. " May was still not sure.

The ship docked at Izabe Island and everyone came to a Pokémon center to rest.

After resting overnight, everyone set off to the Gorgeous Pokémon Contest.

"Max could you come over here.. " While May was going to register for a contest, Evan called out for Max.

"What's the matter Evan, Harley invited me to have a ice cream" Max came over reluctantly.

"That man is trying to get information about May from you, so you better be careful" Evan patted Max as he reminded him.

"What!! Is he a bad person? " Max was taken aback.

"Don't worry Max I got an idea, you just do like this...like this...like this" Pulling Max to his side Evan whispered giving instructions to Max.

"Heehee... Alright" Max smirked.

The Gorgeous Pokémon contest officially started as Vivian, the host started introducing to the judges.

"Contestant no. 1 Evan, please come on stage" Vivian called out for Evan.

Holding a Luxury ball, Evan stepped onto the stage with one hand on his hips and called out his Pokémon "Gallade, get on stage"

"Gallade~" The cool looking Gallade made an entrance with an acrobatic and then used his psychic to slowly land on the ground.

"Psycho cut and then use signal beam" Evan spun his hand and Gallade nodded.

The lavender light blade was split into the air by Gallade as if the space has been cutcut, then signal beam dyed the sky with wavy curtain of coloured light.

"It's so beautiful" Vivian admired the performance.

"The power of the moves is also impressive" Nurse Joy nodded in affirmation.

"End it with leaf blade" Evan waved his arms lightly. "Gallade~"

The blades on Gallade's elbow extended turning into a shiny green sharp knives. Then Gallade used transport and smashed psycho cut turning into a rain of fireworks.

It ended perfectly and the judges also gave a high score of 29.6 points.

Immediately, afterwards May and his Bulbasaur also successfully passed the first round using razor leaves and whine whip trick.

And the last contestant Harry also passed the first round using a trick of bullet seed drawing a huge skeleton on the ground.

After all the contestant finished the first round, Evan, May, Harley and passerby.

After 5 minutes interval, the pairings revealed Evan vs passerby and Harley vs May.

May was unlucky enough to meet Harry, her enemy.

Evan's opponent was rookie coordinator who uses Azuril and Evan directly defeated his opponent leaving everyone speech less.

Everything happened so fast that Vivian didn't know how to evaluate it. Anyway Evan successfully passed through the second round and advanced to Finals.

Next,May and Harley took the stage.

The continuous offensive and defensive battle between Bulbasaur and Cacture took a long time, seeing that Harley couldn't defeat May, he decided to play dirty.

And Harley took out a switch and turn on the horn.And May's black history was exposed.

Evan also took out a switch and turned on the horn.

"May is a great coordinator"

"May and her Pokémons are very affectionate"

"May is a strong rival"

"This is.. " May and Harry stopped their match for a while.

These were the voices of all the coordinators May have faced.

Evan put his voice at this end "No matter what your past is in the past May, don't look back and run forward towards your ultimate goal"

"Evan-" May rubbed her nose with emotion and then knocked out Harry and won with a Battle off.

As soon as the match between May and Harry was over Evan confessed to the committee as a result he was disqualified making May won her Purika Ribbon medal.

Successfully winning her Ribbon, May faced her dark history confidently.

As May have won her 3rd Ribbon successfully, Evan and others headed towards the Sootopolis city for their last and 8th badge.

~To Be Continued...